undefined, object
copy deck
- inimical adj
- Adverse
- iniquity n
- Gross wrong or injustice
- initiate v
- To perform the first act or rite
- inject v
- To introduce, as a fluid, by injection
- injunction n
- Mandate
- inkling n
- A hint
- inland adj
- Remote from the sea
- inlet n
- A small body of water leading into a larger
- inmost adj
- Deepest within
- innocuous adj
- Harmless
- innovate v
- To introduce or strive to introduce new things
- innuendo n
- Insinuation
- innumerable adj
- Countless
- inoffensive adj
- Causing nothing displeasing or disturbing
- inopportune adj
- Unsuitable or inconvenient, especially as to time
- inquire v
- To ask information about
- inquisition n
- A court or tribunal for examination and punishment of heretics
- inquisitive adj
- Given to questioning, especially out of curiosity
- inquisitor n
- One who makes an investigation
- inroad n
- Forcible encroachment or trespass
- insatiable adj
- That desires or craves immoderately or unappeasably
- inscribe v
- To enter in a book, or on a list, roll, or document, by writing
- inscrutable adj
- Impenetrably mysterious or profound
- insecure adj
- Not assured of safety
- insensible adj
- Imperceptible
- insentient adj
- Lacking the power of feeling or perceiving
- inseparable adj
- That can not be separated
- insidious adj
- Working ill by slow and stealthy means
- insight n
- Intellectual discernment
- insignificance n
- Lack of import or of importance
- insignificant adj
- Without importance, force, or influence
- insinuate v
- To imply
- insipid adj
- Tasteless
- insistence n
- Urgency
- insistent adj
- Urgent
- insolence n
- Pride or haughtiness exhibited in contemptuous and overbearing treatment of others
- insolent adj
- Impudent
- insomnia n
- Sleeplessness
- inspector n
- An official appointed to examine or oversee any matter of public interest or importance
- instance n
- A single occurrence or happening of a given kind
- instant n
- A very brief portion of time
- instantaneous adj
- Done without perceptible lapse of time
- instigate v
- To provoke
- instigator n
- One who incites to evil
- instill v
- To infuse
- instructive adj
- Conveying knowledge
- insufficiency n
- Inadequacy
- insufficient adj
- Inadequate for some need, purpose, or use
- insular adj
- Pertaining to an island
- insulate v
- To place in a detached state or situation
- insuperable adj
- Invincible
- insuppressible adj
- Incapable of being concealed
- insurgence n
- Uprising
- insurgent n
- One who takes part in forcible opposition to the constituted authorities of a place
- insurrection n
- The state of being in active resistance to authority
- intangible adj
- Not perceptible to the touch
- integrity n
- Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principle
- intellect n
- The faculty of perception or thought
- intellectual adj
- Characterized by intelligence
- intelligence n
- Capacity to know or understand
- intelligible adj
- Comprehensible
- intemperance n
- Immoderate action or indulgence, as of the appetites
- intension n
- The act of stringing or stretching, or state of being strained
- intensive adj
- Adding emphasis or force
- intention n
- That upon which the mind is set
- interact v
- To act reciprocally
- intercede v
- To mediate between persons
- intercept v
- To interrupt the course of
- intercession n
- Entreaty in behalf of others
- intercessor n
- A mediator
- interdict n
- Authoritative act of prohibition
- interim n
- Time between acts or periods
- interlocutor n
- One who takes part in a conversation or oral discussion
- interlude n
- An action or event considered as coming between others of greater length
- intermediate adj
- Being in a middle place or degree or between extremes
- interminable adj
- Having no limit or end
- intermission n
- A recess
- intermit v
- To cause to cease temporarily
- intermittent adj
- A temporary discontinuance
- interpolation n
- Verbal interference
- interpose v
- To come between other things or persons
- interposition n
- A coming between
- interpreter n
- A person who makes intelligible the speech of a foreigner by oral translation
- interrogate v
- To examine formally by questioning
- interrogative adj
- Having the nature or form of a question
- interrogatory n
- A question or inquiry
- interrupt v
- To stop while in progress
- intersect v
- To cut through or into so as to divide
- intervale n
- A low tract of land between hills, especially along a river
- intervene v
- To interfere for some end
- intestacy n
- The condition resulting from one's dying not having made a valid will
- intestate adj
- Not having made a valid will
- intestine n
- That part of the digestive tube below or behind the stomach, extending to the anus
- intimacy n
- Close or confidential friendship
- intimidate v
- To cause to become frightened
- intolerable adj
- Insufferable
- intolerance n
- Inability or unwillingness to bear or endure
- intolerant adj
- Bigoted
- intoxicant n
- Anything that unduly exhilarates or excites
- intoxicate v
- To make drunk
- intracellular adj
- Occurring or situated within a cell
- intramural adj
- Situated within the walls of a city
- intrepid adj
- Fearless and bold
- intricacy n
- Perplexity
- intricate adj
- Difficult to follow or understand
- intrigue n
- A plot or scheme, usually complicated and intended to accomplish something by secret ways
- intrinsic adj
- Inherent
- introductory adj
- Preliminary
- introgression n
- Entrance
- intromit v
- To insert
- introspect v
- To look into
- introspection n
- The act of observing and analyzing one's own thoughts and feelings
- introversion n
- The act of turning or directing inward, physically or mentally
- introvert v
- To turn within
- intrude v
- To come in without leave or license
- intrusion n
- The act of entering without warrant or invitation; encroachment
- intuition n
- Instinctive knowledge or feeling
- inundate v
- To fill with an overflowing abundance
- inundation n
- Flood
- inure v
- To harden or toughen by use, exercise, or exposure
- invalid adj
- Having no force, weight, or cogency
- invalid n
- One who is disabled by illness or injury
- invalidate v
- To render of no force or effect
- invaluable adj
- Exceedingly precious
- invariable adj
- Unchangeable
- invasion n
- Encroachment, as by an act of intrusion or trespass
- invective n
- An utterance intended to cast censure, or reproach
- inveigh v
- To utter vehement censure or invective
- inventive adj
- Quick at contrivance
- inverse adj
- Contrary in tendency or direction
- inversion n
- Change of order so that the first shall become last and the last first
- invert v
- To turn inside out, upside down, or in opposite direction
- investigator n
- One who investigates
- investor n
- One who invests money
- inveterate adj
- Habitual
- invidious adj
- Showing or feeling envy
- invigorate v
- To animate
- invincible adj
- Not to be conquered, subdued, or overcome
- inviolable adj
- Incapable of being injured or disturbed
- invoke v
- To call on for assistance or protection
- involuntary adj
- Unwilling
- involution n
- Complication
- involve v
- To draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively
- invulnerable adj
- That can not be wounded or hurt
- inwardly adv
- With no outward manifestation
- iota n
- A small or insignificant mark or part
- irascible adj
- Prone to anger
- irate adj
- Moved to anger
- ire n
- Wrath
- iridescence n
- A many-colored appearance
- iridescent adj
- Exhibiting changing rainbow-colors due to the interference of the light
- irk v
- To afflict with pain, vexation, or fatigue
- irksome adj
- Wearisome
- irony n
- Censure or ridicule under cover of praise or compliment
- irradiance n
- Luster
- irradiate v
- To render clear and intelligible
- irrational adj
- Not possessed of reasoning powers or understanding
- irreducible adj
- That can not be lessened
- irrefragable adj
- That can not be refuted or disproved
- irrefrangible adj
- That can not be broken or violated
- irrelevant adj
- Inapplicable
- irreligious adj
- Indifferent or opposed to religion
- irreparable adj
- That can not be rectified or made amends for
- irrepressible adj
- That can not be restrained or kept down
- irresistible adj
- That can not be successfully withstood or opposed
- irresponsible adj
- Careless of or unable to meet responsibilities
- irreverence n
- The quality showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things
- irreverent adj
- Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things
- irreverential adj
- Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things
- irreversible adj
- Irrevocable
- irrigant adj
- Serving to water lands by artificial means
- irrigate v
- To water, as land, by ditches or other artificial means
- irritable adj
- Showing impatience or ill temper on little provocation
- irritancy n
- The quality of producing vexation
- irritant n
- A mechanical, chemical, or pathological agent of inflammation, pain, or tension
- irritate v
- To excite ill temper or impatience in
- irruption n
- Sudden invasion
- isle n
- An island
- islet n
- A little island
- isobar n
- A line joining points at which the barometric pressure is the same at a specified moment
- isochronous adj
- Relating to or denoting equal intervals of time
- isolate v
- To separate from others of its kind
- isothermal adj
- Having or marking equality of temperature
- itinerant adj
- Wandering
- itinerary n
- A detailed account or diary of a journey
- itinerate v
- To wander from place to place
- jargon n
- Confused, unintelligible speech or highly technical speech
- jaundice n
- A morbid condition, due to obstructed excretion of bile or characterized by yellowing of the skin
- jeopardize v
- To imperil
- Jingo n
- One of a party in Great Britain in favor of spirited and demonstrative foreign policy
- jocose adj
- Done or made in jest
- jocular adj
- Inclined to joke
- joggle n
- A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake
- journalize v
- To keep a diary
- jovial adj
- Merry
- jubilation n
- Exultation
- judgment n
- The faculty by the exercise of which a deliberate conclusion is reached
- judicature n
- Distribution and administration of justice by trial and judgment
- judicial adj
- Pertaining to the administration of justice
- judiciary n
- That department of government which administers the law relating to civil and criminal
- justice
- judicious adj
- Prudent
- juggle v
- To play tricks of sleight of hand
- jugglery n
- The art or practice of sleight of hand
- jugular adj
- Pertaining to the throat
- juicy adj
- Succulent
- junction n
- The condition of being joined
- juncture n
- An articulation, joint, or seam
- junta n
- A council or assembly that deliberates in secret upon the affairs of government
- juridical adj
- Assumed by law to exist
- jurisdiction n
- Lawful power or right to exercise official authority
- jurisprudence n
- The science of rights in accordance with positive law
- juror n
- One who serves on a jury or is sworn in for jury duty in a court of justice
- joust v
- To engage in a tilt with lances on horseback
- justification n
- Vindication
- juvenile adj
- Characteristic of youth
- juxtapose v
- To place close together
- keepsake n
- Anything kept or given to be kept for the sake of the giver
- kerchief n
- A square of linen, silk, or other material, used as a covering for the head or neck
- kernel n
- A grain or seed
- kiln n
- An oven or furnace for baking, burning, or drying industrial products
- kiloliter n
- One thousand liters
- kilometer n
- A length of 1,000 meters
- kilowatt n
- One thousand watts
- kimono n
- A loose robe, fastening with a sash, the principal outer garment in Japan
- kind-hearted adj
- Having a kind and sympathetic nature
- kingling n
- A petty king
- kingship n
- Royal state
- kinsfolk n
- Pl Relatives
- knavery n
- Deceitfulness in dealing
- knead v
- To mix and work into a homogeneous mass, especially with the hands
- knickknack n
- A small article, more for ornament that use
- knight errant n
- One of the wandering knights who in the middle ages went forth in search of adventure
- knighthood n
- Chivalry