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AP Government cards


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Conflicts over the character, membership, and policies of any organization to which people belong.
John Adams (- Real Revolution)
He said that the real Revolution was the change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people after the Revolutionary War.
Seven Years War
French and Indian War, fought between Great Britain and France, often considered to be the first world war because it involved most of the globe.
Combination of Unitary and Confederation, power is shared by the states and national gov't (US today)
Clinton v. New York
A court case in which the Supreme Court ruled that the line-item veto was unconstitutional, and a president could only sign a bill into law, or reject the legislation as a whole.
The right to use power.
a form of government in which power is held by one central authority (national gov't) ex: Britain
Almost every interest group is elite in some sector and so almost every group has some chance to influence decisions. Each group of elites is responsible to their people.
Pennsylvania Charter of Privilege
granted to Pennsylvania giving the colonial assembly more power than any legislative body in Britain
Direct Democracy
Each voter votes directly on every decision the government makes.
Charles Beard
A historian who believed that the ideology presented in the Constitution was a result of the economic needs of the land-owning Founding Fathers (rather than philosophical principles). His ideas fell out of favor in the 1950's, when other historians pointed out problems with his research.
Sugar (1768), Stamp, tea, Intolerable. Taxes levied on the colonies to spur them to rebel
New Jersey Plan
A framework for the Constitution, introduced by William Paterson, which called for equal representation in the national legislature regardless of a state's population.
Three-Fifths Compromise
Agreement reached at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that stipulated that for the purposes of the appointment of congressional seats, every slave would be counted as three-fifths of a person.
an association of sovereign states or communities, usually created by treaty but often later adopting a common constitution
First and Second Continental Congress
Set up a boycott on British goods and set up for second continental congress. ---adopted the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation. Acted as the de facto U.S. national government during the Revolutionary War by raising armies, directing strategy, appointing diplomats, and making formal treaties
Popular Sovereignty
is the belief that the state is created by the will of its people, who are the source of all political power.
The actual individuals that run the government institutions on a daily basis. They usually have excellent job security and ultimately have the most influence on the people.
6 Principles of Constitution
Popular sovereignty, Republican, Limited gov't, Separation of power, Judicial review, Federal system (try this one backwards)
Representative Democracy
Voters elect leaders who they trust will make representative decisions for the voters.
A form of government in which a small group—landowners, military officers, counsel of Jews, or wealthy merchants—controls most of the governing decisions.
French academician who recognized that Americans claim to be driven by self-interest only but observed that many people make decisions for common good, not just personal gain.
Shays (Daniel)
led a rebellion. The rebellion consisted of a large number of farmers forming a militia and marching on the courts. Taxes were overwhelming and the courts seized the farms as payment. The direct result of the rebellion was the courts closing for a few days. Eventually the state called in a militia and the rebels fled.
Great (Connecticut) Compromise
Agreement reached at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that established a bicameral congress. It gave each state an equal number of senators regardless of its population, but linked representation in the House of Representatives to population.
Constitution and Slavery
Slavery could not be outlawed by the constitution, because the Southern states needed to ratify the constitution in order for it to become official, and they were not going to ratify it if it prohibited slavery. The three-fifths compromise is also in the constitution.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Claimed to be truly be the first written constitution in the Western tradition which created a government, written in Hartford by a Puritan colony in 1638, more than a century before the Articles of Confederation
Albany Plan
an early attempt at forming a union of colonies. Eventually after the Revolutionary War, the _______________ was used to help write the Articles of Confederation. It established an elected intercolonial legislature with the power to tax.
Power Elite
Identifiable group that possess a disproportionate amount of power in government.
Military dictatorship in Latin America, sometimes as a group of dictators
Line item veto
The ability of a leader such as the president or state governor to take a bill and reject some parts of it while accepting other parts of it.
Virginia Plan
A framework for the Constitution, introduced by Edmund Randolph, which called for representation in the national legislature based upon the population of each state.

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