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Ch. 1 - Geography 102

"Essentials of Geography"

Terms from the textbook, not lecture.


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closed system
A system that is shut off from the surrounding environment so that it is completely self-contained in terms of energy and materials. Earth is a ______ system in terms of materials.
That area where the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere function together to form the context to which life exists; an intricate web that connects all organisms with their physical environment.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Official reference time in all countries; formerly known as GMT. Tie calculations recorded in Paris.
Thin veil of gases that surrounding the earth, which forms a protective boundary between outer space and the biosphere; generally considered to extend out about 480km (300mi) from earth's surface.
dynamic equilibrium
Increasing or decreasing operations in a system demonstrate a trend over time, a change in average conditions
Parallel to the equator ( - ). A line connecting all points of the same latitudinal angle is called a parallel.
A word that describes earth's shape; literally, "the shape of the earth is earth shaped". A theoretical surface at sea level that extends through the continents deviates from a perfect sphere.
Another name for "biosphere"
Nature or character of physical space, as in an area; occupying or operating within a space. Geography is a _______ science; _______ analysis is an essential approach.
a line perpendicular to equator designating the level of longitude ( | ).
Geographic theme: involving migration, communication, and the interaction of people and processes across space.
rhumb lines
Line of constant compass direction, or constant bearing, which crosses all meridians at the same angle; a portion of a great circle.
A line parallel to the equator that designates level of latitude.( - )
Discipline studying the interdependence and interaction among geographic areas, natural systems, processes, society.
true shape
A map property showing the correct configuration of coastlines, a useful trait of conformality for navigational and aeronautical maps, although areal relationships are distorted.
great circle
Any circle drawn on the globe with its centre coinciding with the centre of the globe. While an infinite number of these can be drawn, the only PARALLEL that is a _____ ______ is the EQUATOR.
positive feedback
Feedback that amplifies or encourages responses in a system.
Mercator projection
True-shape projection with meridians appearing as equally spaced straight lines and parallels that appear closer to together near the equator. Poles are infinitely stretched. Presents false notions of the size of mid-latitude and polar land-masses, but presents true compass direction.
Geographic theme: focused on tangible and intangible characteristics that make each location unique; no two ____s on earth are alike.
daylight savings time
Time is set 1 hour ahead in the spring, and set back an hour in the fall (Northern Hemisphere). Some places exempt themselves because the do not benefit.
An abiotic open system which includes all of earth's water.
feedback loops
Created when a portion of system output is returned as an information input, causing changes that guide further system operation. (see positive and negative feedback)
physical geography
The science concerned with the spatial aspects and interactions of the physical elements and processes that make up the environment: energy, air, water, weather, climate, land-forms, soils, animals, plants, microorganisms, and Earth.
The science that determines Earth's shape and size through surveys, mathematical means, and remote sensing,
Earth Systems Science
An emerging science of earth as a complete entity (physical, chemical, biological, planetary change, etc.)
spatial analysis
The examination of spatial interactions, patterns, and variations over area and/or space. Key aspect of geography.
map projections
reduction of spherical globe onto a flat surface in some orderly and systematic realignment of the latitude and longitude grid.
five themes of geography
location, place, movement, regions, and human-earth relationships
equal area
a trait of map projection; indicates the equivalence of all areas on the surface of the map, although shape is distorted.
Global Positioning System
Latitude, longitude, and elevation are accurately calibrated using this handheld device that calibrates radio signals from satellites.
prime meridian
0 degrees longitude, Greenwich. Longitudes from this point are measured east or west from the ____ _______.
The frozen portion of earth's waters, including ice sheets, ice caps ad fields, glaciers, ice shelves, sea ice, and subsurface ground ice and frozen ground (permafrost)
International Date Line
The 180 degree meridian on the opposite side of the world from Greenwich, indicates where each day officially begins. Treaty of 1884.
Set of actions and changes that occur in some special order; analysis of ________s is central to modern geographic synthesis.
open system
A system with inputs and outputs crossing back and forth between the system and surrounding environment. E.G. Earth is an _______ system in terms of energy.
negative feedback
Feedback that tends to slow or dampen response in a system; promotes self-regulation in a system; far more common than positive feedback in living systems.
Earth's crust and that portion of the upper-most mantle directly below the crust, extending down to about 70km. Some sources use this term to refer to the whole earth.
Perpendicular to equator ( | ).
small circles
A circle on the globe that does not share earth's centre; for example, all parallels of latitude other than the equator.
Geographic theme: focuses on areas that display unity and internal homogeneity of traits
steady-state equilibrium
The condition that occurs in a system when rates of input and output are equal and the amounts of energy and stored matter are nearly constant around a stable average.
Geographic theme: deals with the absolute and relative position of people and things.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Former world standard time, now known as Coordinated Universal Time.

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