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history exam 2


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french king philip IV and pope boniface VIII clashed over
the king attempting to collect taxes from the french clergy
brideglike structures built by the romans carry water into cities from great distances
close friend of henry 2 he was the archbishop of canterbury. He was killed by four of the kings knights as a result of dispute that he had with the king
Thomas Becket
this protestant group believed that only people who make a free and informed decision should be baptized. They refused to recongnize infant baptism.
st. dominic
he was the founder of the religious order noted as preachers and teachers the friears were frequently called upon to be members of church courts
The prince of the humanists he gained popularity due to his wit style and perceptice comments. this mans writingss challenged church dogma
this spanish queen launched a brutal campaign against muslims and jews in spain in the 15 century
isabella of catile
the angles and saxons divided england into 34 of these administrative units. They were the equivalent of a county
For what 2 reasons did french nobles elect hugh capet king of france?
his domain was very small. he posed no threat or challenge to the nobles
he became emperor in 312 he continued to reforems of his predecessor. he built a new capital city of the bosporus the strait that connects the black and medd seas.
the life expectancy of medieval peasant
35 years
he was a humanist who was devoted to classival literature he wrote little songs to his beloved laura a woman who died during the black death
goods coming fom the middle east came to this iatlian city state locate at the north end of adriatic sea
What characteristic separtated the nortern european humantis from the itailain humantists?
the northern humanists stressed religious themes.
the anointed king sent by god the annointed one
When he was first elected king by french nobles he posed little or no threat to the nobles. He was the founder of the capetian dynasty.
Hugh capet
house of lords
in the earyl eng parliament this house inlcuded nobles and high clergy
the term used in reference to muslims in spain
this arch. style is characterized by thick walls, heavy wooden roofs and very few windows
papal states
the land in central italy that was given to the church by pepin III following his victoy over the lombards
the status of most peasants during the middle ages higher than slaves but less than free
which of the following represents the moist important political reason for the decline of rome
divideding the empire at the time when it was under attack weaked by it beyond repair.
st benedict
he founded a monastery in nothern ital in the 6th century and wrote a set of instructions gonverning the lives of monks that was used by monasteries and vonbents across europe.
an association of people gathered togeter for the purpose of learning
this roman emperor used christians as scapegoats blaming them for social and economic ills including the fire that burned in rome
in england. this group sought to cleanse the anglican church of all remnants of catholicism. They became influential in parliament and the anglican church.
This english queen reestablished a moderate form of protestantism during her reign. The anlican church became a blend of protestant belief and chatholic practice
Elizabeth !
Thomas aquinas
he was the greatest midival socolastic philosopher he saw no conflict between reason and faith
Luther disappointed some humanists because
he lacked tolerance and flexibility
the roman emperor who diveded the roman empire into two parts
for which of the following reasons were medieval perasants less than free?
there were bound to the landsand were considered property
What was the greatest legacy of the romans?
romes commitment to the rule of law and to justice
virgils goal in the aeneid was to
arouse patriotism and help unite rome after years of civil war
bayeux tapestry
the norman conquest is graphically portrayed in 72 scenes on a huge sheet of linen
This french univeristy was the model for universiity organizatiion in northern europe. Students attened this university to study logic and theology.
a major enginnerring and arch. accomplishmetn that was the dome of the church of santa maria della fiore in florence
he was a painter enginerr and architech. he dessected human cadavers. he left 5000 pages of nots that were written right to left
leonardo da vinci
The reforms proposed by the catholic church were ony partially carried out for which 2 of the following reasons?
the chuch had financial problemsand they church was unable to respon quickley and effectively to the protestant reformers
in the feudal relationship the noble who grated the land
romans offecials supected christians of disloyalty because
christians refused to honor the romans gods and christians worshipped in secret
the eng monarch who received the title defender of faith. for attacking protestantism. Later he argued with the pope when he was deinied a divorce from his wife.
Henry VIII
religious belief that is contrary to the official teachings of the church
The fundamental cause of the hundred year war was
for what reason were medieval peasants higher then slaves
they could not be sold away from the land.
a church- run state
what 2 sacraments did marting luther retain ih his theology
baptism and eucharist
the roman procurator under whos order jesus was condemned to death as a criminal
pontius pilate
the denial of all church services and sacreaments the power of the churche prohibited any association with church members
in the feudal system the policy through all land was inherited by the oldest son
charlegmagnes capital city
do nothing kings
the weak and quarrelsom esuccessors of clovis
style fo arch. characterized by great height, flying buttreesses stained glass windows
he is the greatest painter of the northern renaissance he paid close attention to detail in his drawings woodcuts and engravings
albrecht durer
the court system est. by the vathollic church 1542 to fin, try, judge, and punish heretics
Also known as the conqueror he was a though and ruthless ruler who had all the nobles swear first allegiance to him. He confiscated anglo-saxon land and gave the land to his norman nobles
William of Normandy
the founder of the merovingian dynasty who built an empire that stretched from the pyrenees to central europe
in france a major political or social group
nickmaned the hammer he led his cavalryt to victory at a battle that stopped the muslim advance into western euprop
charles martel
in the feudal relationship the noble who received the land
this cleric is credited with the introduction of the gothic style of architechture
abbot sugar
a persons status in an italian citystate during the renaiisance was based on which 2 o fthe following
wealth and ability
luther was aided in spreading his ideas through the
printing press
in the 15th century an era of frequent social conflicts these powerful men ruled as dictators and used violence to maintain order
the use of light and shade to protray the human form literally light and dark
Which 2 of the following were concepts promoted by the anabaptists that have become fundmental precepts in american gov.?
religious freedom and separation from church and state.
the latin translation by st. jerome of the bible that was the only version accepted by the catholic church
Among the most powerful medieval popes, he outlawed lay investiture and stated that only the pope had the right to appoint church officeals.
Pope Gregory VII
The spanish noble man wh oest. the society of Jesus
Ignatious of Loyola
by the 10th century the kingdoms est. by charlemagne had dissipated this goup attacked his former terrritories in eastern europe they are ethnic hengarians
a major period of intellectual and artistic talent that occurred between 1300 and 1600 in italy
the title of the cermonial leader of the city of venice
renaissance ideas were spread through
printing press
the most quoted authro of all time he wrote romeo and juliet macbet and the tmepest
william shakespear
What issue was raised when william I was crowned king by the pope on December 25 , 1066 AD
This english king was mean, suspicious and an unskilled ruler. He infuriated his vassal by not fulfilling his feudal obligations. He also offended the church because he refused to accept the popes nominee for archbishop of canterbury
King John
a dominican friar who was the virtual dicatory of florence from 1494 to 1498 he gave fiery sermons and wanted to make florence a model of medival piety. he was burned at the stake
what are the major theams of the renaissance artists?
When french clerics elected a french pope in 1309 the papal court was moved to this city in sourther france
this italian university was the model for university organization in southerrn europe. students controlled the hiring and firing of teachers students attended this university to study law.
a church lockout it is diefected at inhabitantgs of an entire region no burial in consecrate ground
on a manor on field was left uncultivated a year
monte cassino
st benedict est. his monastery at this place in noth italy
what eng weapon signaled the downfall of the mounted feudal knights in the hundred year war?
the introduction of the harness and the usre of horses aided medival agriculture because
horseds could plow more land in a day than oxen and peasants could enlarge their fieldsand plant more crops.
Cathedrals were referred for as bibles in stone because
bible stories were visually protrayed in carvings scultptures and stained glass windows and most peope were illiterate
the most popular form of comedy in ancient rome the use of humor to criticize people and institution
in this english aurthors most famous work pilgrims journeying to the shrine of st tomas becket stories that reveeal great deal about life in meideval eng.
geoffery chaucer
the political system that developed in eurpoe when local nobles began to rule there own land in the absence of strong cental gov.
a view of life characterized by an interest in man and the beauty and opportunities of existence on earht
in 1095 this pope was called for a crusade to reconquer the holy land
pope urban 11
in a medieval vastle the iron gate that lowered to keep ppl out
doomsday book
completed in 1086 it contained info on all taxable wealt in england and was used to est. an efficient system of tax collection
the edict of milan
granted freedom of worship to all citizens of the roman empire
mermbers of religious orders who depends on the support of the faithful for their livelihood
canon law
church law that covers relgious teaching the behavior of the clergy as well as morals and marriage
the code of ethics that descreved the characteristics of the ideal knight
a painting on wet plaster
benidictine rule
the set of regulations that was used to guide the lives of monks in terms of rest prayer and work
For what 2 reasons did erasmus criticize the catholic church?
Religious hypocrsiy and worship of images
a person who suffers of dies for his belief
synoptic gospels
three versons of the good news offer a similar view of what jesus taught and the events of his life
house of commons
this house in the early english parliament consisted of 2 knights from each county and middle class citizens
one time persecutor of christians who had a vision in which jesus spoke to hime. he immediately converted to christianity and began to spriead the teachings of Jesus beyond jewish communities to Gentiles or non-jews
when of the following was an incentive offered to knights to motivate them to fight in the crusades
freedome from creditors weatlth and territorial rule and absolution of sins to those killed in battle
Henry II greatest contribution to the development of strong sentral gov. in England was
the development of common law
how many days of milityary servive did a vassal provide his lord per yeahr?
the christian movement to reconquer spain from the muslims
liniar perspective
that quality aspect of a painting that give ths work a threedimensional quality
Martin luther was obsessed with the idea of
The third crusade was provoked by the succeses of this muslim leader
one legacyt of the crusades was hatred and misunderstanding between what 2 religions
islam and christianity
This swiss reformer denounced purgatory and indulgences. He believed that the Catholic hierarchy and ceremony were unnecessary. He died in 1531 in a battle against Catholic forces
Ulrich Zwingli
this painters masterpice is the ghent altarpiece his figures are realistic in character detail and perspective
jan van eyck
partial remission of punishment esp. purgatory still due to sin after absolution
Holy roman emperor who opposed the pope over the issure of lay investiture. He was excommunicated. He eventually apologized to the pope in order to retain his power, returned to germany and subdued rebellious nobles.
Henry IV
lending money at a high rate of interest
a gov, that is controlled by a small group
95 theses
the document that martin luther nailed to the door of the wittenburg cathedra in 1517
he was the king of england during the third crusade on his return to eng. he was captured and held for ransom in austria
richard 1
as trade revived in the late middle ages this city located at the entrance to the black sea became the terminus for caravans and ships
What is the meaning of the blood of the martyr was the seed of the church
peopelw ere impresseed by the strength of christians belief
the battle fought here was a victory stopped the advance of islam into western europe
the fundamental belief of calvinists that it has been determined by god in advance for all time, who shall be saved and who shall be damned.
She was the daughter of henry VII and Chaterine of Aragon. She was staunch catholic who was determined to rever the trend toward protestantism in eng. She persecture eng protestents many of whom were burned at the stake.
mary tudor
the man who is given credit for inventing movable print in western europe the first book that he printed was a 42 line bible
johann gutenberg
in the medieval castyle the tower that contained storerooms barracks workshops and lords living quarters.
st patrick
the patron saint of ireland
the buyingna dn selling of religious offeces
he represented classical scholarship at its best. he was critical of st. thomas aquinas and the vulgate of st. jerome
lorenzo valla
magna carta
signed by the english king in 1215 its major clauses placed limits on the power of the king
he freferred sculpture to painting. his sculpture showing the virgin mary mourning the dead christ brought him fame at age 23
The holy roman emperors were attracted by the siren call of italy because
in what way did the reformation affect europe?
the power of the kings was strengthened the power of the proman caltholc church was weakened and the new nations become more independant.
index of prohibitted books
published in 1543 this was an attempt by the catholic church to curtail humanist thinking. This work listed publications that catholics were not permitted to read.
`this mayor of the palace appeaaled to the pope for consideration to by crowned the frankish king. he was crowned king by the greace of god.
pepin III
attila the hun was called the scourge fo god because
people believedhis attacks were a punishment for the sins of humankind
the battle site at with noman forces defeated the anglo-saxon armies in oct. 1066
upon which 2 of the following arch. devices did romans make improvements?
dome and arch
The man started the protestant reformation whe he challlegned the chatholic church over the issures of indulgences and the rights of the papacy. He believed that man gains salvation through faith alone.
Martin Luther
which of the following is part of charlemagnes legacy
he extended christian civilization into northern europe he furthered the blendeding of german roman and christian traditions he set up sstrong efficeient gov
The language of insturching in medicaval universities was
he wrote in the tuscan dialect his greaest work describe a mythical journey through heaven hell and pergatory
he was the leading parinter of th ehigh renaissavnce noted for his tranquil sweet faced modonnas . he waws a master of space composition
the life expectancy of a medival noble
42 yeahs

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