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Christian Doctrine Exam 2


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Mark 1:2-11
You are son the beloved with whom I am pleased.
aka adoptionism: Jesus was born to Mary and Joesph, the idea of virgin birth was not accepted. Jesus camte to Jordan river to be baptised by John whom God used for this purpose. Jesus was born as a man and at the baptism when the dove descends on Jesus, at that time he becomes the Christ. Jesus also dies as a man. God does raise him from death, but he dies as a broken man, giving up his messiahship.
Mark 1:41
Jesus makes people clean (heal), by curing leprosy.
Mark 2:3-12
Men bring paryletic to Jesus through roof. This shows Jesus' physical compacity to heal.
Mark 3:1-16
Jesus heals man with withered hand. Pharisees were waiting to see if he healed the man on the sabbath. Jesus asks if it is ok to do good or evil on the sabbath and when no one replied he was grieved with the hardness of heart of those in the crowd and cures the man.
Mark 4:35
Jesus calms the sea and chastises the diciples for panicing. Shows that Jesus has ability to control the elements.
Mark 5:22
One of the leaders of the synagogue, Jairus pleaded for saving of the life of a child. Jesus rose the girl from the dead.
Mark 6:34
Jesus was on the sea of Galilee and came ashore and had compassion for the people waiting. He told the diciples to feed the people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish for 5,000
Mark 8:27-30
Jesus asks his diciples who people say that he is. Some say John the baptist, elijah, etc. He asks the diciples who they think he is and Peter says he is the messiah and Jesus says not to say this to anyone. Whiteman assers that it was up to Jesus to let people know who he is.
What were the major centers of Christianity in the 4th century?
(1)Jeursalem = the major city
(2)Antioch = these believers were first called Christians
(5)Carthage = primary bishop, Augustine
What does Arius teach?
teaches God is radically monotheistic. Only one God and that it was the NT God. The God of the OT was wrathful and teh God of the NT is a God of love. There can be no direct communication between God and man, thus God would have to create someone to bring a connection. Developed the idea of the logos = the word, God's creation (Jesus). Arius believed the Logos was inferior to God.
What is thought about the Logos?
(1) there are texts that refer to logos as creature. Acts 32:6 = God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both lord and christ. Col. 1:15 = Christ is the first born over all creation.
(2)Texts were the Father is only true God: John 17:13 = Now this is eternal life, knowing Jesus whom God has sent. John 14:28 = Jesus says the Father is greater than I.
(3)texts which show the son's imperfection: Mark 13:32 = Jesus says no one knows about the day or hour, not Angels but only the Father when he will return. Jesus demonstrates ignorance here.
(4)All texts deal with Jesus in his incarnate state, whcih was functionally insuperior to God.
What happened at the council of Nicea?
Constantine invites all bishops on eastern side of teh empire. They debated whether Arius was a heretic. Conclusions: the son is homousious = same essence. Jesus is same essence as the Father. Son is divine in the same way as teh Father. Some believed the son was homoiousios = of similar essence.
What is the Nicean Creed?
Confesses that Jesus is homoousios. Anyone who did not sign this creed was anathema = totally out of step with the rest of the church. The few who did not sign were thrown out of teh Empire and were thrown East into the desert.
What are the ideas behind Gensis 1:1?
(1)the narrative was written for theological usage.
(2)Virtually impossible to pinpoint verses that connect to Moses.
(3)main theme: God and God's creation are bound in a distinctive and delicate way.
(4)the binding mode of God's creation is speech. He uses the word create 5 times.
What are the 3 critical considerations on Gensis 1:1?
(1)OT scholars: there is no doubt that it utilizes older materials. Does not copy but reflects creation stories and cosmological ideas of Ancient Egyptians and Mesoptomians.
(2)the text dated to the 6th century BC to Jewish exiles. They were under capture of the babylonians. The text served as a refutation of Babylonian theological clains: Our God is better because we captured you. Gensis concludes that the God of Israel is the Lord of all life.
(3)the text is not a scientific description but a theological afromation. It makes a fiath statement. A concern for the Lords creation not for his technique. Science and Genesis do not contradict. The text invites a relationship with God.
Genesis 1 is a ________
Gensis 1 is a liturgy which moves from a primal assertion of God's rule in 1:1 to the serene completion of God's work in 2:1-4.
God created the world ________
God created the world exhilo = from nothing
Romans 4:17, Hebrews 11:3
affirms the idea of exnihilo
What is the idea of command and execution?
God summons and it happens. Creation is in principle obedient to the intent of God. This is affirmed even to the exiles who have doubted that the world is in teh perview of God.
What is God's greatest gift according to Whiteman?
God's greates gift if free will. His creation is "good" but not perfect because it ahd teh potential to go wrong.
Genesis 1:26-28
we are created in God's immae and with command over all. Gives 3 things for us:
(1)substantive = might be our psychological make up.
(2)relational(Barth) = we have been created as male/female and we have been created for community.
(3)vocational(verse 28) = we are to have dominion. We are not to have dominion for fun but similar to the Israelite kings as stewards.
Genesis 2:1-3
"Thus heavens and earth are finished." God came to the end of his creation and rested from it. In earlier Jewish tradition: the 7th day was of literal rest.
What are the two positions of Genesis 1?
(1)secular scientists: science is right, bible is wrong. They will gather statistics to prove their point.
(2)conservative christian scholars: science is wrong and only has theories.
What is Whiteman's position on Gensis 1?
both are missing the point. Gensis 1 is not out of a science textbook. In doing their exigesis the christians really don't do their homework and get sloppy and miss the core theme. Theme = the greatness of God and specifically his relationship with human kind.
What are the 5 major misunderstandings of Genesis 2:4 - 3:24?
Theme: human destiny
(1) has been assumed to be a decisive text for the bible as a whole. in fact, this text is an exceedingly marignal text. There is no clear reference ot this text in the OT. In the NT, Paul does not make a general appeal to this text, however in Romans 5 - 12 he states that Adam and Eve were real people.
(2)it is commonly treated as the account of the fall. This idea of the fall is not central to the text itself. In general, the OT does not confirm that a fall took place, but does point out very specifically the sins of individuals and of Israel as a whole.
(3)Many treat the text as though it were an explanation of how evil came into the world. In fact, the narrative gives no explanation for evil. There is no hint that the serpent is the embodiment of evil. the text is concerned wiht human faithful response to God's invitation.
(4)The narrative is taken as an account of the origin of death in the world. But no one dies in the text.
(5)Popular tradition conerning the fall(apples and snakes): they refer to sex. The text does no hint that sex is evil. God gives sex for Adam and Eve's enjoyment.
Genesis 2:24
A man shall leave father and mother and cling to his wife. Society today thinks of it as vice-versa.
What are the 4 scenes in Genesis 2:4-3:24?
(1)Genesis 2:4-17 = placement of man in the garden.
(2)Genesis 2:18-25 = the formation of a helper (Eve)
(3)Genesis 3:1-7 = disruption in the garden
(4)Genesis 3:8-24 = God's judgement and expulsion from the garden.
What is the background of scene 1 (Genesis 2:4-17)?
man is formed from clay and is completely dependent on God. He is placed in the garden of even with 2 trees: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Where are the two trees mentioned again?
(1)Tree of life: proverbs: it is related to anything that enhances and celebrates the life and thus relating to righteousness. revelation 2:7 = the three of life refers to fellowship with God.
(2)the three of knowledge is not found anywhere else in scripture even though it is the prohibitive tree. It appears that the story is not interested in the charcter of the tree. The main point of the 2 trees is that God's command is a serious one.
Genesis 2:15-17 (part of 1st scene)
(15)human kind is given a vocation. the human creature is to care for and tend to the garden. Work belongs to the garden and work is good to enhance the garden.
(16)God gives permission to Adam and Eve to eat everything except eating from teh tree of knowledge of good and evil.
(17)the idea of prohibition. Nothing is explained to why this prohibition is given.
When these are taken together we find a statement about anthropology: human beings are to be dedicated to work, permission and prohibition. Our primary task is to hold these 3 tasks together. Any 2 w/o the other is to pervert life.
What is the background of scene 2 (Genesis 2:18-25)
God does not intend to be the man's helper. Rather the help that Adam needs will be found among the earthlings. Not just anything will do.
Genesis 2:19-20 (part of scene 2)
the other creatures will not do to be a helper to Adam. the well being of Adam requires an acto of God. the emergence of the woman is stunning and unpredictable. The woman like Adam is God's free creation. Adam looks at Eve and is surprised. They belong together. The garden is the place for this covenanted human community of solidarity, trust and well being.
What are the 2 agendas invovled in the 4 scenes?
(1)the text is used to justify the suboordination of women. 1st the woman is created from man and 2nd the woman is the temptress of the man. Galatians 3:28 = nor male nor female, slave nor free, all are 1 in Jesus. He levelled the playing field and restored what was broken in the garden. Ephesians 5 = wife is supposed to be suboordinate. This is supposed to be a mutual suboordination, man is supposed to love his wife as Jesus loved us, by dying.
(2)How are Adam and Eve to live with the creation in God's world and terms?: we always want it on our terms. Recognition that following God's boundaries leads to well being. The narrative is a theological critique of anxiety - adam and eve are controlled by theri anxiety, they seek to escape their anxiety by attempting to escape the reality of God. Anxiety comes from doubting God's grace and seeking to secure our own well-being.
What is sin?
any action or thought contrary to the parameters which God has set for humankind. it is the displacement of God: any areas of life when God is taken out of the picture you are in sin. This is the source of all sins.
What aspect in our character allows us to sin?
(1)sensuality: lust - after material things, etc.
(3)selfishness: we are not loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Explain word flesh christology
they see the divine as more significant than the human part of Jesus. tended toward an interpretation of teh two natures that saw the divine nature overshadow the human nature, drawing it up into itself.
Explain Apollinarius's extreme version of the word flesh christology
he rejected the presence of a human mind, will, and personality in Jesus. Jesus was like a human shell in which the Logos took up eartly residence. the flesh was fused with the divine word so that the word was not only the interior principle of Jesus, but the vivfying principle of his flesh.
explain word man christology
this emphasizes the human side of Jesus's nature. Eustathius supported the teaching that there were two natures in teh person of Christ, the divine nature dwelt in the person of Christ, and teh indwelling of teh logos in Christ had some similarity to the spirt coming upon prophts. The difference with Christ was that the spirit remained with Christ continuously.
What were the 4 theses of pope Leo in teh chalcedon creed.
4 theses known as the tome.
(1)the preson of Christ is identical with the Logos. Jesus is nothing less than teh Logos.
(2)the divine and human natures coexist in the person of Christ without any mixture or confusion.
(3)the two natures are separate principles of operation that always act in concert with each other.
(4)the human and divine natures were not merely 2 independent natuers existing side by side so as to produce 2 persons in Jesus.
What are Karl Barth's ideas?
Barth restored a supernatural and transcendent God. He argued for the divine continuous actoin of God in Jesus (word-flesh). The two natures in the person of Christ were never to be seen in a mere static relationship but in a dynamic relationship.(God was in christ) Christology must always be understood in terms of the reconciliation.
explain process theology
Jesus is significant as the God-man in the sense that God is intensely present in Jesus. God is present in everything, but in Jesus, God's presence is unique in that Jesus is "the revelation of the basic truth about reality."

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