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X201 Technology


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collection of high speed telecommunications lines connected by high speed computers; made up of fast fiber-optic lines that allow computers to transfer data at high speeds
capacity or speed of data transfer
amount of information (millions of bits per second mbps)
digital switch
connecting each backbone line to another, move traffic
switches that decide on which direction to pass traffic
POP point of presence
point of access to the network and consists of a switch (computer) that knows how to route traffic to the end users connected to it
local area network (LAN)
gateway by which large enterprises connect to the internet
combination of specialized hardware and software that provides protection from users and requests outside the LAN
different from "normal" text because it doesn't follow a linear path from top to bottom. One can follow items of interest by selecting words or pictures
ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency)
precursor of the internet, research institutions and department or defense used them
file transfer protocol
one can either send a file or retrieve one from a remote host
"remote login capacity", allows user to log in to a remote host and perform functions on the remote computer as if it were connected to the host on-site
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
language developed to link documents contextually
wireless protocols
bridge the gap between the info available and portable devices (laptops, cell phones)
internet value network
various sectors of the internet economy; interrelations create value for end users and customers
e-commerce companies (
companies exchange real products for real money through online channels
m-commerce (mobile commerce)
e-commerce over wireless channels
Last Mile providers
develop, maintain, and provide a physical connection to consumers and small/medium organizations
application service provider (ASP)
"app-on-tap", provides a centralized repository for software applications which individuals can "rent"/"borrow" to run on their own computers
mediating technology (can be C2C,C2B,etc)
interconnects parties that are interdependent or want to be
universality of the internet
internet's ability to both enlarge and shrink the world
network externalities
when technology becomes more valuable to users as more people take advantage of it
Metcalfe's Law
value of a network increases as the square of the number of people i the network
replacement effect
internet is used to serve the same customers served by the old distribution channel w/out bringing in new customers (replacement of travel agencies)
extension effect
internet lowers the cost of doing something, sometimes accompanied by replacement effects
time moderation
ability to shrink and enlarge time
info asymmetry shrinker
solves the problem that exists when one party to a transaction has information that another party does not
creative destroyer
internet is a low cost standard printing press, ruined newspaper industry
Properties of the Internet
(1) mediating technology (2) universality (3) network externalities (4) distribution channel (5) time moderator (6) info asymmetry shrinker (7) infinite virtual capacity (8) low cost standard (9) creative destroyer (10) transaction cost reducer
coordination, commerce, community, content, communication
tacit knowledge explicit knowledge
knowledge that may not be possible to verbalize or articulate. knowledge transmitted over the internet
bounded rationality
people transacting over internet are human beings, they are limited cognitively
online transaction processing(OLTP)
capturing of transaction and event info using technology to process, store and update info
transaction processing system (TPS)
basic business system that serves analysts in an organization (ex: payroll)
online analytical processing (OLAP)
manipulation of info to create business intelligence in support of strategic decision making
decision support system (DSS)
models info to support decision making
executive info systems (eis)
specialized DSS that supports senior level exectutives (ex. drill down)
digital dashboards
integrate info from multiple components and tailor the info to individual preferences
neural network
category of AI that attempts to emulate the way the human brain works
fuzzy logic
mathematical method of handling imprecise or subjective info
genetic algorithm
mimics the survival or the fittest process to generate increasingly better solutions to a problem
cluster analysis
technique used to divide an info set into mutually exclusive groups
association detection
reveals the degree to which variables are related and the nature and frequency of these relationships in the info
market basket analysis
analyzes items on websites and checkout scanner info to detect buying behavior
bullwhip effect
occurs when distorted product demand information passes from one entity to the next throughout the supply chain
several different types of software that sit in the middle of an provide connectivity between two or more software applications

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