Music 110
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- Basso Continuo is...
- ...a continuous bass line
- Piano is...
- Soft
- Forte is...
- Loud
- Mezzo is...
- medium
- The Doctrine of Affections is...
- of emotion. Character acts emotion.
- Monody is...
- One singer and bass line accompaniment
- Recitative is...
- Talk-sounding song in opera that moves it along
- Ensembles are...
- Several singers singing at once, singing different words
- Opera is...
- A sung drama. Secular. Acted out.
- Dido and Aeneas is by...
- Henry Purcell. Baroque. Based on the Aeneid.
- The Camerata was...
- An intellectual group in Florence that started opera.
- Cantatas are...
- Short andd sacred, Biblical, with choruses.
- Bach is from...
- Saxony
- Bach composed...
- A Mighty Fortress is Our God
- An Oratorio is...
- Not meant to be staged, a concert setting.
- Handel is...
- A Baroque composer who spent 5 years in Italy and was wildly popular in England and w/ King George I.
- Handel wrote...
- The Messiah--Rejoice Greatly and Hallelujah! Chorus
- Vivaldi was...
- A Venetian violinist who worked at a women's finishing school. Composed 500+ concertos.
- Program music is...
- Music with a story to it; it tries to tell a story through the ntoes.
- A suite is...
- A collection of stylized dance movements.
- Water Music was composed by...
- Handel
- The characteristic form of classical music is...
- The Symphony
- A movement is...
- A separated but connected piece in a work.
- The first movement in the sonata cycle is...
- Sonata-allegro form (fast)
- The second movement in the sonata cycle is...
- Mvt. 2, slow
- The third movement in the sonata cycle is the...
- Mvt. 3, mnute & trio, w/ three parts
- The fourth movement in the sonata cycle is the...
- Fast Finale.
- Sonata allegro form goes...
ABA: Exposition/Development/
Recapitulation - Mozart was...
- A big weirdo child prodigy who died a pauper.
- Haydn was..
- The last of the patroned musicians. "Papa" "Father of the Symphony" "Father of the String Quartet"
- Beethoven was...
- The Supreme Architect.
- A coda is...
- A Tail.
- The first four notes of the 5th Symphony is a...
- Motive of Fate Knocking on the Door.