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NT-Thielman Test 2


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God's graciousness toward his weak and sinful creatures
What is the center of Paul's theology? 232
(hint: not a good one, but EFG,JM) 1. Ethical living is important, 2.Faith in Christ is necessary, 3.Gentiles can belong to God's membership, 4.Jewish, 5.Mosaic law is scripture
5 things that Paul and the agitators have in common in Gal. (274)
The wealthy were leaving the poor out of the meal
What was the issue of division at the Lord's Supper in 1 Cor (288-289)
1. Balanced, not poetry, 2. Themes fit into a wider context
2 reasons to doubt the idea that Phil 2:5-11 is pre-pauline (315-316)
He wants to show that even in difficult circumstances you should rejoice if the gospel is advancing
Why does Paul offer himself as an example in Phil. 1? (310)
1. Preaching another Jesus, 2.Preaching another gospel, 3.False apostles
3 things that Paul accused his opponents in 2 Cor. of? (326)
1. False teaching about the day of the Lord, 2.Strategy similar about previous teaching about their knowledge and Christian tradition, 3.Defines them as busybodies
3 reasons for connection of the nature of the problem of disruptive behavior and the timing of the Parousia in 2 Thes (258)
1. Acting prematurely in these judgments, 2.Assuming God's role as judge, 3.Destroying God's temple in Corinth
3 reasons why the comparisons between Paul, Apollos, and Cephas should stop (284)
1. God's eschatological passover and the leaven of immorality (5:1-13) 2. Civil litigation and Christian holiness (6:1-11) 3. God's eschatological temple and the problem of prostitution (6:12-20) 4. Idolatry and Immorality in Eschatological Israel (10:1-22) 5. Salutary Holiness (7:12-16) 6. Importance of Sanctity 6. Importance of Sanctity
6 Main issues addressed in regard to holiness in 1 Cor (292-301)
1. No other practice in the churches, 2.Primary problem is the women, 3.They were removing customary clothing
3 answers to the issues of prayer and prophecy in the wrong clothes (287-288)
(hint: D.uC.T. tape solution--it's temporary!) 1. Defines sin and its power (4:1-11, 4:21-5:1)\t2. Curse on all who couldn't keep the law (3:10)\t3. Temporary until God fulfilled promises to Abraham (3:19)
3 aspects of the Mosaic law which are important to Paul in Gal (266-267)
1. New law incompatible with the old. , 2.God has fulfilled his promise of the Holy Spirit
2 answers about the ethical dimension in Gal (271)
(hint: on the wrong TRiP) 1. Tongues made too important, 2.Rich eating and not including the poor, 3.Prayer and Prophesying in wrong clothes
3 issues in corporate worship in 1 Cor (287)
1. The timing of the coming of the Lord (deceptive eschatological teaching) 2. Busybodies, and neglecting their daily work (disruptive behavior)
2 problems of false teaching in 2 Thes (253-260)
1. Destruction of unity is a direct violation of the church's sanctity, 2.A need to prevent the pulling down of weaker believers
2 ways in which unity and sanctity are connected in 1 Cor (305-306)
1. Life through sorrow, 2.Life through death
2 major themes in 2 Cor (328-329)
Who gave gifts to the collection in spite of their poverty in 2 Cor,? (338)
1. His commendatory letter is the Corinthians themselves (Letters by the Spirit on the heart)\n2. His gaze is fixed on its unseen and eternal goal (Faith, not sight)
Through looking at the letters of recommendation, Paul reflected on his own ministry in two parts in 1 Cor\n (335)
1. To avoid persecution, 2.Boast about the Galatians flesh
2 reasons why the agitators pushed their concerns in Gal. (263)
1. steadfastness in affliction, 2.cling to the doctrinal, 3.ethical teaching he already gave them
3 major sections of 2 Thes. (250)
"Love your neighbor as yourself"
What is the "new law" mentioned in Gal. concerning the ethical dimension (271)
1. Holiness is communicable from believers to non believers, 2.Unbelievers more likely to hear the gospel from believers
2 reasons for Paul's view on the issue of divorce (299)
All individuals, both Jew and Genitle cannot keep the law. From 2nd temple Judaism and the book of Baruch
What is the Anthropological dimension of Paul's response in Gal, and where did Paul get this insight from? (269)
1. The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, 2.The day of the Lord has already come
2 issues of misinformation which are deceptive eschatological teachings in 2 Thes(253-254)
1. Consorting with prostitutes isn't good., 2.The body is eternal and has eternal consequences, 3.Eternal body belongs to God
What is Paul's 3 step response for dealing with prostitution? (295-296)
The truth of the Gospel, Gentiles don't have to shoulder the Mosaic law to be saved, God is a gracious God, Faith alone.
Critical difference between Paul and agitators in Gal (274)
1. their resolve, 2.their work
Paul in 2 Thes shifts from the outward pressures of persecution to 2 inward issues (252)
God's righteous judgement is already in effect, paying back trouble for trouble, and saving those who persevere
What is suffering evidence of in 2 Thes,? (251)
(hint: 1 Discerning meal for All) 1. From Christ's one body, 2.This meal proclaims Christ's death for all believers, 3.Calls for discernment in the body of Christ
3 reasons of theological support to Paul's idea of unity in the Lord's Supper (288-289)
1. Imitate Paul, 2. Avoid mixing the gospel with Greco-Roman notions of immortality
2 things that Paul wants the Philippians to do in gaining Christ and knowing the power of his resurrection (321)
The coming of God through Jesus to judge the wicked and save his people.
Emphasis of Paul's initial and ongoing teaching in 1 Thes. (245)
God's perspective on their faithful suffering
What is Paul's main point in talking about peserverance in 2 Thes (251)
Corinthians think they are wise because they follow wise teachers. Apollos strong, Paul weak.
Define the issue of Wisdom and Division at Corinth in 1 Cor (280-281)
1. Persecuted for their faith, 2.Anxiety about Paul's and Epaphrodtius' sufferings
2 forms in which the Philippians are experiencing hardships (308-309)
1. Crispus, 2.Stephanus, 3.Titius Justus, 4.Gaius
4 important people in 1 Corinthians who owned slaves or large houses (277)
God's power is perfected in weakness (12:9)
1 line summary of 2 Cor (326)
Bring peace to a divided church
Paul's chief concern of 1 Cor (279)
1. Their suffering, 2.His absence on the strength of their commitment to the gospel.
2 Concerns of Paul in 1 Thes. (237)
Warn the Philippians of the earthly mindedness of the Corinthian church, so they can see their marginalization of their citizenship in another, heavenly society.
Central concern of Phil 3:20-21 (312)
1. Paul, 2.Timothy, 3. Christ Jesus, 4. Epaphroditus
4 people Paul uses as examples in Philippians (311)
1. Treat weaker brothers and sisters with special honor, 2.Couple zeal for gifts with love, 3.Value speech over tongues
3 courses of action on the issue of tongues in 1 Cor. (289-290)
Progress of the gospel
Central theme of Philippians (308)
1. Misplaced confidence in the Mosaic Law, 2. Earthly Mindedness
2 threats of false teaching in Phil (317-319)
1. Their membership in a new society., 2.Assures them of the authenticity of their faith., 3.Encourages them to retain their sanctity., 4.Appreciate the implications of the Christian hope.
4 forms of Paul's encouragement in 1 Thes. to remain faithful in the midst of hardship. (237)
1. Peace within the church (Unification)\n2. Holiness in the world (Conduct, looking different than the world)\n3. Fidelity to the Gospel (Resurrection of the dead)
3 Critical issues of 1 Cor.(278-279)
Sophists, Cynics
2 philosophical groups in Thessalonica (241)
Long-half the letter
Does Paul have a short or long thankfulness report in 1 Thes? (237)
1. They are already putting faith into practice, 2.Gratitude for their commitment, 3.Paul's defense of being the bearer of the gospel to them.
3 ways of Paul's encouragement about the authenticity of faith in 1 Thes. (239)
1. Apostolic Weakness, 2.Sincere Speech, 3.Things Unseen
3 ways Paul addresses the issue of boasting in the flesh in 2 Cor (331-335)
Designed to model for the Philippians what it means to discern what matters
Why is Paul's thankful note so late in Phil? (310)
Coherent and Significant
Which proposal of Paul's theology does Theilman consider best? 229
1. Coherent and Significant, 2. It changed according to different churches, 3. Is inconsistent
What are the 3 scholarly proposals of Paul's Theology? 219-227
Where did Paul probably write 1 Corinthians from? (277)
(hint: look back, look forward) 1. Look back and reflect on the Gracious nature of the gospel, 2.Look forward for the "day" is the moment of truth
2 answers to the issue of false wisdom in 1 Cor (281-282)
(hint: "sweet" T.E.A.) 1. Tradition: proverbs, and didache, 2.Example: Paul is their example, 3.Admonition: Admonish the disorderly
3 answers to disruptive behavior in 2 Thes (259-260)
1. Reveals a misunderstanding of the gospel, 2.Disrupts the edification of the church
2 reasons for Paul's concerns of division in 1 Cor (290-291)
1. They took pride in the flesh, 2.Boasted according to the flesh, 3.They put confidence in letters, 4.Confidence in their own commendations, 5.Paul's changes in trip plans
5 issues of contention between Paul and his opponents in 2 Cor (326, 341)
Moves it in the direction of greater inclusiveness
How does the law of Christ change the Mosaic law in 1 Cor (300)
Emperor in Thessalonica (241)
1. Division into factions by teachers, 2.Man having relations with his stepmom, 3.Believers suing one another, 4.Believers using prostitutes
4 issues brought from Chloe's people in 1 Cor (278)
Resurrection of the dead
What is 1 Cor 15 about? (301)
What god was popular in worship, in the time of 1 Thes? (243)
(hint: FASt) 1. Fortunatus, 2.Achaiacus, 3.Stephanus
3 Corinthians Christians which visited Paul in 1 Cor (278)
Agitators threatened to withdraw fellowship if the Galatians did not accept the Mosaic law
What is the Ethical dimension of Paul's response in Gal (270-271)
It showed that God's grace has not transformed their hearts
Why was Paul worried about the dampened enthusiasm of the corinthians toward the collections in 2 Cor. (338)
1. Appoint an arbitrator, 2.Understand that this is incompatible with the kingdom of God
What is Paul's 2-step advice for the issue of litigation in 1 Cor? (294)
1. Thwarting their witness, 2. Impeding their progress to the final day
2 reasons why the quarreling in Philippi must stop (314)
1. Reminds them of the tradition he taught, including signs coming before Jesus' coming, 2.Persecution is a prelude to God's justice on the final day, 3.God is in control
3 ways Paul corrects deceptive eschatological teachings in 2 Thes (254-255)
1. Presence of the Spirit, 2. Boasting in Christ, not the flesh
2 marks of the "true circumcision" in Philippians (318)
Euodia and Syntyche
2 people which Paul is dealing with their quarreling in Phil 4:2
1. Resurrection of the body, 2.Victory over opposing forces
2 things that are the "hope" of the Thessalonians (245-246)
1. Sexual relationships, 2.Daily labor
2 topics in 1 Thes. about the character of their love. (243)
1. By revelation from Jesus Christ (1:12)\n2. From the call of God (1:15)
2 marks of Paul's authenticity of the gospel in Gal? (265)
1. Golden calf, 2.Intermarriage with Moabite women
Paul compares the Corinthian issue of secular idolatry with 2 OT events (298)
Emphasizes corporate and ethical dimensions of the letter, and leaves out the traditional interpretation that all have sinned and cannot be aquitted before God without Christ.
What does the new perspective on Galatians emphasize (2 things), and what does it leave out (1 thing)? (273-274)
Where did Paul write his letters to the Thessalonians from? (262)
1. Questions on sex in marriage, divorce, celibacy, 2.Information on division within the congregation, 3.Some lost belief in the resurrection of the dead, 4.There were questions of Paul's apostolic authority
Information/Questions brought by the 3 Corinthian believers to Paul in 1 Cor (278)
1. Unexpected nature, 2.they are prepared: assures them that they are "sons of light" and "sons of day", 3.conduct yourselves well, 4.dead and living will experience salvation
4 ways in which Paul answers when the Lord will return in 1 Thes(247)
1. to fulfill them in every good resolution and faith, 2.their progress in the faith is not complete
Paul's prayer of perseverance in 2 Thes is a request to God for 2 things (252)
Paul does not want unity at the expense of ________ 1 Cor. (291)
1. Show gentleness to all, 2. Pray with thanksgiving, focus less on hardship, 3. Turn the mind from evil things to good things.
3 practical steps in rejoicing Paul gives to the Philippians (313)
1. He sees an unbreakable link between the future resurrection of believers and the past resurrection Christ, 2.The resurrection of believers and their hope for immortality
2 reasons why Paul is concerned with issues of the resurrection of the dead in 1 Cor? (303)
1. Life through sorrow and death, 2.Collection for the poor, 3.Christian existence is through God not letters
3 theological sections of 2 Cor (328)
1. Eschatological goals of the faith, 2.Provides examples to follow
2 strategies for dealing with the impediments of the gospel in Philippians (308)
(hint: Paul plays the A.C.E. card) 1. Anthropological: all people sin, 2.Chronological: looking back to the Mosaic law, 3.Ethical: Withdrawing from fellowship
3 dimensions of the authenticity of Paul's gospel in response to the agitators in Gal. (266-271)
Faith (not the Mosaic law)
What is the organizing principle of the people of God in Gal 3:1-5? (268)
1. Be strong to the end, blameless on the day of the Lord, 2.Symptomatic of a misunderstanding of the Gospel
2 reasons Paul is concerned with unity in 1 Cor (279-280)
(hint: W.O.A.h concerns) 1. Wanted Gentiles to live by the Mosaic law, 2.Observe dietary and sabbath laws, 3.Accept Circumcision
3 Concerns of the "agitators" in Galatians (262)
Expel him from the community
What is Paul's advice pertaining to the issue of a man having relations with his stepmom? (292)
1. His affection for them (2:17-20)2. Supply what was lacking in their faith (3:10)
2 reasons for Paul praying earnestly to see the Thessalonians in 1 Thes (236)
1. Revealed in the foolishness of its content, 2.Paul's lack of eloquence, 3.Grace in the timing of Paul's ministry
3 reasons of the gracious nature of the gospel in 1 Cor (282-283)
An example to follow in the their own sufferings for the faith and to help with the anxiety of others in the same predicament.
What examples do the 4 people in Philippians provide? (311)
1. Gratitude, 2.Concern
Paul writes 1 Thessalonians stamped with two emotions (237)
(hint: POT luck of hanging together) 1. People will remain firm in the faith, 2.Others will be added to their number, 3.Temple of God will survive the final day
3 results to the Corinthians who seek to builld up their church in 1 Cor (286)
Dwell on heaven
What is Paul's antidote to dwelling on earthly things in Phil? (320)
1. Discern what is best (progress of the Gospel). Trust God to give them strength to endure
2 attitudes the Philippians should have? (311)
Where did Paul probably write Galatians? (262)
1. Letters of recommendation, 2.Rhetorical power, 3.Impressive bodily presence, 4.the Corinthians' financial support
4 things in which the intruders in 2 Cor. have their confidence in (324'ish)
Which of the three elements may Paul be more troubled by their lack of in 1 Thes? (237)
1. Enduring hardship for the sake of the gospel, 2.Disunity threatens its witness, 3.Warns of the mistakes Galatian and Corinthian churches have made
3 impediments for the gospel's progress among the Philippians (308)
Gifts from Timothy and Silas when they came from Macedonia
How was Paul able to do "full-time ministry" in Corinth? (276)
Who carried 2 Cor. to Corinth? (324)
1. When people tried to force circumcision on Titus (2:3-5)\n2. In Antioch, when he refused the forcing of the dietary laws from the men of James (2:11-15)
2 times Paul stood against the attempts to force the Mosaic law on Gentiles in Gal\n(265)
1. Faith, 2.Love, 3.Hope
3 elements that Paul encourages the Thessalonians in 1 Thes. (236)
1. Praise for the comfort God gives to the distressed, 2.Christ is the means of comfort, 3.How God has rescued Paul, 4.Paul's confidence in god continuing to rescue
4 sections of the benediction in 2 Cor (327)
1. Persecutors will be destroyed, 2. Philippians will stand on the day of Christ
2 ways in which the Philippians suffering is will be vindicated (312)
1. Gentiles a majority, 2.People from various social classes
2 aspects of the Corinthian church demonstrated by Luke (276-277)
Perseverance in the faith despite suffering
Primary Concern of Paul in 2 Thes. (250)

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