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nationals test


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Which of the following is a cord-like protein that helps to waterproof the skin?
Which receptor is responsible for detecting light touch?
Meissner's Corpuscles
Which receptor is responsible for detecting deep pressure?
Pacinian corpuscles
What is an endangerment site on the posterior knee?
Common peroneal nerve
On which neck muscle do you use extra caution in massaging due to its close proximity to the carotid artery?
Which muscle is located directly inferior to the scapular spine?
In an injury to the acromioclavicular joint, which end of the clavicle is involved?
If a client is experiencing pain in the inguinal region, which joint is most likely affected?
Which muscle group resists knee flexion?
The kidneys lie in a retroperitoneal position. What does that mean?
Behind the abdominal peritoneum
During exhalation, the diaphragm does what?
What is an instaneous, involuntary response to a stimulus, either inside or outside the body?
Which lower leg muscle is responsible for dorsiflexion?
Tibialis Anterior
For a skeletal muscle to contract, what must happen first?
Nerve must stimulate a muscle
Of the following which is not contagious? Ringworm, Impetigo, Warts, Psoriasis
One of the most lethal types of skin cancer is?
Malignant Melanoma
A hinge joint is capable if making which of the following movements?
Flexion & Extension
Which joint moves on only one plane?
What position shortens the muscles of the anterior neck?
Muscles that can entrap the brachial nerve plexus are the
Scalene & Pectoralis Minor
Which receptor measures the amount of tension produced at the musculotendinous junction and inhibits contraction?
Golgi tendon organs
Which of the following is NOT a member of the hamstrings? Rectus Femoris, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Biceps Femoris
Rectus Femoris
Wich muscle extends the elbow?
Triceps Brachii
Which hamstring muslce attaches to the fibula?
Biceps Femoris
Which systems's primary function is to support the nervous system in its regulation of bodily functions?
Pyloric sphincter allows transport of what substance?
A client rotating his head is an example of?
Active Range of motion
Which muscles are most likely involved in TMJ Disorder?
Masseter, pterygoid, temporalis
Which are the cardinal signs of inflammation?
Pain, swelling, redness, heat
What heart chamber pumps blood to the lungs?
right Ventricle
When massaging the sartorius and adductor longus, the therapist needs to be careful of what structure?
Femoral Artery
What massage considerations are best utilized for a terminally ill client?
shorter treatments more frequently
When you have a leteral sprain of the foot, what position was the foot in when injured?
What is the universal sign of an obstructed airway?
Hands over the throat
Which muscle inserts on the olecranon process?
Triceps Brachii
What is an appropriate response if a client has an emotional release during treatment?
Stop massaging, remain in the room, be supportive, obtain permission to continue
Circular effleurage applied on the abdomen in clockwise movements is helpful in what condition?
What is an example of a sadle joint?
Carpometacarpal of the thumb
A client approachs you at a social function and asks about another one of your clients' progress with treatment. This conflicts directly with which code of ethics principle?
During a technique requiring sustained pressure, the client complains of pain. What is the best approach?
Lighten pressure, ask client to qualify the pain leve, work within his or her tolerance
Why should you avoid scented massage lubricants?
Client may have allergies or scent sensitivities
Which should a therapist avoid when choosing a massage lubricant?
Mineral oil based lubricants
If a client has pain in the acromial region, which joint is most likely involved?
Movement toward the midline is known as which of the following?
What affect does heat have on the body's fascia?
Softens and distends
If you come across an unconscious adult, what should you do first?
Try to rouse person to consciousness
What percentage of income from bartered services is reportable to the IRS?
APIE and SOAP are examples of what?
Client record keeping
Which muscles are part of the rotator cuff?
Teres Minor, Subscapularis, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus
A therapist circumducting a client's shoulder is an example of which of the following?
Passive range of motion
A muscle is inhibited by contraction of its antagonist; this is an axample of which of the following?
Reciprocal Inhibition
what is the antagonist to pectoralis major?
Latissimus Dorsi
What is the antagonist to the rhomboids?
Serratur Anterior
What is synergist to the biceps femoris?
Peroneus Longus

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