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Music 110


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Basso Continuo is...
...a continuous bass line
Piano is...
Forte is...
Mezzo is...
The Doctrine of Affections is... of emotion. Character acts emotion.
Monody is...
One singer and bass line accompaniment
Recitative is...
Talk-sounding song in opera that moves it along
Ensembles are...
Several singers singing at once, singing different words
Opera is...
A sung drama. Secular. Acted out.
Dido and Aeneas is by...
Henry Purcell. Baroque. Based on the Aeneid.
The Camerata was...
An intellectual group in Florence that started opera.
Cantatas are...
Short andd sacred, Biblical, with choruses.
Bach is from...
Bach composed...
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
An Oratorio is...
Not meant to be staged, a concert setting.
Handel is...
A Baroque composer who spent 5 years in Italy and was wildly popular in England and w/ King George I.
Handel wrote...
The Messiah--Rejoice Greatly and Hallelujah! Chorus
Vivaldi was...
A Venetian violinist who worked at a women's finishing school. Composed 500+ concertos.
Program music is...
Music with a story to it; it tries to tell a story through the ntoes.
A suite is...
A collection of stylized dance movements.
Water Music was composed by...
The characteristic form of classical music is...
The Symphony
A movement is...
A separated but connected piece in a work.
The first movement in the sonata cycle is...
Sonata-allegro form (fast)
The second movement in the sonata cycle is...
Mvt. 2, slow
The third movement in the sonata cycle is the...
Mvt. 3, mnute & trio, w/ three parts
The fourth movement in the sonata cycle is the...
Fast Finale.
Sonata allegro form goes...
ABA: Exposition/Development/
Mozart was...
A big weirdo child prodigy who died a pauper.
Haydn was..
The last of the patroned musicians. "Papa" "Father of the Symphony" "Father of the String Quartet"
Beethoven was...
The Supreme Architect.
A coda is...
A Tail.
The first four notes of the 5th Symphony is a...
Motive of Fate Knocking on the Door.

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