Cardiology Terminology
undefined, object
copy deck
- anti
- against
- arrhythmic
- rythmos; rhythym
- anginal
- angina
- arteri
- arteries
- sclerosis
- hardening
- brady
- slow
- cardia
- heart
- my
- muscle
- pathy
- disease
- hyper
- high
- tension
- pressure
- hypo
- low
- pleb
- vein
- itis
- inflames
- systolic
- blood pressure when heart is contracted
- diastolic
- blood pressure when heart is relaxed
- tachy
- fast
- antiarrhythmic
- drug used to treat an abnormal cardiac rhythm (Greek; anti-against, rhymos-rhythym)
- antianginal
- dialates coronary arteries to oxygenate the myocardium, therby relieving symptoms of agina pectoris
- arteriosclerosis
- hardening of the arteries
- bradycardia
- slow heart condition
- cardiomyopathy
- disease of the heart muscle
- hypertension
- high blood pressure
- hypotension
- low blood pressure
- plebitis
- inflamed vein
- tachycadia
- fast heart condition