Greek Tragedy
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- Tragedy
- drama- major character undergoes loss but acheives new perspective
- Lenaia
- short celebration in January- worship of Dionysus
- City Dionysia
- week long event in March/April
- Subject matter of tragedy
- well known myths about heroes and demigods
- dithyramb
- ode or sung that was sung and danced by large choruses- this is from what the first tragedy developed
- meanning of tragedy (goat song)
-choral ceremonies performed at the ritual sacrifice of a goat
-choral competition where goat was a prize
-billy goat singers- young men in the choruses - hypocrites
- the new speaker that delivered lines linking the choral speeches
- impersonation
-hypocrite would represent a hero
-choruses would represent groups of people - Thespis
-first hypocrites
- writer and choral leader
-founder of the acting profession - three tragedies and a satyr
- dramatists wanted their plays to be performed at the City of Dionysia- submitted these four works to the Eponymous Archon- 3 best were performed-best tragic playwright and writer of comedy were fiven a crown of ivy and the glory of triumph
- Aeschylus
- added a second actor
- Sophocles
- added a 3rd actor, created scene design, enlarged chorus from 12-15
- third famous playwright
- Euripides
- how many plays survived
- 33
- catharsis
- the end or the goal of tragedy