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AP Gov- Midterm Review


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competition among groups (such as minority groups); competing to be the winner, people believe this is the best way the government works)
small group of people in charge and male choices (the wealthy, elite, high class)
pluralism to extreme; group is so strong, government doesn’t work, it’s weak
Checks and Balances
constitutional grant of powers that enables each of the three branches of government to check some acts of the others and therefore ensure that no branch can dominate
Full Faith and Credit Clause
clause in Constitution requiring each state to recognize the civil judgments rendered by the courts of the other states and to accept their public records and acts as valid
National Democracy
constitutional doctrine that whenever conflict occurs between the constitutionally authorized actions of the national government and those of the state or local government, the actions of the federal government prevail
Categorical Grants
Congress appropriates funds for specific purposes such as school lunches of for building airports
Project Grants
Congress appropriates a certain sum, which is allotted to state and local units based on applications from those who wish to participate
Block Grants
broad grants to states fro prescribed activities such as welfare or education that has only a few strings attached
- have the power to vote

- can participate in voting and handing out fliers, protesting, etc

- are entitled to have their opinion voiced

Democratic Theories
-equality in voting

-effective participation

-enlightened understanding

-citizen control of agenda

-inclusion [majority rule v. minority rule]

-two chambers

-representation in House based on population/two Senators for each state

-one executive person: President

Bill of Rights

-first ten amendments

-restrained the national government from tampering with fundamental rights and civil liberties and emphasize the limited character of government power

Anti Federalists
concerned that the strong national government proposed by the Federalists was a threat to individual rights and that the President would become a king
Necessary Clause
-also know as Elastic Clause

-clause of Constitution setting forth the implied powers of Congress. It states that Congress, in addition to its express powers, has the right to make all laws necessary and proper to carry out all the powers the Constitution vests in the national government

assigning by Congress of congressional seats after each census. State legislatures reapportion state legislative districts.
House of Reps
-two year term

-435 members

` -elected by districts

-fewer personal staff

-tighter rules

-six year term

-100 members

-elected by states

-more personal staff

Enemuerated Powers
powers explicitly given to Congress in the Constitution

-power to make war

-Necessary and Proper Clause

-power to have important checks on government including the power to remove the president from office through impeachment

Powers of Senate
* To ratify treaties with a two thirds majority
* To confirm federal appointments
* To try cases of impeachment
* To elect a vice-president (in the case of an electoral college tie)

Standing Com.
a permanent committee established in a legislature, usually focusing on a policy area

Special/Select Com.
a congressional committee created for a specific purpose, sometimes to conduct an investigation

Joint Com.
a committee composed of members of both House and Senate; such committees oversee the Library of Congress and conduct investigations

Conference Com.
committee appointed by the presiding officers of each chamber to adjust differences on a particular bill passed by each in different form

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