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Psyc 220 Exam 2


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Limbic system
system in forebrain; critical for emotion; includes: olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, cingulate gyrus or CC etc...
info interpretation in cerebral cortex
corpus callosum
large set of axons that connects the two hemispheres of cerebral cortex
damage leads to behavioral abnormalities: drinking, sexual behavior, fighting; releases hormone info to pituitary gland
pineal gland
within diencephalon in epithalamus (above); photoreceptor like a third eye that sits on top of the brainstem
specific sensory nuclei
delivers info up to a PARTICULAR place in the CC
specific motor nuclei
receive info from a PARTICULAR place in the CC about how to move the body
pituitary gland
output pathway from the brain to the glands to regulate body hormones (receives info from hypothalamus)
basal ganglia
in telencephalon (part of forebrain); controls smooth motor function; 1. caudate nucleus 2. putamen 3.globus pallidus; affects Parkinson's and Huntington's
part of forebrain that deals with memory; probably primary/short term memory
gray matter
area with high density of cell bodies and dendrites; on top area of CC
white matter
where axons are delivering info (right outside of CC)
cerebral cortex
all of that bumpy stuff on the outside of brain (what we think of); has 6 layers
nucleus basalis
located on dorsal surface of forebrain; receive info from hypothalamus & basal ganglia to send axons release acetylcholine across CC; key role in arousal
cerebrospinal fluid
clear fluid similar to blood plasma (CSF) inside the four ventricles
leathery membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal chord
lateral geniculate nucleus (gen- genue- knee)
thalamic nucleus that receives incoming visual info
oral pulvinar
connections with somatosensory cortical association areas
medial pulvinar
widespread connections with cingulate, posterior parietal, and prefrontal cortical areas
lateral and inferior pulvinar
part of thalamus with widespread connections with visual cortical association areas
the caudal-most nucleus of the thalamus; usually grouped as one of the lateral thalamic nuclei
nucleus tractus solitarius
structure in medulla where nerves from tongue initially arrive
somatosensory cortex
part of cerebral cortex ______
focal hand dystonia
extreme cortical overlap of finger function/identification
superior and inferior colliculus
part of important routes for sensory information; in the midbrain
lateral inhibition
reduction of activity in one neuron by activity in neighboring neurons; function: sharpens contrast
stereoscopic vision
use two eyes' input for vision
condition in which eyes don't point in the same direction (so don't form stereoscopic depth perception)
region of hindbrain that contributes to the control of movement; audio/visual discrepancy
lamina V
sends long axons to spinal chord (distant area); thickest in motor cortex
lamina IV
receives sensory info from sensory nuclei of the thalamus
frontal lobe
lobe that contains primary motor cortex & prefrontal cortex (working memory & integrates info from ALL sensory systems)
temporal lobe
lobe that processes most auditory info; left lobe essential for language processing & face recognition; some motivational behavior
parietal lobe
contains postcentral gyrus (aka primary somatosensory cortex); touch sensations; eye, head, and body positions
occipital lobe
lobe for visual input (has primary visual cortex)
during axogenesis, theory that chemical cues tell the axons where to go
substrate cues
in axogenesis, theory that mechanical cues tell axons where they will physically fit
a chemical that promotes survival and activity of neurons (eg. NGF- nerve growth factor)
process by which a cell kills itself if it doesn't make an appropriate or timely connection
fetal alcohol syndrome
prenatal disease caused by fetus exposure to alcohol; related to attention deficits, hyperactivity, degrees of mental retardation, motor problems, heart defects, and physical facial abnormalities
ventral stream
in temporal cortex; what
dorsal stream
in parietal cortex; where, how

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