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World History 1 SLHS


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A christian church that contains the seat of a bishop.
3rd Pillar of Islam
Observe the holy month of Ramadan and fasting
"To govern the state by law is to praise the right and blame the wrong."
Rectangular military formation used by the Ancient Greeks
First University in Northern Europe
Paris, France
Han Dynasty
imperial dynasty that ruled China (most of the time) from 206 BC to 221
Peloponnesian War
War between the city states of Athens and Sparta. Led to the end of Athenian domination of Greece.
Temple to honor the goddess Athena
Slaves in the Roman Empire who fought to death as entertainment
Picture symbols that form a picture of the object to be represented
A huge stadium that was built by Justinian, which held athletic events and games.
Initially tried to rule like Octavian, Murdered his meddling mother, Blamed and persucuted Christians for fire in Rome.
Creator of democracy in Athens
Upper fortified part of the Greek cities
300 men who advised officials and shaped the laws of Rome
First to converte non-Jews to Christianity
Inventions of the Ancient Chinese
Magnetic Compass, Gunpowder, Paper
The force of a persons actions in this life in determining his or her rebirth in the next life
Roman Law
The legal code of ancient Rome that focused on providing evidence in court to prove guilt or innocence.
Land owners of Rome who became the rulers
A religion and philosophy based upon the teachings of prophet Zoroaster
Land owned by a lord given to a vassal in return for a service
Twelve Tables
Roman laws that were written down on bronze tables.
Battle of Zama
the battle in 202 BC in which Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal at the end of the second Punic War
Great Greek historian who wrote about the Peloponnesian War
Silk Road
Trade route that connected China, India, Persia and Europe during ancient times.
A medieval philosophical and theological system that tried to reconcile faith with reason.
"The unexamined life is not worth living"
City-state of ancient Greece based on military values.
The territorial jurisdiction of the bishop from the Catholic church
Have the covenant with God. If they are good in their life they are promised eternal salvation.
Magna Carta
The "Great Charter," in which the king's power over his nobles was limited, agreed to by King John of England in 1215.
the teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases
Roman historian who wrote on the Punic Wars
The head of the Roman Catholic Church
Papal Monarchy
Catholic church's intervention into the European political world.
Battle of Tours
732 AD Christians defeat Muslim invaders and stop the spread of Islam into Europe
Money Economy
Economic system based on the use of money as a measure of value and a unit of account.
Four Noble Truths
Ordinary life is full of suffering. Suffering is caused by by our desire to satisfy ourselves. The way to end suffering is to end desire. The way to end desire is to follow the Middle Path.
Individuals soul is reborn in a different form after death
Punic Wars
Led to Rome becoming the dominate force in the Western Mediteranean Sea over Carthage.
First European University
Bologna, Italy
Asian warriors that invaded the Roman Empire and led by Atilla
Famous Roman ampitheater that was the site of gladitorial contests, mock sea battles, etc.
The economic and political system that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages
First historian and wrote about the Persian Wars
Alexander Nevsky
Russian who defeated a German invading army and was rewarded by Mongols by becoming grand-prince and the first czar.
Belief in only one god
Germanic tribe that sacked Rome from North Africa and ended the Western Empire.
Father of the Western Monotheistic Religions
Feudal Contract
The unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal
Living in a religious community apart from secular society and adhering to a rule stipulating chastity, obedience, and poverty.
"Life's problems do not disturb you. Public service is seen as noble"
Fall of the Roman Empire
476 AD
Hadrians Wall
80 mile wall across northern britan to show the barbarian tribes that rome wasn't expanding
Founder of the religion of Islam
Analyzed and classified things based on observation and investigation
Hellenistic Culture
A combination of Greek and Eastern cultures
Chinese philosopher (circa 551-478 BC)
Indus River
Location where the first civilizations of India started
Religious laws of Islam that control the everyday life, political and social norms of the society.
Major events of the Fourteenth Century
1) 100 Years War 2) Black Plague 3) Western Schism of the Catholic Church
Germanic Laws
Laws that were very personal and led to blood fueds and revenge against those that did wrong.
Importance of the Illiad and Odyssey
Provided Greeks their basic heroes as well as used as text for education
Oxford University
University in England that was started by students from Paris
"The objects we see with our senses are simply reflections of the "Ideal Form". Wrote the book "The Republic" about perfect government.
Battle of Marathon
Darius defeated by the Athenians. Led to the modern long distance race.
Jewish God
Filial Piety
All memebers of the family must be subordinate of the needs of the eldest male
Around during the Bronze Age, established a powerful empire in Asia and Syria
Role of the Church in the Middle Ages
Helped to create a sense of stability, unity and order in a time of chaos in Europe.
English Parliament
Important institution in the development of representative government that emerged in the 13th century under Edward I
First christian Emperor of Rome
King of the Franks who,converted to Catholicism and unified Gaul while establishing his capital at Paris and founding the Frankish monarchy.
Wrote the epic poems the Illiad and the Odyssey
A Greek city or town
Middle Path
Basic Buddhist teachings of the Eightfold Path; it advises people to live in moderation, avoiding the extremes of either comfort or discomfort in the search for nirvana
Philip II
King of France who saw wars with the English that regained control of Normandy and expanded the power of the French monarchy
Pax Romana
"Roman Peace"
5th Pillar of Islam
Give alms to the poor
Asian nomadic people who held the worlds largest Empire and was able to control China, India, Middle East and parts of Western Europe.
Zhou Dynasty
the imperial dynasty of China from 1122 to 221 BC
Abu Bakr
Regarded by Sunni's as the 1st caliph and rightful succesor. The Shi'ah regard him as a traitor of Muhammad.
Early people of Italy who laid the foundation to Roman culture such as paved roads, drained marshes and constructed sewers
Emperor who increased the fortifications and walls of Rome. Ended the expansion of the Roman Empire. Built massiv wall in England.
4th Pillar of Islam
Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca
Hundred Years' War
Series of campaigns over control of the throne of France, involving English and French royal families and French noble families.
Fall of the Byzantine Empire
Muslim armies conquered Constantinople in 1453 and invaded Eastern Europe and brought the end to Christian dominance in the East.
A Catholic court established to judge heretics and excommunicate protestants.
Name means "Little Boots", became insainly violent, claimed to be all the gods combined, made his horse a consul, murdered by his own army after insulting them
Three Field System
System of agriculture that allowed for the increase in production of food in Europe during the Middle Ages.
The civil and religious leader of the Muslim empire after Muhammad.
Otto I
German king who invaded Italy and then became emperor. Started Holy Roman Empire
Five Constant Relationships
Parent and Child, Husband and Wife, Older and Younger Sibling, Friend and Friend, Ruler and Subject
Priests, at the top of the caste system of ancient India.
Importance of Monasticism
Provided as schools, hospitals, inn for travelers, spread christianity throughout Europe
Hagia Sophia
"holy wisdom"; a church built by Justinian to show the power of the Byzantine emperor and the strength of Christianity.
Caste System
Social hierarchy of the Hindus that does not allow social mobility
Western Asian group who settled down in the area of the present country of Hungary
Henry II
King of England who expanded power of royal courts and expanded king's power.
Code of Hammarabi
The first known written laws during ancient times Mesopotamia. "Eye for and eye."
Romulus Augustus
Last Emperor of Rome
Qin Dynasty
the Chinese dynasty (from 246 BC to 206 BC) that established the first centralized imperial government
Great Western Schism
The split in the Church when the French Pope moved back to Avignon and the Italian Pope remained in Rome.
Emperor that expanded the Roman Empire to its largest boundaries.
Divine law that requires different actions from different individuals depending on their rank in the social order.
Fredrick II
German king who tried to take land from the Pope, than the Pope excommunicated him and he lost all power
A Germanic legal oath taken by 12 men testifying to the character of the accused
City-state of ancient Greece based on democracy and the arts.
Persian War
War between Persia and Greece. Led to the rise of Athens as the greatest power in Greece.
"The Body of Civil Law"
Codification of Roman law that was the basis of imperial law in the Eastern Roman Empire.
Author of the epic poem Aenid
Sacred Islamic site in Mecca that houses the "Black Rock"
Alexander the Great
Spread Greek culture into Egypt, Middle East, Persia and India
Muslims that believe that only direct descendants of Ali and Muhammad should become caliph.
Carthaginian general who marched his army over the Alps and ravaged the land of Italy
Free man proclaims dependence and faithfulness on another man and promises to serve him (usually for military purpose)
Veneration of Ancestors
Family ancestors could bring good or evil fortune to the living members of the family.
Shang Dynasty
The second Chinese dynasty; ruled northeast regions of China in the Yellow River Valley
Importance of geography on Greece
Mountains created isolation. Islands led to trade and colonization
Thought to have brought the "Golden Age" to Athens
Muslim place of worship
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Queen of France as the wife of Louis VII, marriage was annulled and she then married Henry II and became Queen of England.
Black Death
An outbreak of bubonic plague that was spread by rats and fleas killing a third of Europe's population.
Political system developed in the city-state of Athens
First Emperor of Rome
Persian Empire
Middle Eastern empire that stretched from the Indus River to Asia Minor and to Egypt
Holy struggle by a Muslims for a moral or spiritual goal
"Human beings were free to follow self intrest as a basic motivating force"
Emperor Justinian
Leader of the Byzantine Empire that helped in its revival of Romans glory and fame.
The code of conduct followed by knights (respecting and defending the Church and women, Fight for honor, and Treat captives as guests)
Holy scriptures of Islam
The larger part of Roman society that could vote but not hold office
1096 Christian Europe aim to reclaim Jerusalem and aid they Byzantines; 1st success and the rest a failure; weakens the Byzantines; opens up trade
Romulus and Remus
Legendary brothers who were raised by a she wolf and were the founders of Rome.
"If you try to change it, you will ruin it. If you try to hold it, you will lose it."
Great Wall
Wall built to seperate the Chinese from the barbarians
Religious teachers sent by God as his voice.
Old Testament
Christian term for the religious writings of ancient Israel held sacred by Christians
Changed the social values of the Roman people and the army to a more peaceful view.
Muslims that believe that the caliph may be chosen by election or community consensus and follow the First four caliphates
Made christianity the official religion in Roman Empire
The cause for the the Romans in not developing labor saving technology
Rubicon River
River that Julius Caesar crossed that started a civil war in Rome.
2nd Pillar of Islam
Pray five times a day toward Mecca
Battle of Hastings
The decisive battle in which William the Conqueror (duke of Normandy) defeated the Saxons (1066) and thus left England open for the Norman Conquest
Importance of the 100 Years War
1) Recruitment of the common man as soldiers. 2) England lost control of territory on mainland Europe. 3) Castles become obsolete as the use of gunpowder increases.
Executive officer in charge of the government and army in Rome.
first nomadic people founded in present day Mongolia
King of the Franks who conquered much of Western Europe and was crowned Emperor in 800 AD
A political system governed by a few people
A philosophy based on the ideas of Confucius that focuses on morality, family order, social harmony, and government
The lowest group of the Indian Caste system. Not seen as human by the rest of the castes.
William the Conqueror
Duke of Normandy who led the Norman invasion of England and became the first Norman to be King of England
Julius Caesar
Dictator of Rome who weakened the Senate and was assassinated on March 15, 44BC
Revival by Charlemagne
Revival in education, classics and preservation of Latin culture.
Persian king who invaded Greece to take revenge for his fathers defeat. Lost the battle of Salamis.
"Submission to the will of Allah"
a body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and characterized by a belief in reincarnation
Mandate of Heaven
Ancient China's belief that those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source
Large, fortified homes that nobles lived in.
Founder of Christianity
Germanic tribe that defeated Eastern Empire, sacked Rome then went to settle in Spain
Lord-vassal relationship that extended to lesser landowners
Persian king who created a strong government and was defeated by the Greeks at Marathon
Philip IV
King of France who created a French Parliament of three houses
An association of persons of the same trade or pursuits, formed to protect mutual interests and maintain standards
1st Pillar of Islam
Beleif in Allah and Muhammad as his prophet
The Arabian Nights
Collection of folktales in Arabic during the Middle Ages
Manor System
An economic plan by which a lord allowed serfs to farm land on his estate in return for food or other payment.
Method of determining a person's guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under divine control
Created heroes out of normal people using competition in sports
Early form of writing from the Aryans
Scandinavian people who raided Europe and eventually converted to christianity and settled down.
Black Plague
The epidemic of the 14th century that killed nearly half the people of Western Europe
Arabic name for God
Byzantine Empire
a continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 395
"Love of Wisdom" concerned about the development of critical and rational thought.
Roman Republic
Political system where officials are elected to serve the needs of the citizens
A series of three stories
Famous battle of the 300 Spartans during the Persian War

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