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8T Mid term History Exam review QUIZ/TEST


undefined, object
copy deck
a group of unarmed ships surrounded by a ring of destroyers, torpedo boats, and other vessels able to detect submarines.
a ban on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages
Ku Klux Klan
enemy of racial harmony: perpetrated lynchng and other crimes against African Americans. The Ku Klux Klan eventually evolved as a national group which was against any perceived threat to the white Protestant culture in America.
Clayton Anty-Trust Act
companies could not engage in certain specific activities such as offering rebates
Russian Bolshevik Revolution
overthrown Czar Nicholas II. Russia in March 1917 was controlled by a republican government, but ultimately the Bolsheviks took control
A suppler of illegal alcohol during prohibition
refers to journalists like Sinclair who played a key role in alerting public on wrondoing in politics and business (Teddy R. nicknamed them so!)
The statistics that describe a population, such as data on race or income.
WWI USA Casualties?
the ability to read and write
4 Causes of the War
Imperialism, Militarism, Nationalism and Alliances
British passenger liners sank by u-boot, 1200 died. The ship was also carrying weapons to the Allies
Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882
Prohibited Chinese workers from entering the Country
organized killing of an entire people
Roosevelt Corollary (to the Monroe Doctrine)
1904-1905. It is an extension of a previously accepted idea;Roosevelt states the right to intervene in Latin America to preserve stability
procedure that permits voterspublic official from officebefore the next election
home rule
a system that gives citizens a limited degree of self-rule
Group of professional against mperialism; they said that imperialism was aginst our nation's foundation "liberty for all"
the belief that the Bible is literally true and that every story in it actually took place as described
19th Amendment
women's vote
Open Door Policy
meant to ensure that United States would have equal access to China's millions of customers
yellow journalism
sensational news coverage; a reference to the yellow ink used in a popular comic strip of the era
Progressive Era
1890-1920 political debate produced many plans for bringing about progress
Great White Fleet
US navy was sent by Roosevelt on a cruise around the world in 1907 to impress other nations with our naval power
study of how people interact with one another in a society
poll tax
a special fee to be paid before a person was permitted to vote. It made it difficult for Blacks to vote
Plessy vs. Fergusson
case where the "separate but equal" doctrine was established
Russia, France, Serbia, and Great Britain
low cost apartment buildings designed to house as many families as the owner could pack in
Niagara Movement
a group of African Americans that called for full civil liberties an end to racial discrimination, and recognition of human brotherhood
Kaiser/ Tsar
examples of autocrats
When was the armistice signed?
Eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918
Hepburn Act
regulated railrod rates
Speak softly and carry a big stick
refers to Roosevelt Diplomacy, which allowed for aggressive foreign policy. "big stick" = the US Navy
sentiment of favoring native born Americans over immigrants
immoral or corrupt behavior
Jazz Age
Type of music that grew out of African American music from the south especially ragtime and blues. Harlem, NY The 1920s are called the Jazz Age
type of African American music originated in the South and Midwest in 1880s
Sphere of Influence
area of economic and political control
Did Allies use President Wilson's Plan for Peace in the Treaty?
NO, just the League of Nations
domination of a nation by another (stronger) nation
16th Amendment
Income Tax
daylight saving time
turning the clocks ahead one hour during summer. Increased the number of daylight hrs available for work and reduce the the need for artificial light and fuel consumption
Scopes Trial
started by a science teacher, John Scopes, who defied the 1925 ban on teaching the evolution theory in Tennessee. His defiance of this law started a trial
Daylight Saving Time
Turing clocks ahead one hour in the summer (more time to work)
Term used to describe a new type of young woman; rebellious, energetic, fun-loving, and bold. Short hair knee-Length skirt cloche hats.
followers of Vladimir Lenin, violently overthrew Russian republican government in Nov. 1917
Refers to the intense burst of national pride and the desire for an aggressive foreign policy
Zimmermann Note
Secret offer in a note from Germany to Mexico made by Zimmermann: If Mexico declared war to USA, Germany would reward it with American land in the Southwest
civil service
government non-elected workers
Liberty bonds
special war bonds to support the Allied causes
Wilson's 1st major victory: tariffs reduction
4 factors for imperialism
economic factors; Nationalistic factors; Military factors; Humanitarian factors think; THINK of an example for each factor!!! Economic, Military, Cultural and Religious factors
Selective Service Act
in May 1917 Congress authorized the draft of 24 million young men for military service (3 million draftees were picked by a lottery to fight in WWI)
What country was punished in the Treaty of Versailles?
a process that allows citizens to approve or reject a law passed by the legislature
Jim Crow
de facto segregation, even if not legal
system of distributing goods to customers in a FIXED amount
direct primary
an election in which citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections
Sussex Pledge
Germany promised that their U-boats would warn ships before attacking. (the French passenger ship SUSSEX was torpedoed in 1916)
Fourteen points
Wilson's program for reaching goals of peace
Bull Moose Party
Nickname of Progressive Party
political machine
an unofficial city organization designed to keep a particular party or group in power and usually headed by single powerful boss
Illegal bars during prohibition
separation of people by race
Central Powers
Germany and Austria-Hungary
British passenger ship sunk by German U-boat 128 of the 1200 passengers where Americans
cease-fire/ signed in a French railroad car Nov. 11, 1918 end of WWI
Whose idea was the Plan for Peace?
President Wilson's
payments supplied by Germany for economic injury suffered during WWI. The amount owed to the Allies was $33 billion, way beyond their ability to pay. This was cause of great humiliation for Germany
grandfather clause
to protect white voting; these laws exempted men from certain voting restrictions if they had alredy voted, or if they they had ancestors (grandfathers) who had voted prior to Blacks being granted suffrage
Harlem Renaissance
African American literary awakening of the 1920's centered in Harlem New York.
a situation in which neither side is able to gain advantage
a time of isolation to prevent the spread of a disease
Square Deal
refers to Roosevelt intervention about a coalmine owners/workers strike
Lost Generation
a group of people (American writers) disconnected from their country and its values. They rejected the quest for material possessions
New Freedom
Wilson promise to enforce antitrust laws without threatening economic competition.
areas in which one ethnic or racial group dominated
Zimmerman Telegram
A telegram sent by Germany's foreign secretary in 1917 to Mexican officials proposing an alliance with Mexico and promising U.S. territory if Mexico declared war on the United States.
any speech or action that encourages a rebellion
William Randolph Hearst
A publisher who influenced journalism and used sensationalism to sell more copies of the Journal
Liberty bonds
Special war bond sold by the government to support the Allied cause during the WWI
W.E.B. DUBois
Was the 1st Black to earn a Harward PhD. Did not agree w/ Washington 's msg.
Booker T Washington
Dedicated his life to a school for African Americans, the Tuskegee Institute, founded in 1881
17th Amendment
Direct election of senators
a large open area beneath the ship's deck
18th Amendment
Banned production and sale of alcoho (Proibitionism)
temperance movement
an organized campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption
Treaty of Versailles
1919 treaty presented by the Allies to the Germans in Versailles, former residence of French kings, outside Paris
Panama Canal
A canal built across Central America to link the two oceans. 1904-1914President Roosevelt sponsors a revolution in Panama against Colombian to get the canal under US control
Woodrow Wilson
US President who authorized entering WWI
refers to the city level; Progressive reforms were initially made there
the power to make decisions about one's own future.
people who give donations for worthy causes
settlement of a dispute by a neutral third party
Which side had more casualties in the war?
Platt Amendment
Cuban Govmt. could not enter any foreign agreements; must allow US naval bases in Cuba and allow US intervention when necessary
rural free delivery RFD
began in 1896 by the United States Post Office.
banana republic
Refers to Central American nations
court order that prohibit a certain activity (remember the ones aginst the Labor Movement)
social welfare program
ensure a minimum standard of living; sought after by Progressives
4 basic beliefs of reformers
Gvmt should be more accountable to its citizens; curb the power and interest of wealthyinterests; should be give expanded powers to become more active in improving the lives of its citizens;shdd become more efficientand less corrupt
New Nationalism
TR plan: called for business regulation, welfare laws, workplace protection for women and children, income and inheritance taxes and voting reform
Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
Yellowstone 1st Nat'l pk in 1892 and Yosemite in 1890 established
Treaty of Versailles : Where was it signed?
near Paris, France
"Splendid Little War"
Comment wrote by John Hay to Teddy Roosevelt about how easy to win the Spanish war would be
(women's) right to vote
blue laws
regulations that prohibited certain private activities that some people considered immoral
probably an accidental blast, who killed more than 250 sailor, but American public blamed SPAIN
Social mobility
refers to employment of minorities and women during the war. War stopped immigration and youth was engaged in war. Businesses needed workers. More African and Mexican Americans were hired in higher paid jobs. Opportunities were created for women as well!!
Spanish-speaking neighborhood
Influenza Epidemic , what happened and when?
Flu Epidemic that killed many people after the war
the next elections by collecting voters'signatures on a petition
WWI Allied members
France, U.K., Russia (1917) Italy, USA and Serbia
Federal Reserve Ssystem
1913 divided the country in 12 districts each w/its federal reserve bankowned by its member banks. It helped to prevent bank failures and economic panic
a type of entertainment; expensive variety show of the 1870s
League of nations
an organization in which the nations of the world would join together to ensure security and peace for all its members
Pride and devotion for one's Country. Tendency to act in the interest of one's own nation
Gilded age
term coined by Mark Twain to describe the post-Reconstruction era; it suggests a thin but glittering layer of prosperity covered the poverty and corruption of much of society
Conservationist/Ballinger-pinchot Affair
people who favored the protection of nat'l resources/Ballinger Secretary of Interior, opposed conservation policies on Federal land in the West
a ruler with unlimited powers
Harlem Hellfighters
(Harlem is a section of NY city) African American soldier in the 39th Infantry Regiment. They were eager to fight, were loaned to the French Army and distinguished themselves greatly. Most African Americans were used for labor or menial tasks only
hit during the last months of the war. The strong strain of flue virrus killed millions after the war
a grant for a piece of land in exchange for a promise to use the land for a specific purpose
mass media
print, film and broadcast method of communicating information to a large number of people
process by which a people of one culture become part of another culture
the readying of troops for war
Neither side has an advantage
Sherman Ati-Trust Act
outlawed monopolies (combination of companies) that restricted trade commerce
civil disobedience
non violent refusal to obey a law in the effort to change it
Why did Russia stop fighting?
Russian Revolution the Czar Nicholas II was overthrown March 1917
Susan B Anthony
called for votes for women
American Expeditionary Force (AEF)/doughboys
Americans who went to war: Draftees, Volunteers and National Guardsmen. The nickname's origin is not certain
Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
A 19 year old Serbian Student (Gavrilo Princip) shot Archduke and his wife on a side street in Bosnia. Princip believed Bosnia should be part of Serbia not Austria-Hungary empire.
aggressively building up a nation's armed forces in preparation for war. Military has more authority over government and foreign policy
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Its purpose was to abolish segregation and discrimination, to oppose racism and to gain Civil Rights for Arican Americans
Progressive Era Legislation
Reform at the Federal level
Pure Food and Drug Act
outlawed transportation of impure food and false labeling
to join a new territory to an existing country
The Jungle
A 1906 novel by Upton Sinclair abt the turn of the century meetpacking industry
wanted the end of the capitalist system, distribute wealth more equallyand have Gvmt ownership of American Industries
laissez faire
Government should play a very limited role in business; hands-off approach to economic matters
Dollar Diplomacy
William Howard Taft prefered dollar to bullets to mantain an open door to Asia and preserve stability in Latin America= it refers to increased US$ investmentin foreign economies
murder of an accused person by a mob without a lawful trial
Corporal Alvin York
A HERO. During Meuse-Argonne offensive he continued fighting after half the men in his patrol were dead. he captured 132 German soldiers and killed 25 machine gunners w/his pistol and rifle.
New weapons introduced during WWI
Airplanes, U-boats machine gun
non citizen
warfare machine
new killing machine of amazing efficiency: machine guns, poison gases, hand grenades, submarines etc. Also TRENCHES!!!
devotion to one's nation
a belief that differences in character or intelligence are due to one's race

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