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lafferty propagnda or persuasive techniques


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Name Calling
(usually in politics) using negative words to turn you against the opponent without giving evidence or facts.
person or thing blamed unfairly.
Plain Folks
associates the candidate or product with simple, down-to-earth values; may claim that one's opponent is a big shot.
Facts and figures
using statistics or information that sounds scientific to promote one's product or candidate.
persuading us to accept someone or something because of its popularity.
showing an attractive image, and then attaching that attractiveness to one's product or idea;many ads do this.
Glittering Generality
using words that are patriotic, attractive, or catchy but don't really say anything.
Expert Opinion
testimonial by someone who has expertise in this area.
repeating a name, slogan, product, or phone number over and over.
Snob Appeal
suggesting that association with a product or person will make you special.
Scare tactics
describes possible negative effects with strong images to make people act out of fear instead of reason.
Ad hominem
Latin for "to the man"; attacking an opponent's character rather than answering her argument.
common but oversimplified or unfair images of a group.

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