undefined, object
copy deck
- accessible
- Approachable.
- aviary
- A spacious cage or enclosure in which live birds are kept.
- boatswain
- A subordinate officer of a vessel, who has general charge of the rigging, anchors, etc.
- archipelago
- Any large body of water studded with islands, or the islands collectively themselves.
- abdicate
- To give up (royal power or the like).
- assets
- pl. Property in general, regarded as applicable to the payment of debts.
- ambulate
- To walk about
- bacterium
- A microbe.
- ailment
- Slight sickness.
- atrocious
- Outrageously or wantonly wicked, criminal, vile, or cruel.
- approbation
- Sanctio,
- allegory
- The setting forth of a subject under the guise of another subject of aptly suggestive likeness.
- balsam
- A medical preparation, aromatic and oily, used for healing.
- antonym
- A word directly opposed to another in meaning.
- barograph
- An instrument that registers graphically and continuously the atmospheric pressure.
- anterior
- Prior.
- acquaint
- To make familiar or conversant.
- alto
- The lowest or deepest female voice or part.
- believe
- To accept as true on the testimony or authority of others.
- accumulate
- To become greater in quantity or number.
- arbitrary
- Fixed or done capriciously.
- abbey
- The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns.
- albino
- A person with milky white skin and hair, and eyes with bright red pupil and usually pink iris.
- bric-a-brac
- Objects of curiosity or for decoratio,
- belate
- To delay past the proper hour.
- aperture
- Hole.
- antecedent
- One who or that which precedes or goes before, as in time, place, rank, order, or causality.
- ally
- A person or thing connected with another, usually in some relation of helpfulness.
- animadversion
- The utterance of criticism or censure.
- Augustinian
- Pertaining to St. Augustine, his doctrines, or the religious orders called after him.
- advertiser
- One who advertises, especially in newspapers.
- accelerate
- To move faster.
- aggress
- To make the first attack.
- allotment
- Portio,
- acquittal
- A discharge from accusation by judicial actio,
- amour
- A love-affair, especially one of an illicit nature.
- abbess
- The lady superior of a nunnery.
- anew ad
- Once more.
- butte
- A conspicuous hill, low mountain, or natural turret, generally isolated.
- afterthought
- A thought that comes later than its appropriate or expected time.
- aspirant
- One who seeks earnestly, as for advancement, honors, place.
- befriend
- To be a friend to, especially when in need.
- advert
- To refer incidentally.
- antiseptic
- Anything that destroys or restrains the growth of putrefactive micro-organisms.
- adduce
- To bring forward or name for consideratio,
- athwart ad
- From side to side.
- Americanism
- A peculiar sense in which an English word or phrase is used in the United States.
- anemic
- Affected with anemia.
- benevolence
- Any act of kindness or well-doing.
- amenable
- Willing and ready to submit.
- butt
- To strike with or as with the head, or horns.
- abidance
- An abiding.
- accessory
- A person or thing that aids the principal agent.
- bromine
- A dark reddish-brown, non-metallic liquid element with a suffocating odor.
- abomination
- A very detestable act or practice.
- amicable
- Done in a friendly spirit.
- brigade
- A body of troops consisting of two or more regiments.
- assessor
- An officer whose duty it is to assess taxes.
- brazier
- An open pan or basin for holding live coals.
- aura
- Pervasive psychic influence supposed to emanate from persons
- acidify
- To change into acid.
- album
- A book whose leaves are so made to form paper frames for holding photographs or the like.
- bailiff
- An officer of court having custody of prisoners under arraignment.
- advocate
- One who pleads the cause of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court.
- anthropomorphous
- Having or resembling human form.
- botanical
- Connected with the study or cultivation of plants.
- antispasmodic
- Tending to prevent or relieve non-inflammatory spasmodic affections.
- aversion
- A mental condition of fixed opposition to or dislike of some particular thing.
- autarchy
- Unrestricted power.
- antemundane
- Pertaining to time before the world's creatio,
- arbor
- A tree.
- avocation
- Diversio,
- addle
- To make inefficient or worthless; muddle.
- admittance
- Entrance, or the right or permission to enter.
- abscess
- A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body.
- aforesaid
- Said in a preceding part or before.
- abridge
- To make shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaning out minor particles.
- arrear
- Something overdue and unpaid.
- alacrity
- Cheerful willingness.
- banal
- Commonplace.
- ambiguous
- Having a double meaning.
- anonymous
- Of unknown authorship.
- administrator
- One who manages affairs of any kind.
- aghast
- Struck with terror and amazement.
- bigamy
- The crime of marrying any other person while having a legal spouse living.
- boorish
- Rude.
- astringent
- Harsh in disposition or character.
- aristocracy
- A hereditary nobility
- anagram
- The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or phrase.
- amorous
- Having a propensity for falling in love.
- amalgamate
- To mix or blend together in a homogeneous body.
- assignee
- One who is appointed to act for another in the management of certain property and interests.
- annex
- To add or affix at the end.
- apostasy
- A total departure from one's faith or religio,
- bawl
- To proclaim by outcry.
- assonant
- Having resemblance of sound.
- attorney-general
- The chief law-officer of a government.
- abase
- To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade.
- bombast
- Inflated or extravagant language, especially on unimportant subjects.
- ambitious
- Eagerly desirous and aspiring.
- apprehensible
- Capable of being conceived.
- baton
- An official staff borne either as a weapon or as an emblem of authority or privilege.
- ameliorate
- To relieve, as from pain or hardship
- annotate
- To make explanatory or critical notes on or upo,
- atrocity
- Great cruelty or reckless wickedness.
- bombardier
- A person who has charge of mortars, bombs, and shells.
- adulterant
- An adulterating substance.
- biennial
- A plant that produces leaves and roots the first year and flowers and fruit the second.
- agglomerate
- To pile or heap together.
- baleful
- Malignant.
- acquiescence
- Passive consent.
- affirmative
- Answering yes; to a question at issue.
- anteroom
- A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger.
- bodice
- A women's ornamental corset-shaped laced waist.
- brotherhood
- Spiritual or social fellowship or solidarity.
- brevity
- Shortness of duratio,
- blaze
- A vivid glowing flame.
- antagonism
- Mutual opposition or resistance of counteracting forces, principles, or persons.
- brokerage
- The business of making sales and purchases for a commission; a broker.
- betroth
- To engage to marry.
- brimstone
- Sulfur.
- abrupt
- Beginning, ending, or changing suddenly or with a break.
- anesthetic
- Pertaining to or producing loss of sensatio,
- bulwark
- Anything that gives security or defense.
- breach
- The violation of official duty, lawful right, or a legal obligatio,
- berth
- A bunk or bed in a vessel, sleeping-car, etc.
- alienable
- Capable of being aliened or alienated, as lands.
- apparent
- Easily understood.
- anecdote
- A brief account of some interesting event or incident.
- accomplish
- To bring to pass.
- ascendant
- Dominant.
- append
- To add or attach, as something accessory, subordinate, or supplementary.
- belittle
- To disparage.
- ascetic
- Given to severe self-denial and practicing excessive abstinence and devotio,
- abdominal
- Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdome,
- adhesion
- The state of being attached or joined.
- addendum
- Something added, or to be added.
- animosity
- Hatred.
- animate
- To make alive.
- bestride
- To get or sit upon astride, as a horse.
- abyss
- Bottomless gulf.
- ambidextrous
- Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease.
- betrothal
- Engagement to marry.
- brooch
- An article of jewelry fastened by a hinged pin and hook on the underside.
- archaeology
- The branch of anthropology concerned with the systematic investigation of the relics of ma,
- ardent
- Burning with passio,
- autonomy
- Self-government.
- annihilate
- To destroy absolutely.
- boycott
- To place the products or merchandise of under a ba,
- academy
- Any institution where the higher branches of learning are taught.
- blatant
- Noisily or offensively loud or clamorous.
- absent-minded
- Lacking in attention to immediate surroundings or business.
- bibulous
- Fond of drinking.
- abstruse
- Dealing with matters difficult to be understood.
- auricle
- One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins.
- agile
- Able to move or act quickly, physically, or mentally.
- able-bodied
- Competent for physical service.
- acquit
- To free or clear, as from accusatio,
- barcarole
- A boat-song of Venetian gondoliers.
- appraise
- To estimate the money value of.
- accompanist
- One who or that which accompanies.
- anatomy
- That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms.
- blockade
- The shutting up of a town, a frontier, or a line of coast by hostile forces.
- aggrieve
- To give grief or sorrow to.
- acid
- A sour substance.
- amphitheater
- An edifice of elliptical shape, constructed about a central open space or arena.
- alien
- One who owes allegiance to a foreign government.
- academician
- A member of an academy of literature, art, or science.
- automaton
- Any living being whose actions are or appear to be involuntary or mechanical.
- actionable
- Affording cause for instituting an action, as trespass, slanderous words.
- blithe
- Joyous.
- armada
- A fleet of war-vessels.
- asexual
- Having no distinct sexual organs.
- alternate
- One chosen to act in place of another, in case of the absence or incapacity of that other.
- apparition
- Ghost.
- awaken
- To arouse, as emotion, interest, or the like.
- aide-de-camp
- An officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general.
- acetic
- Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of vinegar.
- antechamber
- A waiting room for those who seek audience.
- bulbous
- Of, or pertaining to, or like a bulb.
- bullock
- An ox.
- bombard
- To assail with any missile or with abusive speech.
- animadvert
- To pass criticism or censure.
- acrimonious
- Full of bitterness.
- broach
- To mention, for the first time.
- accost
- To speak to.
- aldermanship
- The dignity, condition, office, or term of office of an alderma,
- accursed
- Doomed to evil, misery, or misfortune.
- admissible
- Having the right or privilege of entry.
- acquisition
- Anything gained, or made one's own, usually by effort or labor.
- accomplice
- An associate in wrong-doing.
- bevel
- Any inclination of two surfaces other than 90 degrees.
- adoration
- Profound devotio,
- brethren
- pl. Members of a brotherhood, gild, profession, association, or the like.
- beneficiary
- One who is lawfully entitled to the profits and proceeds of an estate or property.
- alley
- A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like.
- benefice
- A church office endowed with funds or property for the maintenance of divine service.
- aerostatics
- The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, and mechanical properties.
- arbitrate
- To act or give judgment as umpire.
- burnish
- To make brilliant or shining.
- accede
- To agree.
- buttress
- Any support or prop.
- analyst
- One who analyzes or makes use of the analytical method.
- bedeck
- To cover with ornament.
- aspire
- To have an earnest desire, wish, or longing, as for something high and good, not yet attained.
- brogan
- A coarse, heavy shoe.
- arrival
- A coming to stopping-place or destinatio,
- adversity
- Misfortune.
- bureaucracy
- Government by departments of men transacting particular branches of public business.
- avow
- To declare openly.
- abominate
- To hate violently.
- abstinence
- Self denial.
- abusive
- Employing harsh words or ill treatment.
- askance ad
- With a side or indirect glance or meaning.
- alter
- To make change i,
- analogous
- Corresponding (to some other) in certain respects, as in form, proportion, relations.
- bronchitis
- Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
- abnormal
- Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard.
- appease
- To soothe by quieting anger or indignatio,
- bemoan
- To lament
- baffle
- To foil or frustrate.
- apex
- The highest point, as of a mountai,
- access
- A way of approach or entrance; passage.
- alchemy
- Chemistry of the middle ages, characterized by the pursuit of changing base metals to gold.
- aurora
- A luminous phenomenon in the upper regions of the atmosphere.
- brine
- Water saturated with salt.
- autocrat
- Any one who claims or wields unrestricted or undisputed authority or influence.
- bight
- A slightly receding bay between headlands, formed by a long curve of a coast-line.
- augur
- To predict.
- advisory
- Not mandatory.
- actuary
- An officer, as of an insurance company, who calculates and states the risks and premiums.
- avarice
- Passion for getting and keeping riches.
- advocacy
- The act of pleading a cause.
- adjacency
- The state of being adjacent.
- alcoholism
- A condition resulting from the inordinate or persistent use of alcoholic beverages.
- airy
- Delicate, ethereal.
- benison
- Blessing.
- accept
- To take when offered.
- abominable
- Very hateful.
- baste
- To cover with melted fat, gravy, while cooking.
- absorption
- The act or process of absorbing.
- attache
- A subordinate member of a diplomatic embassy.
- accustom
- To make familiar by use.
- autumnal
- Of or pertaining to autum,
- alkali
- Anything that will neutralize an acid, as lime, magnesia, etc.
- benignity
- Kindness of feeling, disposition, or manner.
- adulterate
- To make impure by the admixture of other or baser ingredients.
- beneficial
- Helpful.
- altruist
- One who advocates or practices altruism.
- anthology
- A collection of extracts from the writings of various authors.
- abundant
- Plentiful.
- appertain
- To belong, as by right, fitness, association, classification, possession, or natural relatio,
- apogee
- The climax.
- aphorism
- Proverb.
- battalion
- A body of infantry composed of two or more companies, forming a part of a regiment.
- adjuration
- A vehement appeal.
- Antichrist
- Any opponent or enemy of Christ, whether a person or a power.
- bravado
- An aggressive display of boldness.
- bilateral
- Two-sided.
- alderman
- A member of a municipal legislative body, who usually exercises also certain judicial functions.
- acquittance
- Release or discharge from indebtedness, obligation, or responsibility.
- archbishop
- The chief of the bishops of an ecclesiastical province in the Greek, Roman, and Anglican church.
- abhorrence
- The act of detesting extremely.
- annals
- A record of events in their chronological order, year by year.
- austere
- Severely simple; unadorned.
- aural
- Of or pertaining to the ear.
- accordion
- A portable free-reed musical instrument.
- avert
- To turn away or aside.
- archaism
- Obsolescence.
- abrasion
- That which is rubbed off.
- beset
- To attack on all sides.
- admonish
- To warn of a fault.
- ardor
- Intensity of passion or affectio,
- amateur
- Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a professio,
- allot
- To assign a definite thing or part to a certain perso,
- apostate
- False.
- abrade
- To wear away the surface or some part of by frictio,
- alternative
- Something that may or must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead of something else.
- beatify
- To make supremely happy.
- allusion
- An indirect and incidental reference to something without definite mention of it.
- atone
- To make amends for.
- aeronaut
- One who navigates the air, a balloonist.
- birthright
- A privilege or possession into which one is bor,
- bilingual
- Speaking two languages.
- aver
- To assert as a fact.
- accession
- Induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government.
- accurate
- Conforming exactly to truth or to a standard.
- antic
- A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic actio,
- assay
- The chemical analysis or testing of an alloy ore.
- annunciation
- Proclamatio,
- bustle
- To hurry.
- browbeat
- To overwhelm, or attempt to do so, by stern, haughty, or rude address or manner.
- authenticity
- The state or quality of being genuine, or of the origin and authorship claimed.
- admonition
- Gentle reproof.
- alleviate
- To make less burdensome or less hard to bear.
- Baconian
- Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon or his system of philosophy.
- archetype
- A prototype.
- by-law
- A rule or law adopted by an association, a corporation, or the like.
- auriferous
- Containing gold.
- adverse
- Opposing or opposed.
- benefactor
- A doer of kindly and charitable acts.
- abhorrent
- Very repugnant; hateful.
- bestial
- Animal.
- biped
- An animal having two feet.
- alienate
- To cause to turn away.
- brandish
- To wave, shake, or flourish triumphantly or defiantly, as a sword or spear.
- acrimony
- Sharpness or bitterness of speech or temper.
- befog
- To confuse.
- acknowledgment
- Recognitio,
- alcove
- A covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room.
- absence
- The fact of not being present or available.
- bungle
- To execute clumsily.
- anthracite
- Hard coal.
- antitoxin
- A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms.
- afresh ad
- Once more, after rest or interval.
- arboretum
- A botanical garden or place devoted to the cultivation of trees or shrubs.
- avalanche
- The fall or sliding of a mass of snow or ice down a mountain-slope, often bearing with it rock.
- amalgam
- An alloy or union of mercury with another metal.
- acrid
- Harshly pungent or bitter.
- bewilder
- To confuse the perceptions or judgment of.
- benefit
- Helpful result.
- ado
- unnecessary activity or ceremony.
- acquire
- To get as one's ow,
- arrant
- Notoriously bad.
- antediluvian
- Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the days of Noah.
- ascent
- A rising, soaring, or climbing.
- bleak
- Desolate.
- bestrew
- To sprinkle or cover with things strew,
- adamant
- Any substance of exceeding hardness or impenetrability.
- affix
- To faste,
- aggression
- An unprovoked attack.
- armful
- As much as can be held in the arm or arms.
- abstemious
- Characterized by self denial or abstinence, as in the use of drink, food.
- absurd
- Inconsistent with reason or common sense.
- botanize
- To study plant-life.
- brigadier
- General officer who commands a brigade, ranking between a colonel and a major-general.
- aboriginal
- Primitive; unsophisticated.
- adjudge
- To award or bestow by formal decisio,
- buoyancy
- Power or tendency to float on or in a liquid or gas.
- ancestry
- One's ancestors collectively.
- abscond
- To depart suddenly and secretly, as for the purpose of escaping arrest.
- azalea
- A flowering shrub.
- aqueous
- Of, pertaining to, or containing water.
- boll
- A round pod or seed-capsule, as a flax or cotto,
- acme
- The highest point, or summit.
- arcade
- A vaulted passageway or street; a roofed passageway having shops, etc., opening from it.
- apposite
- Appropriate.
- aborigines
- The original of earliest known inhabitants of a country.
- brigand
- One who lives by robbery and plunder.
- benevolent
- Loving others and actively desirous of their well-being.
- antilogy
- Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas.
- achromatic
- Colorless,
- afoot ad
- In progress.
- alienation
- Estrangement.
- anthropology
- The science of man in general.
- beget
- To produce by sexual generatio,
- biograph
- A bibliographical sketch or notice.
- absorb
- To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water.
- acclaim
- To utter with a shout.
- authentic
- Of undisputed origi,
- acerbity
- Sourness, with bitterness and astringency.
- assent
- To express agreement with a statement or matter of opinio,
- azure
- The color of the sky.
- assassin
- One who kills, or tries to kill, treacherously or secretly.
- assonate
- To accord in sound, especially vowel sound.
- abjure
- To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath.
- batter
- A thick liquid mixture of two or more materials beaten together, to be used in cookery.
- beck
- To give a signal to, by nod or gesture.
- adhere
- To stick fast or together.
- Anglophobia
- Hatred or dread of England or of what is English.
- breaker
- One who trains horses, dogs, etc.
- bier
- A horizontal framework with two handles at each end for carrying a corpse to the grave.
- ascribe
- To assign as a quality or attribute.
- awry ad
- &, Out of the proper form, direction, or positio,
- bauble
- A trinket.
- audible
- Loud enough to be heard.
- acreage
- Quantity or extent of land, especially of cultivated land.
- autopsy
- The examination of a dead body by dissection to ascertain the cause of death.
- bide
- To await.
- accuracy
- Exactness.
- assimilate
- To adapt.
- benediction
- a solemn invocation of the divine blessing.
- altercate
- To contend angrily or zealously in words.
- bitterness
- Acridity, as to the taste.
- archdeacon
- A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese.
- atomizer
- An apparatus for reducing a liquid to a fine spray, as for disinfection, inhalation, etc.
- actuate
- To move or incite to actio,
- bridle
- The head-harness of a horse consisting of a head-stall, a bit, and the reins.
- bomb
- A hollow projectile containing an explosive material.
- asperity
- Harshness or roughness of temper.
- Anglo-Saxon
- The entire English race wherever found, as in Europe, the United States, or India.
- adherence
- Attachment.
- antipathize
- To show or feel a feeling of antagonism, aversion, or dislike.
- auricular
- Of or pertaining to the ear, its auricle, or the sense of hearing.
- bibliomania
- The passion for collecting books.
- breech
- The buttocks.
- apiary
- A place where bees are kept.
- antiphony
- An anthem or other composition sung responsively.
- anhydrous
- Withered.
- arrogate
- To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds.
- aggravation
- The fact of being made heavier or more heinous, as a crime, offense, misfortune, etc.
- brae
- Hillside.
- adherent
- Clinging or sticking fast.
- bole
- The trunk or body of a tree.
- artful
- Characterized by craft or cunning.
- braze
- To make of or ornament with brass.
- bedlam
- Madhouse.
- burgess
- In colonial times, a member of the lower house of the legislature of Maryland or Virginia.
- aroma
- An agreeable odor.
- bronchus
- Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs.
- bedaub
- To smear over, as with something oily or sticky.
- becalm
- To make quiet.
- acknowledge
- To recognize; to admit the genuineness or validity of.
- augment
- To make bigger.
- acoustic
- Pertaining to the act or sense of hearing.
- bumper
- A cup or glass filled to the brim, especially one to be drunk as a toast or health.
- apostle
- Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority.
- assonance
- Resemblance or correspondence in sound.
- amorphous
- Without determinate shape.
- assailant
- One who attacks.
- Bowdlerize
- To expurgate in editing (a literary composition) by omitting words or passages.
- bereave
- To make desolate with loneliness and grief.
- annalist
- Historia,
- anticlimax
- A gradual or sudden decrease in the importance or impressiveness of what is said.
- auspice
- favoring, protecting, or propitious influence or guidance.
- bursar
- A treasurer.
- aggrandize
- To cause to appear greatly.
- allude
- To refer incidentally, or by suggestio,
- affiliate
- Some auxiliary person or thing.
- ashen
- Pale.
- ante
- In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt.
- altitude
- Vertical distance or elevation above any point or base-level, as the sea.
- aggravate
- To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome.
- assuage
- To cause to be less harsh, violent, or severe, as excitement, appetite, pain, or disease.
- aberration
- Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course.
- burgher
- An inhabitant, citizen or freeman of a borough burgh, or corporate tow,
- brogue
- Any dialectic pronunciation of English, especially that of the Irish people.
- accompany
- To go with, or be associated with, as a companio,
- averse
- Reluctant.
- bibliography
- A list of the words of an author, or the literature bearing on a particular subject.
- apology
- A disclaimer of intentional error or offense.
- athirst
- Wanting water.
- allege
- To assert to be true, especially in a formal manner, as in court.
- abduction
- A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally.
- accusatory
- Of, pertaining to, or involving an accusatio,
- adroit
- Having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers.
- ampere
- The practical unit of electric-current strength.
- anemia
- Deficiency of blood or red corpuscles.
- assess
- To determine the amount of (a tax or other sum to be paid).
- anxious
- Distressed in mind respecting some uncertain matter.
- belie
- To misrepresent.
- advent
- The coming or arrival, as of any important change, event, state, or personage.
- amputate
- To remove by cutting, as a limb or some portion of the body.
- accredit
- To give credit or authority to.
- ablution
- A washing or cleansing, especially of the body.
- Achillean
- Invulnerable.
- aspiration
- An earnest wish for that which is above one's present reach.
- aeronautics
- the art or practice of flying aircraft
- broadcast
- Disseminated far and wide.
- analyze
- To examine minutely or critically.
- acetate
- A salt of acetic acid.
- acute
- Having fine and penetrating discernment.
- anarchy
- Absence or utter disregard of government.
- bodily
- Corporeal.
- blithesome
- Cheerful.
- beatitude
- Any state of great happiness.
- autobiography
- The story of one's life written by himself.
- artifice
- Trickery.
- akin
- Of similar nature or qualities.
- bigamist
- One who has two spouses at the same time.
- abeyance
- A state of suspension or temporary inactio,
- buffoon
- A clow,
- amplitude
- Largeness.
- abridgment
- A condensed form as of a book or play.
- atonement
- Amends, reparation, or expiation made from wrong or injury.
- amatory
- Designed to excite love.
- barometer
- An instrument for indicating the atmospheric pressure per unit of surface.
- beau
- An escort or lover.
- adjutant
- Auxiliary.
- brusque
- Somewhat rough or rude in manner or speech.
- audacious
- Fearless.
- anode
- The point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or the like.
- aggregate
- The entire number, sum, mass, or quantity of something.
- affect
- To act upon
- abbot
- The superior of a community of monks.
- bibliophile
- One who loves books.
- altruism
- Benevolence to others on subordination to self-interest.
- antenatal
- Occurring or existing before birth.
- attest
- To certify as accurate, genuine, or true.
- antiquate
- To make old or out of date.
- anemometer
- An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind.
- braggart
- A vain boaster.
- betide
- To happen to or befall.
- bureau
- A chest of drawers for clothing, etc.
- amphibious
- Living both on land and in water.
- agitate
- To move or excite (the feelings or thoughts).
- atheism
- The denial of the existence of God.
- alabaster
- A white or delicately tinted fine-grained gypsum.
- bask
- To make warm by genial heat.
- aristocrat
- A hereditary noble or one nearly connected with nobility.
- accusation
- A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error.
- apothecary
- One who keeps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptions.
- angelic
- Saintly.
- benign
- Good and kind of heart.
- accompaniment
- A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part.
- blazon
- To make widely or generally know,
- anathema
- Anything forbidden, as by social usage.
- alias
- An assumed name.
- blemish
- A mark that mars beauty.
- appropriate
- Suitable for the purpose and circumstances.
- abscission
- The act of cutting off, as in a surgical operatio,
- appall
- To fill with dismay or horror.
- Briticism
- A word, idiom, or phrase characteristic of Great Britain or the British.
- absolve
- To free from sin or its penalties.
- botany
- The science that treats of plants.
- baize
- A single-colored napped woolen fabric used for table-covers, curtains, etc.
- bale
- A large package prepared for transportation or storage.
- antislavery
- Opposed to human slavery.
- alcohol
- A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burning taste.
- arboreal
- Of or pertaining to a tree or trees.
- aerial
- Of, pertaining to, or like the air.
- affront
- An open insult or indignity.
- bumptious
- Full of offensive and aggressive self-conceit.
- antique
- Pertaining to ancient times.
- angular
- Sharp-cornered.
- appreciable
- Capable of being discerned by the senses or intellect.
- boisterous
- Unchecked merriment or animal spirits.
- auxiliary
- One who or that which aids or helps, especially when regarded as subsidiary or accessory.
- apposition
- The act of placing side by side, together, or in contact.
- almanac
- A series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain astronomical informatio,
- adjacent
- That which is near or bordering upo,
- buoyant
- Having the power or tendency to float or keep afloat.
- amity
- Friendship.
- armory
- An arsenal.
- aboveboard ad
- &, Without concealment, fraud, or trickery.
- biology
- The science of life or living organisms.
- artless
- Ingenuous.
- Arthurian
- Pertaining to King Arthur, the real or legendary hero of British poetic story.
- aloof ad
- Not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others.
- bolster
- To support, as something wrong.
- biography
- A written account of one's life, actions, and character.
- abdomen
- In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly.
- accouter
- To dress.
- bore
- To weary by tediousness or dullness.
- adjunct
- Something joined to or connected with another thing, but holding a subordinate place.
- antistrophe
- The inversion of terms in successive classes, as in "the home of joy and the joy of home".
- belle
- A woman who is a center of attraction because of her beauty, accomplishments, etc.
- affluence
- A profuse or abundant supply of riches.
- beneficent
- Characterized by charity and kindness.
- bulrush
- Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water.
- abnegate
- To renounce (a right or privilege).
- ambrosial
- Divinely sweet, fragrant, or delicious.
- ascension
- The act of rising.
- arrogant
- Unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc.
- alluvion
- Flood.
- auburn
- Reddish-brown, said usually of the hair.
- blaspheme
- To indulge in profane oaths.
- bass
- Low in tone or compass.
- Britannia
- The United Kingdom of Great Britai,
- absolution
- Forgiveness, or passing over of offenses.
- besmear
- To smear over, as with any oily or sticky substance.
- apathy
- Insensibility to emotion or passionate feeling.
- abstain
- To keep oneself back (from doing or using something).
- abut
- To touch at the end or boundary line.
- acquiesce
- To comply; submit.
- bravo
- interj. Well done.
- aye ad
- An expression of assent.
- acumen
- Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of discriminatio,
- assassination
- Murderer, as by secret assault or treachery.
- antiphon
- A response or alteration of responses, generally musical.
- account
- A record or statement of receipts and expenditures, or of business transactions.
- assassinate
- To kill, as by surprise or secret assault, especially the killing of some eminent perso,
- annual
- Occurring every year.
- bethink
- To remind oneself.
- antiquary
- One who collects and examines old things, as coins, books, medals, weapons, etc.
- allay
- To calm the violence or reduce the intensity of; mitigate.
- bristle
- One of the coarse, stiff hairs of swine: used in brush-making, etc.
- aqueduct
- A water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a distance.
- ache
- To be in pain or distress.
- assiduous
- Diligent.
- antedate
- To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one.
- alder
- Any shrub or small tree of the genus Alumnus, of the oak family.
- astute
- Keen in discernment.
- beseech
- To implore.
- arrange
- To put in definite or proper order.
- bellicose
- Warlike.
- betimes ad
- In good season or time.
- ampersand
- The character &; and.
- antecede
- To precede.
- autonomous
- Self-governing.
- amusement
- Diversio,
- audition
- The act or sensation of hearing.
- analogy
- Reasoning in which from certain and known relations or resemblance others are formed.
- anachronism
- Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time.
- appellation
- The name or title by which a particular person, class, or thing is called.
- brittle
- Fragile.
- affectation
- A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt.
- animalcule
- An animal of microscopic smallness.
- bequeath
- To give by will.
- begrudge
- To envy one of the possession of.
- arid
- Very dry.
- actuality
- Any reality.
- autocracy
- Absolute government.
- Antarctic
- Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it.
- abed ad
- In bed; on a bed.
- arboriculture
- The cultivation of trees or shrubs.
- Artesian well
- A very deep bored well. water rises due to underground pressure
- arrangement
- The act of putting in proper order, or the state of being put in order.
- anticyclone
- An atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing outward.
- borough
- An incorporated village or tow,
- antemeridian
- Before noo,
- amply ad
- Sufficiently.
- ambulance
- A vehicle fitted for conveying the sick and wounded.
- alteration
- Change or modificatio,
- arraign
- To call into court, as a person indicted for crime, and demand whether he pleads guilty or not.
- bountiful
- Showing abundance.
- apprehend
- To make a prisoner of (a person) in the name of the law.
- accuse
- To charge with wrong doing, misconduct, or error.
- avidity
- Greediness.
- blase
- Sated with pleasure.
- arborescent
- Having the nature of a tree.
- batten
- A narrow strip of wood.
- affable
- Easy to approach.
- badger
- To pester.
- buffoonery
- Low drollery, coarse jokes, etc.
- bosom
- The breast or the upper front of the thorax of a human being, especially of a woma,
- belligerent
- Manifesting a warlike spirit.
- altar
- Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned.
- baritone
- Having a register higher than bass and lower than tenor.
- ballad
- Any popular narrative poem, often with epic subject and usually in lyric form.
- abject
- Sunk to a low conditio,
- afire ad
- &, On fire, literally or figuratively.
- annuity
- An annual allowance, payment, or income.
- abrogate
- To abolish, repeal.
- bowler
- In cricket, the player who delivers the ball.
- ambush
- The act or state of lying concealed for the purpose of surprising or attacking the enemy.
- arbiter
- One chosen or appointed, by mutual consent of parties in dispute, to decide matters.
- academic
- Of or pertaining to an academy, college, or university.
- alliance
- Any combination or union for some common purpose.
- belay
- To make fast, as a rope, by winding round a cleat.
- adumbrate
- To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem.
- bolero
- A Spanish dance, illustrative of the passion of love, accompanied by caste nets and singing.
- archaic
- Antiquated
- appellate
- Capable of being appealed to.
- apotheosis
- Deificatio,
- accommodate
- To furnish something as a kindness or favor.
- archangel
- An angel of high rank.
- bray
- A loud harsh sound, as the cry of an ass or the blast of a hor,
- agrarian
- Pertaining to land, especially agricultural land.
- antipodes
- A place or region on the opposite side of the earth.
- aerostat
- A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air.
- benignant
- Benevolent in feeling, character, or aspect.
- auditory
- Of or pertaining to hearing or the organs or sense of hearing.
- antidote
- Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like.
- aliment
- That which nourishes.
- abet
- To aid, promote, or encourage the commission of (an offense).