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psyc chapter 1- looking at abnormality


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thought processes that influence behavior and emotion
-a theory of personality and psychopathology
- method of investigating the mind
- treatment for psychopathology
releasse of emotion during hypnosis
way of curing mental illness based on restoring magnetic forces
general paresis
disease leading to paralysis insanity or death
psychic epidemic
phenomenon in which large numbers of people begin to engage in unusual behaviors with psychological origin
believed mental disorders were caused by an imbalance in the bodies essential humors
eg. blood, phlem, bile
feeling unsafe when out of their homes
drilling holes in skull to rid mentally ill of demons
compounds of maladaptiveness
1. dysfunction
2. distress
3. deviant
mental illness
clear identifiable physical process that leads to specific behaviors or symptoms
dsysaesthesia aethiopis
refused to work for ones master
sickness causing slaves to desire freedom
thomas szesz
people label groups as abnormal to justify contolling or silencing them
cultural relativism
no universal rules or standards for labelling a behavior as abnormal
Emil kraepelin
developed scheme of classifying symptoms into disorders
Clifford beers
psychotic; belived he would become epileptic after his brother died... he was experiencing deep paranoia, and mania... might have been bipolar
suffer froom distress and that prevents them from functioning in daily life
Albert Ellis
developed a cognitive theory of emotional problems called rational-emotive theory; was a great orator
rational emotive therapy
confront patients with irrational beliefs in order to change them
vulnerability-stress model
intergration of biological, psychological, and social approaches into a model that says that a person must have vulnerability to a certain disorder in order to develop it
-person must experience a stress trigger in order to develop the dissorder
phineas gage
construction foreman which ended up in a freak accident in which an iron rod went though the frontal lobe of his brain; caused him to develop an anti-social personality (cerebral cortex)
damage to the brain
cerebral cortex
involved in advanced thinking processes
regulates eating, drinking, sexual behavior, biological needs and temp control
limbic system
collection of structures that are closely interconnected with the hypothalamus and appear to exert additional control over some of the instinctive behaviors regulated by the hypothalamus
biochemicals that act as messengers carrying impulses from one neuron or nerve cell to the brain and other parts of the brain or CNS
when the releasing neuron reabsorbs the neurotransmitters decreasing the amount in the synapse
when recieving neuron releases an enzyme into the synapse breaking down the neurotransmitter into other biochemicals
many key areas affecting mental health, emotions, impulses such as aggression
regulates our experience of reinforcements or rewards; affected by substances such as alcohol; regulates functioning of muscle systems (Parkinsosns disease)
(noradrenaline); produced mainly in brain stem; drugs cause the showing of this process by delaying reuptake
gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)
inhibits the action of other neurotransmitters; certain drugs have tranquilizing effect because they increase the inhibitory activity of GABA
Endocrine System
produces most of the major hormoneys of the body; carry messages affecting moods energy level and reaction to stress
pituitary gland
"master gland" produces hormones and controls secretion of other endocrine glands; outgrowth of brain below the hypothalmus
corticotropin- release factor
substance release in response to stress
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
major stress hormone released by pituitary gland
adoption studies
comparing disorder in child biological parents with disorder in child and adoptive parents
(genes vs. environmental circumstance)
psychodynamic theories
all behavior thoughts and emotions are influenced by unconscious processes
physical ailment with no apparent reason, such as paralysis, deafness, disorganised speech
causes emotions to be dammed up and released as symptoms
2 drives which affect human behavior
libido, and aggressive drive
impulses seeking gratification
satisfy impulses within the rules
super ego
moral standards from parents or society; this is made up of the concious or the ego ideal
evaluates if we conform to social ideals
ego ideal
image of whom you most identify with (could be parents or someone you look up to or want to be like)
neurotic paradox
when a persons behavior becomes ruled by defense mechanisms or when the mechanisms are maladaptive they result in abnormal behavior.
psychosexual stages
(according to freud)
oral stage- 18mnths
anal stage- 18mnths to 3 yrs
phallic stage- 3-6 yrs
latency stage
genital stage- 12yrs
object realations theory
freuds aspects intergrated with role of early relationships in the development of self concept and personality
stages of self concept
separation indiduation
behavioral theories of abnormality
focus on the influences of reinforcements and punishments in producing behavior
operant conditioning
skinner; shaping behavior based on punishment and rewards
cognitive theories of abnormality
cognitions shape our behaviors and the emotions that we experience
study of the important others in the development of the self concept using children recieving feedback
the study of animal behavior
family systems
pathological triangular
physical disease of the brain
schizoimpersonality disorder
one who is entirely in depend from anyone or anything... allof and stubborn
Karen horney
psychoanalytic social theory
-emphasize influence in early stages
-basic hostility
-basic anxiety
-styles of relating
moving toward people, move against people, move away from people
-self hatered
existential theory
fear of death, being alone, isolated, afraid of responsiblity
correlation studies
examine the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable without manipulating either variable
study of frequency in distribution of a disorder or group of disorders in a population
human lab studies
exposing one to a variable in the lab and measuring the outcomes
therapy outcome studies
reducing psychopathology by reducing factors that cause it; helping while obtaining information
meta analysis
a statistical technique for summarizing the result accross severeal studies
differential diagnosis
a determination of which of several possible disorders an individual may be suffereing

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