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LMU Enjoyment of Music Final


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Pope Gregory ...
Reorganized the liturgy of the Catholic Church
Gregorian chant consists of ...
one melody sung without accompaniment
Gregorian chant ...
1. conveys a calm, otherworldly quality
2. its exact rhythm is uncertain
3. the melodies tend to move in a stepwise fashion
... was the most significant woman composer of chant.
Hildegard of Bingen
Both the Gregorian chant example and the organum example to which we listened in class were part of the Mass but not a movement from the Ordinary. They were both examples of a movement called the ...
The church modes were ...
the basic scales of western music during the Middle Anges and Renaissance.
The first large body of romantic love songs that suvives in notated scores is by ...
French aristocrats called troubadours and trouveres.
An estampie is a ...
medieval dance.
Medieval music that consists of Gregorian chant and one or more additional melodic lines is called ...
Cantus firmus is the term used for ...
the melody added to a Gregorian chant.
The medieval jongleurs, important sources of information in a time when there were no newspapers, were ...
on the lowest social level.
The composers Leonin and Perotin ...
were active at the School of Notre Dame in Paris.
Among other causes, secular music became more important than sacred music in the fourteenth century because ...
1. the literature of the time stressed earthly sensuality
2. rival popes claimed authority at the same time, thereby weakening the authority of the church.
3. The feudal system had gone into decline, partly due to the plague.
The Notre Dame Mass by Guillaume de Machaut ...
is the first unified, polyphonic treatment of the Mass Ordinary.
A movement called ... was the dominant intellectual movement of the Renaissance.
The two main forms of sacred Renaissance music are the Mass Ordinary and the motet. The motet we listened to was ...
Josquin Desprez's "Ave Maria"
A cappella music, which was the REnaissance ideal, is ...
polyphonic vocal music with no accompaniment.
the Mass Ordinary consists of the following five movements:
1. Kyrie
2. Gloria
3. Credo
4. Sanctus/Benedictus
5. Agnus Dei
An attempt was made to purify Catholic Church music as a result of the ...
deliberations of the Council of Trent.
The Renaissance madrigal is a ...
short piece for several solo voices set to a poem, usually about love.
When a word in a text is depicted literally by the notes in a piece of music, it is called ...
word painting.
In contrast to much Renaissance music, the ballet ...
1. used the syllables "fa-la" as a refrain.
2. emphasized homophonic texture.
3. repeated the same music for each stanza of the poem.
Josquin's music was known by a wider public than music of his predecessors because he ...
lived at the time when music publishing became common.
A ricercar is a ...
polyphonic instrumental composition employing imitation.
The Renaissance style period in music is ...
The most important composers in England and Italy during the early and middle baroque were ...
Henry Purcell and Claudio Monteverdi.
Baroque style flourished in music during the period ...
1600 - 1750
The two giants of composition in the high baroque style were ...
George Frederic Handel and Johann Sebastian Bach
The early and late baroque periods differed in that composers in the early baroque ...
favored homophonic texture.
"Dido and Aeneas," which many consider to be the finest opera ever written to an English text, was compsed by ...
Claudio Monteverdi.
Affections in baroque usage refers to ...
emotional states or moods of music.
The compelling drive and energy in baroque music are usually provided by ...
repeated rhythmic patterns.
Melodic sequence refers to ...
the successive repetition of a musical idea at higher or lower pitch levels.
Baroque melodies often are ...
elaborate and ornamental.
A sustaining instrument playing the bass part together with a chord-playing instrument to fill in the harmony above it results in a type of baroque accompaniment known as ...
basso continuo.
The main keyboard instruments of the baroque period were the organ and the ...
The large group of players in a concerto grosso are known as the ...
The first and last movements of the concerto grosso are often in ... form.
Presenting the subject of a fuge in lengthened time values is called ...
Turning the subject of a fugue upside down, or reversing the direction of each interval, is called ...
... refers to a vocal line that imitates the rhythms and pitch fluctuations of speech.
The text of an opera is called a ...
Castrati ...
1. received the highest fees of any musicians.
2. combined the lung power of a man with the vocal range of a woman.
3. were male singers who had been castrated before puberty.
An ... is an orchestral composition performed before the curtain rises on a dramatic work.
Orpheus goes to Hades in the hope of bringing ... back to life.
The baroque orchestra usually consisted of about how many players?
10 - 40
A common form in the baroque is based upon the use of a ground bass, also called ...
basso ostinato
A trio sonata is performed by ... players.
A genre called the Passion would be ...
about the crucifixion of Christ.
The longest period of Bach's professional life was spent as director of music at St. Thomas's Church in ...
The longest period of Handel's professional life was spent in the city of ...
The Bach church cantata that we listened to part of was called ...
"Wachet Auf"
In Bach's church cantatas, he generally made us of the music of a Lutheran ..., a monophonic hymn that in the Lutheran church replaced the Gregorian chant of the Catholic liturgy.
Name the four standard dances found in the baroque dance suites.
1. Allemande
2. Sarabande
3. Courante
4. Gigne
The core of Handel's huge output consists of English oratorios and Italian ...
Three oratorios by Handel:
1. Samson
2. Israel in Egypt
3. Messiah
Classical style flourished in music during the period ...
1750 - 1820
Three statements consistent with the classical period:
1. Emphasis on balance and clarity of structure
2. The evolution of the standard orchestra
3. The Age of Reason
4 characteristic typical of the music of the classical period:
1. the melodies are often tuneful and memorable
2. compositions fluctuate in mood
3. each composition has a wealth of rhythmic patterns
4. the texture is basically polyphonic
Mozart's last comic opera, The Magic Flute, is a masterpiece of Singspiel, meaning that the work is in German and has ...
spoken dialogue.
The typical orchestra of the classical period consisted of ...
strings, pairs of woodwinds, horns, trumpets, and timpani
In the classical period, comic operas sometimes ...
showed the aristocracy in a bad light.
In Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni" ...
Leporello is a comic character.
The duet we watched between Don Giovanni and Zerlina is known as ...
"La ci darem la mano."
The term sonata form refers to the form of a single movement, and it should not be confused with the term sonata, which is used for a chole composition made up of several movements.
Standard 4-movement format is the basis for most symphonies and for nearly all ... of this era.
string quartets
3 parts of a sonata form movement:
1. exposition
2. development
3. recapitulation
A modulation from the home key to a new key in the exposition of a sonata form movement takes place in the ...
Short musical ideas or fragments of themes that are developed within a composition are called ...
The three main sections of a sonata-form movement are often followed by a concluding section known as the ...
The final A section of a standard minuet and trio movement differs from the A opening section because ...
repeat signs are removed.
Because of its liveliness, regularity, and bouyancy, the rondo most often serves as a ...
final movement.
The movement of Haydn's "Surprise" symphony to which we listened is in what form?
theme and variation
A typical sequence of movements in four-movement format is ...
fast, slow, dancelike, fast
In many of Beethoven's works, there is a ... movement instead of the minuet.
The string quartet ...
1. usually consists of 4 movements
2. is the most important form in classical chamber music
3. is written for 2 violins, viola, and cello
Haydn was fortunate in having a long and fruitfull, as well as financially stable relationship with the Hungarian noble family of ...
Along with his operas, Mozart's ... are considered his most important works.
piano concertos
Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 ...
is subtitled the "Choral"
One of Beethoven's important early piano sonatas is the one to which we listened, the ...
3 characteristics of romanticism:
1. exoticism
2. fantasy
3. subjectivity
Romantic style flourished in music durin the period ...
1820 - 1900
The slight holding back or pressing forward of tempo in music is known as ...
An art song is a musical composition for ...
solo voice and piano.
The word ... is commonly used for a romantic art song with a German text.
Schubert's song "Erlkonig" is an example of ... form.
through-composed or narrative
Schubert was still an adolescent when he composed "Erlkonig", set to a poem by ...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
What song by Schubert did he choose to use as the theme in a theme and variations movement for chamber quintet?
"Die Forelle" ("The Trout")
Clara Wieck Schumann was ...
1. one of the leading conert pianists of the nineteenth century
2. a child prodigy
3. the wife of composer Robert Schumann
While in Paris, Chopin ...
earned a good living by teaching piano to the daughters of the rich.
A slow, lyrical, intimate composition for piano, associated with evening and night time, is the ...
A study piece, designed to help a performer master specific technical difficulties, is known as the ...
Franz Liszt toured Europe as a virtuoso ...
Liszt was inspired by the performance virtuosity of ... whom some observers thought to be possessed to be the devil.
Of the composer's studied, ... had the most priviledged upbringing.
Robert Schumann's life was cut short by ...
mental illness.
3 of Verdi's major operas:
1. La Traviata
2. Otello
3. Rigoletto
Verismo opera, such as "Tosca," is a type of opera associated with the career of ...
Program music is ...
instrumental music associated with a story, poem, idea, or scene.
Instrumental music written for its own sake, and for which the composer did not intend a program, is called ...
absolute music.
A ... is an instrumental composition in several movements based to some extent on a literary or pictorial idea.
program symphony
A ... is a one-movement orchestral composition in free form that is programmatic.
symphonic poem
Composers expressed musical nationalism in their music by ...
1. using the rhythms of the dances of their homeland
2. using their national legends as subject matter
3. basing their music on the folksongs of their country
Smetana's piece to which we listened was titled ...
"The Moldau"
The fourth movement of Berlioz's "Fantastic Symphony" ("Symphonie Fantastique") is a ...
The contrasting episodes in Berlioz's SF are unified by the recurrence of a theme representing the beloved known as the ...
idee fixe
The composer considered the "Father of Russian Music" is ...
Mikhail Glinka
The most original, and probably the greatest of the Russian five, was ...
Modest Mussorgsky.
Tchaikovsky's Overture-Fantasy "Romeo and Juliet" is ...
a concert overture.
Tchaikovsky created these two plays:
1. Swan Lake
2. The Nutcracker
In Brahms' Symphony #4, the final movement is a theme and variations form rooted in the ground bass technique of the baroque era.
In "La Boheme," Mimi and Rodolfo fall in love, helped along by what events?
Mimi's candle goes out and she loses her key.
Wagner had an opera house built specifically for the performance of his own operas in the German town of ...
Which pair are operatic compositions by Wagner?
Tannhauser and The Ring
In music, the early twentieth century was a time of ...
revolt and change
3 composers who worked in the early years of the 20th century:
1. Claude Debussy
2. Arnold Schoenberg
3. Igor Stravinsky
The glissando, a technique widely used in the twentieth century, is ...
a rapid slide up or down a scale.
The most famous riot in music history occurred in Paris in 1913 at the first performance of ...
Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring"
A 4th chord is ...
a chord in which the tones are a fourth apart, instead of a third
Striking a group of adjacent keys on a piano with the fist or forearm will result in ...
a tone cluster.
When two different triads, such as that built on E and that built on A, are played at the same time, the technique is known as ...
a polychord.
Rhythm in music of the 20th century tends to be either very assymmetrical or very symmetrical as in the ...
A scale made up of just the black keys within the octave on the piano keyboard is called a ... scale.
Impressionism in music is characterized by ...
a stress on tone color, atmosphere, and fluidity.
The most important impressionist composer was ...
Claude Debussy
Impressionist painting and symbolist poetry as artistic movements originated in ...
Who was known as a creator of orchestral cersions of his own and others' great piano works?
The immense success of Stravinsky's 1910 ballet ..., the first original work he composed for Diaghilev's "Ballet Russe", established him as a leading young composer.
The Firebird
After studying law at the University of St. Petersburg, Stravinsky at the age of 21 began to study composition privately with ...
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
Expressionism is an art concerned with ...
social protest and nightmarish states of mind.
Schoenberg's personality inspired love and loyalty among his students, including Alban Berg and ...
Anton Webern.
Some of Berg's pieces call for an unusual style of vocal performance halfway between speaking and singing called ...
The ordering of twelve chromatic tones in a twelve-tone composition is called a ...
series, row, or set.
In the opera "Wozzeck," the title character is a ...
Wozzeck drowns while searching for ...
a knife.

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