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Intran. verb. to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition
Adj. strong of character/ physically or materially strong/ sturdily constructed/ bulky in body.
V. If a liquid splashes , of if you splash it, it falls on something or hits it. N. The sound that water makes qhen something hits it./ A small amount of liquid that falls onto something.
N. The mist that hot water produces. N. To produce steam./ To cook in steam
Int. v. to shine with or as if with subdued steady light or moderate brightness / to appear briefly or faintly Tr. v. to cause to gleam
N. A very large rock.
Transitve verb. To produce (as a play) on a stage/ to produce or cause to happen for public view or public effect/to determine the phase or severity of (a disease) based on a classification of established symptomatic criteria/ to evaluate (a patient) to determine the phase, severity, or progression of a disease
N. a suit in law/ a case before a court .
Adj. firmly built or constituted/ sound in design or execution /marked by or reflecting physical strength or vigor .
Tr. v. Applaud Itr. v. to shout praise or applause
Conj. Old form of WHILE
Adj. large of its kind / having great volume in proportion to weight.
Tran. verb. to look upon or depict as glamorous/ to make glamorous.
Adv. Having a slim or delicate build / not stout or massive in body/ lacking in strength or substance/ deficient in weight, solidity, or importance/ small of its kind or in amount
Adj. vigorously active/ marked by or calling for energy or stamina.
Tran verb. to provide with what is needed .
V. to place so as to stay/ to establish in residence / to furnish with inhabitants / to cause to pack down / to clarify by causing dregs or impurities to sink/ to make quiet or orderly/ to fix or resolve conclusively/ to establish or secure permanently/ to conclude (a lawsuit) by agreement between parties usually out of court/ to close (as an account) by payment often of less than is due/ to arrange in a desired position/ to make or arrange for final disposition of . Intran. verb. to come to rest/ to sink gradually or to the bottom / to become clear by the deposit of sediment or scum / to become compact by sinking/to become fixed, resolved, or established / to establish a residence or colony—often used with down/ to become quiet or orderly/ to take up an ordered or stable life —often used with down/ to adjust differences or accounts / to come to a decision —used with on or upon/ to conclude a lawsuit by agreement out of court
Adj or Adv. close at hand
Adv. On or to the shore
N. complete and absolute ownership of land / a territory over which dominion is exercised/ a region distinctively marked by some physical feature / a sphere of knowledge, influence, or activity / the set of elements to which a mathematical or logical variable is limited / any of the small randomly oriented regions of uniform magnetization in a ferromagnetic substance/ the highest taxonomic category in biological classification ranking above the kingdom/ any of the three-dimensional subunits of a protein that are formed by the folding of its linear peptide chain and that together make up its tertiary structure/ a subdivision of the Internet consisting of computers or sites usually with a common purpose (as providing commercial information) and denoted in Internet addresses by a unique abbreviation .
N. The earth in which plants grow. V. To make something dirty.
N. A stone on a grave that shows the name of the person buried there and the dates when they were alive.
N. A type of deer with long horns that lives in very cold places.
Adj. Having money
Tr. v. to begin to perform or deal with /to contend with as an opponent/ to assume or acquire as or as if one's own/ to have as a mathematical domain or range Int. v. to show one's feelings especially of grief or anger in a demonstrative way.
Int. v. to work hard and long/ to proceed with laborious effort. Tr. v. to get or accomplish with great effort
N.A plant that spreads over the surface of stones and trees.
Adv. not sharp or harsh

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