Woyzeck #6
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- What are you doing Woyzeck? You call yourself a man of your word? Is that what you are? Is it?
- What's wrong Doctor?
- I saw you Woyzeck, I saw you. Pissing in the street. Pissing like a dog against the wall. I am paying you three dollars a day, and food too. Its ugly, Woyzeck, ugly. The whole world is going ugly.
- But Doctor, when nature calls. . .
- When nature calls, the call of nature. superstition. utter. . .disgusting. . .superstition. nature. . . (Examines Woyzeck's urine) Uric acid. Ammonium hydrochlorate hyperoxide. Woyzeck, you need to take another piss. Go inside and piss again.
- I can't Doctor.
- Pissing against the wall! Goddamn it. I have it in writing. You made a contact! But I saw you with my own eyes. I just stuck my head out of the window. I was letting the sunlight play upon it in order to observe the scientific phenomenon of the sneeze.
- But nature, Doctor. . .
- I'm going to blow nature sky high. Pissing against the wall! I saw you! No, Woyzeck, I am not going to get angry. Anger is unhealthy. It's unscientific. I am calm, completely calm. And I'm talking to you with complete equanimity. There's no reason for me
- Do you understand, Doctor? A man might be a certain kind of character, have one sort of way of being. But nature is something else. You see, nature's something. . . (he tries to think) How can I put it? For example. . .
- Woyzeck! You're philosiphizing again.
- Have you ever seen nature act in a "bilateral" manner, Doctor? Have you ever seen when the sun stops in the sky in the middle of the day and the world looks like it's going up in flames? That is when a terrible voice spoke to me.
- You have a medical disorder, Woyzeck.
- Yes doctor. When nature. . .when nature's bilateral.
- What does that mean?
- Its the toadstools Doctor. Thats what it is, the toadstools. Have you noticed the patterns they make on the ground? If only someone could read those patterns.
- Woyzeck, yor've got a beautiful aberratio mentalis partialis. . .second degree. Fully formed, though. Beautiful, I should give you a raise, Woyzeck. Second degree. ..yes. Idee fixe, but no impairment of the faculties. You're doing your usual stuff? Shavi
- Yes sir.
- Eating your peas?
- Just like you told me, sir. And the money helps my wife with expenses.
- Doing all youre told to do?
- Yessir
- You're an interesting case, Patient Woyzeck. You'll end up in the asylum, I'm sure. But bear up now. You're going to get another dollar. Let me take your pulse, Woyzeck. Hmmmm...yes.
- Now , what am I supposed to do?