undefined, object
copy deck
- malapropism
- the inadvertent use of a word or phrase in place of one that sounds like it
- voice
- feature of verbs that indicates the subject's relationship to the action
- Introduction
- prepare the audience to hear the speech; previews what's to come
- comparitive advantage pattern
- speech points are organized to show how your viewpoint or proposal is superior to one or more alternatives
- speaking from memory
- oratory
- preview statement
- identifies the main points of the speech, thus helping audience members to mentally organize the speech structure
- active voice
- subject performs the action
- logos
- appeals to reason and logic
- ethos
- moral character
- persuasive speech
- a speech used to influence beliefs values and acts of others
- style
- specific word choices
- speech of intro.
- speech used to prepare or warm up the audience for speaker
- anaphora
- the speaker repeats a word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, or sentences
- talking head
- a person that remains steadily in position behind a mic or podium
- logical fallacy
- false or erroneous statement
- monroes five steps
- attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, action
- metaphor
- compares 2 things by describing one thing as actually being the other
- arguments
- stated positions with support for or against an idea or issue
- articulation
- the clarity or forcefullness with which the sounds are made
- refutation organizational pattern
- each main point addresses then disproves an opposing claim to your position
- slander
- defamatory speech
- simile
- explicitly compares one thing to another using like or as
- alliteration
- the repitition of the same sounds, usually initial consonants in 2 or more neighboring words or syllables
- jargon
- specialized language of a given profession
- scanning
- being able to look at every person in the crowd
- speaking impromptu
- speaking on relatively short notice with little time to prepare
- call to action
- a challenge to see the problem in a new way, change their beliefs about a problem
- analogy
- extended metaphor or simile that clarifies an unfamiliar concept by comparing it to a more familiar one
- rhetorical questions
- a question that doesn't invite an actual response but just makes the audience think
- biased language
- language that relies on unfounded assumptions;negative descriptions; or stereotypes or a given group's age, class, gender etc.
- speaking from manuscript
- read a speech verbatim
- pauses
- enhance meaning by providing a type of puncuation
- first several minutes
- audience memkbers will decide whether they are interested in the topic of your speech, believe what u say, or give u full attention
- body language
- facial expressions, eye behavior, gestures, and general body movements
- passive voice
- subject is acted upon or is the receiver of the action
- anecdote
- a brief story of interesting, humorous, or real-life incidents
- supporting material
- examples, stories, testimony, facts, or statistics
- cultural sensitivity
- being considerate of cultural beliefs, norms, or traditions different from our own
- mumbling
- slurring words together at a low volume and pitch
- antithesis
- setting off 2 ideas in balanced opposition
- central processing
- being motivated and able to think critically about a message
- pitch
- the range of sounds from high to low or vice versa
- good conclusion
- signals close, summarizes key points, reiterates topic and purpose, challenge audience to respond, memorable
- target audience
- knows about the topic and how they stand in relation to it
- motivated sequence
- five step process the begins with arousing listeners attention and ending with calling for action
- Conclusion
- ensure that the audience remembers the speech and reacts in a way that the speaker intends
- vocal variety
- enthusiasm
- pathos
- appeals to emotions
- gain audience's attention
- telling a story, posing questions, saying something startling, using humor, referring to the occasion
- speaking rate
- pace at which you convey speech
- good characteristics for a speaker
- natural, enthusiastic, confident, and direct
- pronunciation
- the correct formation of word sounds
- canned
- a speech that the speaker uses again and again in different settingsd
- hierarchy of needs
- problem solution pattern
- commonly used to design for persuasive speeches
- abstract language
- need to avoid
- volume
- relative loudness of a speaker's voice while delivering a speech
- rhetorical devices
- techniques of language
- parallelism
- the arrangement of words, phrases, or sentences in a similar form
- speaking extemporaneously
- prepare well and practice in advance but speak from an outline or key words and phrases
- methods of delivery
- speaking from manuscript, speaking from memory, speaking impromptu, speaking extemporaneously
- figures of speech
- rhetorical devices that make striking comparisons that help the listener to visualize, identify with, and understand your ideas