Assingment 5
undefined, object
copy deck
- In most cases, if a dying declaration is to be introduced at a trial for criminal homicide, in what condition must the person be at the time of trial?
- Dead
- Which is an exception to hearsay testimony?
- Res gestae
- What is Res gestae?
- Involuntary exclamations or acts made at the time the offense was committed.
- During trial, evidence is first introduced by?
- The prosecution
- When may one witness be present in court while another witness testifies?
- When the trial counsel and defense counsel agree to the presence of the witnesses.
- Objection to a witness on grounds of incompetence is made at what time?
- At any time during trial
- A Court Martial convened by the Navy can require the appereance of witnesses from which of the following services
- All Armed Forces
- Whent the witness is stationed near the location where the court convenes, by whom is the witness notified?
- Trial Counsel
- When a request for the attendance of a military witness is made, what is the minimum allowed time for notice before court convenes.
- 24 Hours
- A subpoena is normally issued for a civilian witness a minimum of how many hours before the witness must travel from home to comply with the subpoena?
- 24 Hours
- When may an accused be forced to testify?
- Never
- When is an accomplice competent to testify?
- At all times
- When may a trial counsel be required to testify?
- When his/her testimony is desired
- A child must be 16 years of age in order for his/her testimony to be admissible?
- False
- When may a husband testify to confidential communications received from his wife?
- When the wife has given consent
- In cross-examination, what type of evidence many NOT be introduced to attack the credibility of the witness?
- Testimony as to the character of the witness
- Who decides whether or not a witness is competent to testify?
- The trial counsel, the defense counsel, or the judge
- The testimony of a witness may be impeached if it is proved that the witness made contradictory statements during the present trial.
- True
- What is a deposition?
- A written declaration under oath or affirmation made by a witness in the presence of the adverse party.
- A deposition may be taken by who?
- A legal officer, a court officer, a notary public
- Depositions are NOT in violation of the hearsay rule for what reasons?
- Because the witness is under oath and there is an opportunity for cross-examination
- What is different from a affidavit and a deposition?
- A affidavit is made without giving the other side an opportunity to ask questions of the declarer.
- Explain the examination process of witnesses.
First-direct examination by the party who called the witness.
Second-cross examination by the opposite party
Third-redirect examination
Fourth-re-cross-examination - Leading questions are allowed in court proceedings at which of the following times.
- When the witness appears hostile to the party who called him/her.
- Are double questions allowed in court?
- No
- During trial, which type of questions are NOT forbidden.
- Degrading question dealing with a minor issue of a trial.
- A witness may NOT give his/her opinion regarding what characteristic of person at trial?
- Guilt
- Are witness allowed to discuss their testimony?
- No
- Which one should be tried at a summary court martial
- Minor offenses
- A summary court martial has no civilian equivalent.
- True
- The power to convene a summary court martial rests with what authority?
- Authorized command
- An individual tried by a state court may only be retried by a summary court martial with the permission of what authority?
- Officer exercising general court martial jurisdiction
- What personnel may be tried by a summary court martial.
- Petty Officer
- If the number of charges exceed the amount of room provided on a charge sheet, what action should be taken?
- Place them on a separate sheet of paper as attachment A
- The signature of the accuser should appear in what block of the charge sheet?
- For what reason is an accused informed of the charges?
- To provide a reasonable notice of impending prosecution
- Once a referral of a summary court martial case has been properly executed, what action should be taken next?
- Forward the case file to the summary court martial officer
- After referral, are changes allowed on the charge sheet?
- Yes; but the changes must be initiated by the summary court martial officer.
- What document contains information on a pretrial conference for a summary court martial?
- MCM, Appendix IX
- May reduction in grade be awarded at a summary court martial for E5 and above. If so, to what maximum number of inferior paygrades?
- Yes; one
- What document constains a trial guide for a summary court martial?
- MCM, Appendix IX
- Who is responsable for making sure only legal and competent evidence is presented at a summary court martial?
- The court martial officer
- If a summary court-martial officer has a question regarding the admissibility of evidence, from what source should assistance be obtained?
- Navy legal service office
- What are the major steps of a summary court martial?
- Arraignment, motions, pleas, presentation of the evidence, findings, and sentence.
- At a summary court martial, an accused may change any plea at any time before which event?
- Findings are announced
- When evidence is presented at a summary court martial, the witnesses for the accussed are called first
- False
- A special court-martial must have a minimum of how many members?
- Three
- A special court martial, consisting of three members, counsel, but not military judge may NOT award which of the following punishments?
- Confinement for six months
- In a special court martial with a military judge, what person is responsible for presiding during deliberations
- Senior member
- What are the elements needed for a court-martial to properly try a case?
- Jurisdiction over the offense, defendant, and proper convening authority
- When an enlistee accused requests enlisted members sit on a special court martial, what fraction of the court must consists of enlisted members
- One-third
- When enlisted members are requested, but cannot be assigned due to extraordinary circumstances, what action must be taken?
- The convening authority must forward a detailed explanation to the trial counsel.
- The military judge of a special court martial should have which of the following qualifications?
- Commisioned officer, a member of the bar of a Federal court, certified by the Judge Advocate General
- When charges are officially withdrawn on the charge sheet, who must initial and date the changes?
- The convening authority
- In what way should a convening authority withdraw a case from one court and refer it to a new court
- By executing a new block 14 referral to the charge sheet
- While awaiting trial, an accused commits new offenses. How should these additional charges be referred?
- By completing a new charge sheet
- At a special court martial in times of peace, an accused be brought to trial a minimum of how many days after formal charges have been served?
- Three
- What means of communication should the trial counsel use to notify the accused?
- In person
- Which plea is the strongest form of proof known to the law?
- Guilty
- How many members in a special court martial must agree on finding a guilty verdict.
- Three
- In court-martial, for what reason are matters in mitigation of an offense introduced?
- To lessen the punishment adjudged by the court
- In a member's trial, who is responsible for announcing the sentence?
- President of the Court
- Which type of court martial provides the greatest penalties provided by military law?
- General Court Martial
- Which type of investigation must be conducted before a general court martial may lawfully occur?
- Pretrial
- What is the purpose of an Article 32 pretrial investigation?
- To formally inquire into the allegations contained in the charge sheet.
- What action initiates an Article 32 pretrial investigation?
- Written request from the trial counsel.
- A military counsel must be qualified under what article of the UCMJ?
- Art. 27
- What official is responsible for making the initial determination on the availability of military witnesses.
- Convening authority
- During an Article 32 investigation, a witness is not reasonably available. If the defense objects, what type of statement may the investigating officer consider?
- Sworn
- The pretrial advice by the CO's staff judge advocate does NOT include which of the following elements?
- A recomended punishment for the offense.
- A general court martial should be comprised of at least how many members?
- Five
- The effects of a BCD on the benefits of a veteran depend on which of the following factors?
Type of court martial
The facts of the case
Who administers the benefits - A special court martial may adjudge hard labor without confinement for a maximum of how many months?
- Three
- What term identifies a lump sum judgement against an accused payable to the United States
- Fine
- Automatic reduction to paygrade E1 is affected upon what approved punishment.
- Confinement in excess of 90 days or 3 months only
- The escalator clause permits a punitive discharge to those personnel involved in what type of cases?
- Chronic offenders
- What is the maximum sentence a special court martial may award?
- BCD, confinement for 6 months, a forfeiture of 2/3 pay per month for 6 months, and reduction in rate to E1
- Counsel Tactics: An attempt to lead the witness...?
- Suggestive
- To confuse the witness
- Rapid fire questions
- To give the impression that the witness is unreliable
- Condescending counsel
- To force inconsistent answers
- Rapid fire questions
- To lull the witness into a false sense of security
- Friendly counsel
- Procedures and directives for MA personnel assigned to duty at courts martial are set forth by...?
- Individual commands
- When assigned to guard a prisioner in court, where should the MAA be stationed?
- In a position to observe the prisioner
- If a prisioner is delivered to a court in handcuffs, when may the handcuffs be removed?
- During the proceedings
- Arrangements for the location of witnesses are made by whom?
- The trial counsel
- During a trial, administrative errands are performed by whom?
- The court bailiff
- Before and after each session of court, the court bailiff receives specific instructions from whom?
- The military judge
- In the deliberation room, the bailiff performs which of the following duties?
- Ensures the court members have pencils and pads of voting paper
- If a member of the news media insists on bringing a camera into the courtroom, the bailiff should report the incident to..?
- The trial counsel
- A court bailiff should be prepared to furnish which of the following services?
- Summon witnesses, summon court members, collect written questions