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ex 25 hearing and equilibrium


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external/outer ear
composed primalily of auricle and external acoustic meatus
skin-covered cartilaginus structeure encircling the auditory canal opening.
portion of the pinna lying inferior to the external auditory canal
external acoustic meatus/ external auditory canal
short, narrow chamber carved nto the temporal bone- has ceruminous glands in skin-lined walls
ceruminous glands
wax-secreting glands in the skin-lined walls of the external acoustic meatus
tympanic membrane
eardrum- vibrates at exact same frequency as the sound waves hitting it- separates the external ear from the middle ear
middle ear
a small cavity- the tympanic cavity- found w/in the temporal bone
* malleus, incus, and stapes * articulate to form a lever system that amplifies and transmits the vibratory motion to the inner ear
oval window
what the vibratory motion of the eardrum goes through to get to the fluids of the inner ear
pharyngotympanic/ auditory tube
the tube connecting the middle ear chamber with the nasopharynx- is normally flat, but swallowing/ yawning causes to open temporarily to equalize the pressure of the mid ear cvity w/ external pressure. can\'t vibrate right unless pressure on both surface are =
otitis media
inflammation of the inner ear
internal ear
consists of the osseous labyrinth
osseous labyrinth
a system of bony chambers filled with perilymph
acqueous fluid that fills the osseous labyrinth
membranous labyrinth
suspended in the perilymph- a system that follows the contours of the osseous labyrinth
a viscous fluid that fills the membranous labyrinth
subdivisions of the osseous labyrinth
vestibule and semicircular canals: for equilibrium and the cochlea
the cochlea
division of the osseous labyrinth- snail-like- contains sensory receptors for hearing
cochlear duct
soft wormlike tube about 3.8 inches- winds through the full 2 and 3 quarter turns of the the cochlea and separates the cochlear cavity into the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani- filled with endolymph
scala vestibuli
the upper chamber of the cochlear chamber
scala tympani
lower chamber of the cochlear cavity
spiral organ of Corti
contains receptors for hearing: the sensroy hair cells and nerve endings of the cochlear nerve
cochlear nerve
a division of the vestibulocochlear nerve VIII
Basilar Membrane
where the hair cells rest- forms the floor of the cochlear duct of the Spiral Organ of the Corti
tectorial membrane
a gelatinous membrane of the Spiral ORgan of the Corti
scala media
endolymph-filled chamber of the cchlear duct
vestibular apparatus
the equilibrium apparatus of the inner ear- in the vestibule and semicircular canals of the osseous labyrinth- chambers filled with perilymph in which membranous labyrinth structures are suspended
one of the structures of the inner ear containin the vestibular apparatus- contains the utricle and saccule
semicircular apparatus
one of the structures of the inner ear containing the vestibular apparatus- contains membranous semicircular ducts
membranous semicircular ducts
filled with endolymph and contain receptor cells that are activated by the bending of their cilia
mechanism of dynamic equilibrium
centrally involve the semicircular canals
an enlarge region at the base of each semicircular duct- communicates witht he utricle of the vestibule- contains a crista ampullaris
crista ampullaris
within an ampulla- a receptor region that consists of a tuft of hair cells covered with a cupula
the gelatinous cap that covers the crista ampularris

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