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5th Grade - Word Master Words - Challenge #2

5th Grade - Word Master Words - Challenge #2


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(n) longest division of geologic time - containing two or more eras; any indefinitely long period of time
(adj) disordered, haphazard, sloppy; occurring whether you want it to or not (ex.: You were thrown willy-nilly into the lead position.)
(adj) having a thick or dull edge or point; abrupt in manner or speech; slow to understanding; (v) to make dull
(v) express sharp, stern disapproval of; (n) a reprimand
(n) outlying district or region; border or fringes of a specific quality or condition (ex.: the outskirts of respectability)
(adj) no longer in fashion or use; no longer stylish; old-fashioned, unfashionable, dated; not acceptable by present standards
(n) a decorative border or edging of hanging threads; the outer edge (ex.: a fringe of grass around the swimming pool); removed from the mainstream or acceptable position; members of a group or political party holding extreme views; an extra benefit in addition to regular pay (ex.: bonus, life and health insurance - fringe benefits)
(v) draw back, as with fear or pain, flinch; to lose heart or courage in difficulty or danger (n) small migratory game bird
(v) renovate, restore, revise, redo; (n) a complete reorganization or revision
(adj) smart and elegant in dress or manner; attractive and fashionable, stylish; conforming to current fashion; adopting or setting current fashions and styles
(v) draw back, as with fear or pain; shrink back, as in alarm, horror, or disgust; to spring or fly back with force (ex.: the recoil after discharging a firearm)
(v) add greater value or meaning to; add to the beauty or character of; supply with abundance of anything desirable; supply with riches, wealth or valuable possessions; to add fertilizer to soil or nutrients to food
(n) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents (ex.: hybrid corn; a hybrid variety of sheep); something of mixed origin (ex.: a mongrel dog, mutt); something, such as a car, that has two kinds of components that produce the same or similar results (ex.: two types of fuel systems)
(n) a garment that hangs from the waist down; a flare (like lip of a bell) or protective cloth strip covering the legs of a sofa or chair; (v) to lie along or form the edge of; to pass around rather than go across or through; to pass close to, the narrowly miss; to evade or fend off an issue or question
(adj) having no specific pattern or regularity; chance, unintended; selection in which each item has an equal probability of being chosen (ex.: lottery)
(n) a major division of geological time composed of a number of periods; a particular period in history
(adj) to one side; not in a straight or level position (ex.: to hang a picture askew); crooked (ex.: Your clothes are all askew.); with disapproval, scorn or contempt (ex.: They looked askew at the distasteful painting.)
(adj) short and snippy in manner or speech; discourteously blunt (also: brusk)
(adj) good natured, direct; (n) cliff, hill with broad, steep face; (v) deception by a false show of confidence ( ex.: bluff in playing cards)
(adj) outdated, obsolete, no longer used (ex.: The spinning wheel is an antiquated machine.); from an earlier time period, aged, old; resembling or adhering to the past (ex.: antiquated attitudes)
(n) waste or impure matter, trash or garbage; scum that forms on surface of molten metal; worthless or trivial matter, clutter, junk
(v) to decrease seriously or drain the supply of; to use up
(v) to make full or complete again; fill something that had previously been emptied; to supply with fresh fuel
(n) poisonous substance
(n) mixture of mercury with another metal(s); dental filling - a mixture or combination of silver, mercury and other metals; a mixture or combination (ex.: The character's personality is an amalgam of contradictory traits.)

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