Etymology 6/12/06
undefined, object
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- Pugn/acious
- Adj. Having a belligerant nature; quarrelsome.
- Pugn/ac/ity
- N. The Desire to fight.
- Pug/il/ist
- N. One who fights with his fists.
- Re/pugn/ant
- Adj. Incompatible; distaste.
- Im/pugn
- V. To cause to doubt
- Pung/ent
- Adj. Sharp in Smell or taste sharply painful.
- Pung/ency
- State of being sharp in smell or taste.
- Punct/ure
- V. To pierce with a pointed instrument or object.
- Com/punct/ion
- N. A feeling of guilt; anxiety from guilt.
- Punct/il/ious
- Adj. Concerned with details.
- Punct/ual Adj.
- Prompt; on time.
- Ex/pung/e
- V. To cancel or delete.
- Stimul/ate
- V. To excite to activity, growth or greater activity.
- Stimul/ant
- An agent that produces a temporary increase in activity.
- Stimul/us
- N. Something that rouses or incites to activity.
- Di/stinct
- Adj. Distinguishable; unique.
- Di/stingu/ish
- V. To perceive as being separate and different.
- In/di/stingu/ish/able
- Adj. Not easily defined.
- In/stinct N.
- N. Natural, in born ability or impulse.
- Ex/tingu/ish
- V. To put out a light or fire.
- In/stig/ate
- V. To provoke urge.
- Sting/ent
- Adj. Constricted; imposing strict rules; severe.
- Con/strict
- V. To make narrow by drawing together; to stop; to inhibit.
- Con/strict/ion
- Act of making together; narrow.
- A/string/ent
- Adj. Able to draw.
- Re/strict
- V. To confine with in bonds or limits.
- Lig/at/ure
- N. Something that's used to bind.
- Lig/a/ment
- N. A band of tissues connecting bone to bone.
- Ob/lig/at/ion
- N. Duty (moral/legal); responsibility.
- Ob/lig/at/ory
- required or mandatory.
- Al/leg/iance
- N. Loyalty
- Il/leg/al
- Adj. Not authorized by law; unlawful.
- Leg/al
- Adj. Lawful, according to specific law.
- Extra/leg/al
- Adj. Not regulated by law.
- Leg/itim/ate
- Adj. Lawful; according to laws of reason.
- Leg/acy
- N. Something inherited.
- De/leg/ate
- N. The person appointed with power to act.
- De/leg/at/ion
- A group of representatives.
- Al/leg/e
- V. To assert as true without much evidence.
- Al/leg/at/ion
- An assumption.
- Rel/leg/ate
- V. To send back to a lower position- to demote.
- Leg/at/ion
- N. Sending of official representatives.
- Leg/ible
- Adj. Capable of being read.
- Il/leg/ible
- Adj. Not capable of being read.
- E/lig/ible
- Adj. Qualified to be chosen; entitled.
- Se/lect
- V. To make a choice; to pick out.
- Se/lect/iv/ity
- N. The act of choosing; pickiness.
- Se/lect/ive
- Choosing carefully.
- Leg/ion
- N. A very large number or gathering.
- Neg/lect
- V. To give little or no attention; to disregard.
- Neg/lig/ent
- Careless; disregarding proper care.
- Pre/di/lect/ion
- N. A preference or choice.
- Di/lig/ent
- Adj. Having steady, persistant work; hard working.
- In/e/lig/ible
- Adj. Not qualified to be chosen.
- E/lect
- V. To choose by vote.
- Litig/ate
- V. To dispute in a court of law to take part in a lawsuit.
- Litig/at/ion
- Act of carrying on a legal contest by judicial process.
- Litig/ant
- N. One engaged in a lawsuit.
- Litig/ious
- Adj. Contentious- prone to engage in lawsuits; quarrelsome.
- Liter/at/ure
- N. The production of literate work, esp. as an occupation.
- Feder/ate
- Adj. Joined by common agreement.
- Liter/al
- Adj. Accurate.
- Al/liter/at/ion N.
- The repitition of initial consonant sounds in a phrase/line.
- Feder/at/ion
- N. The act of uniting.
- Il/liter/ate
- Adj. Having little or no education; can't read/write.
- Ob/liter/ate
- V. To do away with completely; to wipe out; to erase.
- Feder/al
- Adj. Having to do with a central government.
- Liter/ate
- Adj. Educated; able to read/write.
- in/script/ion
- N. Something that's written, engraved or printed as a lasting record.
- Circum/scribe
- V. To surround by a boundary.
- Feder/al/ism
- The belief in a strong central gov.
- Tran/script/ion
- N. Process of making a copy of something.
- Con/feder/at/ion
- N. A league or alliance.
- Tran/scrib/e
- To write over again or copy.
- Tran/script
- Written copy.
- Fid/el/ity
- N. Loyalty; Faithfulness.
- Con/script/ion
- N. Required or mandatory enrollment of people; draft.
- Con/script
- To draft.
- A/scrib/e
- V. To attribute to a given cause.
- Fid/uc/iary
- Adj. Of, rel. to, or involving..confidence of trust.
- Pre/scrib/e
- V. To set down as a rule to be followed;to recommend.
- Con/fid/ent/ial
- Adj. Private; communicating secretly.
- Pro/scrib/e
- V. To prohibit or restrict, usu. an activity.
- Sub/script/ion
- N. The act of supporting.
- In/fid/el/ity
- N. Lack of belief in a religion.
- Non/de/script
- Adj. Lacking individual character.
- Super/script/ion
- N. Something written on outside.
- Super/script
- Something written above where there are other letters.
- In/fid/el
- N. One who's renounced his religious beliefs.
- Post/script
- N. A note added below the signature.
- Dif/fid/ent
- Adj. Lacking faith in oneself; shy; timid.
- Scrib/e
- N. A writer.
- Re/fer/e/ndum
- N. A public vote for final approval or rejection.
- Ag/e/nda
- N. A schedule of things to be done.
- Con/fid/ant
- N. A much trusted person; one who u would trust with private info.
- Oss/eous
- Adj. Bone or bone-like.
- Memora/nda
- N. A written reminder.
- Af/fid/avit
- N. A sworn written statement.
- Propaga/nda
- N. Ideas deliberately spread to further one's own cause.
- Oss/uary
- N. A depository for the bone of the dead.
- Pe/fid/y
- N. An act of disloyalty or betrayal.
- Oss/i/fy
- V. to turn to bone; or to harden like bone.
- Oss/i/ficat/ion
- The Natural process of bone formation.
- Oscill/ate
- V. To swing backward and forward like a pendulum; vibrate (an object).
- Per/fid/ious
- Disloyal.
- Negat/e
- V. To deny or reject the existence or truth of.
- Vacill/ate
- V. To waver or hesitate like a person.
- Dub/ious
- Adj. Giving rise to doubt.
- In/dubit/able
- Adj. Too evident to be doubted; unquestionable.
- Ab/negat/e
- V. to surrender or deny; to renounce.
- Dub/iety
- N. Uncertainty.
- Doc/ile
- Adj. Easily taught; teachable.
- Re/nag/e
- V. to fail to adhere to a promise.
- Doc/il/ity
- The quality of being teachable.
- In/doct/rin/ate
- V. To teach; to force; to accept without any critical thought.
- re/naga/de
- n. a traitor; outlaw; rebel.
- Doc/um/ent/ary
- Adj. Contained or certified in writing; factual; objective.
- nega, negat
- deny
- Doct/rine
- N. Instruction, principal.
- Doc/ent
- N. A teacher or tutor w/o regular faculty rank.
- Fid
- Faith
- Feder
- League; Alliance; Bond.
- Doc, Doct
- Teach
- Dub, Dubit
- Doubt
- Vacill
- Waver
- Oscill
- Swing
- Oss
- Bone
- -ndum, -nda
- To be.
- Scrib, script
- Write
- Liter
- Letter
- Litig
- Dispute; quarrel; sue.
- Leg, Lig, Lect
- Choose; gather.
- Leg, Lect
- Read.
- Leg
- Law
- Lig
- Bind
- String, strict (strain, straint)
- Bind
- Pung, punct (point)
- Point; prick.
- Stingu, Stinct
- Prick; Prick out; Quench
- Stimul
- Goad; rouse
- Pugn, Pug
- Fight; Fist.