undefined, object
copy deck
- alloy
- commingle; debase by mixing with something inferior
- auspicious
- favorable, propitious, successful, prosperous
- ambiguity
- uncertainty in meaning
- apocryphal
- of dubious authenticity; spurious
- accolade
- expression of praise; award
- ambivalence
- quality of having opposing ideas or feelings
- attenuate
- rarefy, weaken, make thinner, lessen
- apathy
- lack of interest or feeling
- aggrandize
- make appear greater; increase in intensity, power or prestige
- axiom
- universally recognized principal; common saying
- antithetical
- diametrically opposed
- audacious
- daring and fearless; recklessly bold
- arcane
- mysterious, abstruse, esoteric, knowable only to initiates
- artifice
- ingenious or skillful device or expedient; clever skill
- abjure
- renounce, reject, recant, avoid
- abrogate
- abolish or annul by authority
- Amortize
- to liquidate or extinguish (a mortgage, debt, or other obligation), esp. by periodic payments to the creditor or to a sinking fund
- arrest
- suspend, engage
- amenable
- agreeable, responsive to suggestion
- articulate
- annunciate, pronounce clearly; express self clearly
- antagonize
- irritate or cause hostility
- abscond
- depart clandestinely; steal off and hide
- apposite
- appropriate, pertinent, relevant, apropos
- acumen
- quick, keen, accurate knowledge or insight
- asperity
- rigor, severity; roughness, harshness; acrimony, irritability
- alchemy
- magical or wonderful transformation
- artless
- completely without guile, natural, without artificiality
- aberrant
- deviating from the norm
- approbation
- an expression of approval or praise
- arrant
- impudent; in every way, completely such, utter
- anathema
- solemn, ecclesiastical curse; loathed or accursed person or thing
- amalgamate
- combine several elements into a whole
- antipathy
- aversion, dislike
- apprise
- give notice to, inform
- apostate
- one who abandons long help religious or political convictions; betrayer of a cause
- abrogate
- abolish or annul by authority; put down
- analgesia
- absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness
- aesthetic
- dealing with, appreciative of or responsive to art or the beautiful
- arabesque
- complex, ornate design
- anachronism
- something or someone out of place in terms of historical or chronological context
- acerbic
- having a sour or bitter taste or character
- aspersion
- an act of defamation or maligning
- anomaly
- deviation from normal order or rule; abnormality
- alacrity
- eager and enthusiastic willingness
- apotheosis
- deification, glorification to godliness, the perfect example
- admonish
- reprove, express warning or disapproval
- aver
- state as a fact, confirm, support
- arrogate
- make undue claims to having
- adulterate
- reduce purity by combining with inferior ingredients
- assuage
- ease, lessen; appease, pacify
- apogee
- farthest or highest point, culmination, zenith
- ascetic
- one who practices rigid self-denial, esp. as an act of religious devotion
- augury
- omen, portent; the reading of omens
- auspice
- protection, support; patronage; (sign, portent)
- abate
- lessen in intensity or degree
- advocate
- argue for or support a cause
- abscission
- the act of cutting off or removing
- ameliorate
- make better or more tolerable
- adulation
- excessive praise; intense adoration
- appropriate
- take for one's own use
- adumbrate
- vaguely foreshadow, intimate, suggest, outline sketchily
- archaic
- outdated, associated with earlier, primitive time
- anodyne
- soothing; something that soothes
- astringent
- having a tightening effect on living tissue; harsh; severe
- avarice
- greed, esp. for wealth
- austere
- without adornment; bare; severely simple; ascetic
- adroit
- adept, dextrous
- august
- majestic, venerable
- assiduous
- hard-working, diligent
- accretion
- growth, increase by successive addition, building up
- abstain
- refrain from an activity