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AP Human Geography Chapter One Key Terms


undefined, object
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hierarchical diffusion
diffusion through a channel of susceptible adopters
used to categorize areas
natural environment limits choices available to a culture
coordinates placed on the internet
the material character of a place
Spatial interaction
depends on distance, accessibility and connectivity
geographic information systems
location theory
seeks to answer why places are spaced the way they are
expansion diffusion
an idea develops in a hearth and remains strong there while spreading outward
culture complex
combination of cultural traits
thematic maps
tell stories
when successive occupants become successful by what was there when they arrived
geographers go out and see what people are doing
cultural landscape
visible imprint of human activity on the landscape
generalized map
to show a phenomenon on a map ex. percipitation
cultural barriers
work against diffusion
physical geography
study of physical phenomenon on earth
culture diffusion
the spread of an idea from its hearth
absolute locations
the exact position on the earth based on latitude and longitude
perceptions of places
developed for places not visited through books movies and stories
the relationship between humans and the physical world
music literature and art of a society and it's way of life
contagious diffusion
all adjacent individuals are affected
culture trait
a single attribute of a culture ex. Muslim wearing a turbin
political ecology
environmental consequences of politics
time-distance decay
the delay in diffusion of a trait depends on time and distance
spatial perspective
viewing the study of people by where they are
independent invention
a trait with many hearths that developed independent of each other
sense of place
by people attaching place with meaning and emotion
regional outbreak of disease
relocation diffusion
movement of individuals who have already adopted a new idea and carry it to a new location
formal region
defined by a physical criteria and/or cultural traits
medical geography
mapping the distribution of a disease
reference maps
show locations of places and geographic features
how places are layed out and arranged on the earth
increasing interaction without regard to country borders
mobility of people, goods and ideas
remote sensing
monitoring the earths surface from a distance
cultural hearth
an area where cultural traits develop ex. Islam developed from mecca
five themes
location, region, place, human-environment, movement
cultural ecology
concerned with culture adapting to environment
functional region
the product of interactions ex. city
perceptual region
impressions we have of regions and cultures
all places on the earth have unique characteristics
worldwide outbreak of disease
stimulus diffusion
innovation of diffusion into a new culture

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