undefined, object
copy deck
- acuarela
- water color
- alfareria
- pottery
- arcilla
- clay
- arco
- arch
- artesania
- arts and crafts
- cupula
- dome
- estetica
- aesthetics
- fachada
- facade
- influencia
- influence
- el lente gran angular
- wide angle
- telefoto
- telephoto lens
- lienzo
- canvas
- madera
- wood
- marmol
- marble
- el matiz
- shade, tine
- la muestra
- sample, copy
- mural
- mural
- naturaleza muerta
- still life
- paisaje
- landscape
- pincel
- paintbrush
- rollo de pelicula
- roll of film
- simbolo
- symbol
- sombra
- shadow
- talla
- sculture, carving
- tecnica
- technique
- torre
- tower
- vidriera de colors
- stained glass
- vidrio
- glass
- contemporaneo
- contemporary
- en el fondo / segundo termino
- in the background
- primer termino
- foreground
- apreciar
- to appreciate
- datar de
- to date from
- desafiar
- to defy
- elaborar a mano
- to produce by hand
- experimentar
- to experiment
- manipular
- to manipulate
- moldear
- to mold
- pintar al oleo
- to paint in oils
- revelar
- to develope (film)
- romper con la tradicion
- to break with tradition
- aventura
- adventure
- cuento de hadas
- fairy tale
- desenlace
- ending
- ejemplar
- copy
- epica
- epic
- fantasia
- fantasy
- ficcion
- fiction
- fuenta artistica
- artistic source, inspiration
- genero literario
- literary genre
- homenaje
- homage, tribute
- ironia
- irony
- lector
- reader
- leyenda
- legend
- memorias
- memoirs
- metafora
- metaphor
- mito
- myth
- narrador
- narrator
- narrativa
- narrative
- novela policiaca
- detective novel
- novela rosa
- romantic novel
- personaje
- character
- protagonista
- protagonist
- realismo
- realism
- reconocimiento
- recognition
- rima
- rhyme
- satira
- satire
- seudonimo
- pseudonym
- simil
- simile
- tapa dura
- hard cover
- rustica
- paperback
- tono
- tone
- tradicion oral
- oral tradition
- tragedia
- tragedy
- trama
- plot
- verso
- verse (line of poetry)
- fascinante
- fascinating
- renombrado
- renowned, famous
- reaccionar
- to react
- reflejar
- to reflect
- relatar
- to tell, relate