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WH: Chapter 35 +36


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Rajiv Gandhi sent troops to smash the rebels in Sri Lanka
Late 1990's
UN oil-for-food program
led India
Arab-Israeli War of 1948
uprooted 700,000 Arabs from Palestine, un set up shelters, poverty-stricken camps have become permanent homes
Kenyatta became the first prime minister of an independent Kenya
Middle eastern religions
Judaism, Christianity and Islam
descended from Dutch settlers, demanded server new limits on blacks
dominant native tribe in Kenya
India's democratic constitution
justice, liberty, equality, fraternity
Pakistan in Cold war
felt threatened by India and the soviet union, joined united states
Saddam Hussein
leader of Iraq
Cecil Rhodes
took control of the region of Southern Rhodesia
Radical Groups
Hamas and Hizbullah, continued their terrorist attacks after the PLO had renounced terrorism
Bharatiya Janata party, congress party ruled India until 1990's, wanted election, wanted to unite government and religion
Angola and Mozambique celebrated independence
Algeria wins its freedom
Nelson Mandela
mobilized young South African, joined ANC, arrested in early 1960's, 27 years in prison, released by F.W. De Klerk, became first democratic president
Whites in South Africa
controlled vast mineral resources and the most fertile land, passed racial laws to keep the black majority in a subordinate position
Leopold Senghor
Senegal, skilled political organizers
mass migration leading to violence, 10 million fled, 1 million died
diverse ethnic and religious groups
Women's groups
protested dowry laws
Bengal Nation
Namibia became independent
Cons of Apartheid
life of restrictions, clacks treated like foreigners, banned marriages between the races and set up segregated restaurants
ethnic group decided by modern borders among Turkey, Iraq and Iran, efforts to win autonomy led to repression
Balfour Declaration
Early 1990's
encouraged foreign investment
FLN turned to guerrilla warfare to win freedom, France vs. Algeria
new conflicts, India accused Pakistan of funding groups inside Kashmir who opposed Indian rule, tensions remain high
African troops
came home to discrimination and second-class citizenship at home
shah actually leaves Iran
1970's reform
blamed social and economic ills on blind imitation of western models and applied Islamic principles to the search for solutions
Desbond Tutu
won the Nobel peace prize for nonviolent opposition to apartheid
Client states
dependent on the support of a stronger power
united states sent aid to stop communist threat to turkey
African policies
new policies toward their African colonies, introduced political reforms that would lead to gradual independence, colonial powers soon learned that they could dictate neither the terms nor the pace of change
Aswan High Dam
upper Nile, created a huge reservoir, Lake Nasser, and two million acres of farmland, controlled Nile flood waters and made year round irrigation possible, increased salt content of the Nile, destroyed fish hatcheries
Perrez Musharraf
general, dismissed elected government and suspected constitution, promised to revise economy, fight corruption and restore a stable government
fundamentalist Muslim group, gained power, restored order, but imposed an extreme form of Islam on Afghanistan, supported al-Qaeda
UN in Africa
joined after independence, contributed to and benefited from the UN, African served in UN peace missions
Cold War affects
local conflicts within Africa, us and s.u. supported rival groups in southern Africa, two superpowers along the red sea became involved in a long and bloody war between Ethiopia and Somali, left a painful legacy, weapons came to tribes and clans who spread violence across the land
Tensions led to renewed violence
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Arab leader, set out to modernize Egypt and end western domination, nationalized the Suez canal, led two wars against the Zionist state, remained a symbol of independence and pride, returned to socialism, nationalized banks and businesses, limited economic policies
Hosni Mubarak
reaffirmed the peace with Israel, mended problems with Arab neighbors, and pushed for peace
Asian tigers
privatized industries and foreign investments, 1990's role in textile,
Violence in Lebanon
Israel invaded south to clear out PLO, Syria occupied eastern Lebanon, Palestinian refugee camps were under fire (thousands died), un peacekeeping tried to help but withdrew after hundreds of French and American peacekeepers were killed in suicide bombings
Ayatollah Khomeini v. Saddam Hussein
Southern Rhodesia
Cecil Rhodes, settlers turned that into a British colony, whites made up 5% of populating but owned half the land, whites rejected any move to give power to the blacks
Un Failure
tried to help restore peace to Somalia, they withdrew, and Burundi and Rwanda tried to help feed refugees of civil war
1991 Gulf War
American missiles and bombers destroyed targets in Iraq, then under the UN banner, coalition forces pushed across the desert to liberate Kuwait, Iraqi blew up hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells
Southern Rhodesian declared independence
Superpower favoritism
supplied arms to governments it favored, (S.U disliked nations who pursued capitalism) boosted the power of the military, contributing to instability
Benazr Bhutto
1988, 1990
Jomo Kenyatta
Kenya, skilled political organizers, leading spokesman for the kikuyu, supported nonviolent methods to end oppressive laws, imprisoned, then released as a national hero, became prime minister and then president
Women during Apartheid
had to get permission from parents or husband as well as authorities in order to move from district to another
Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi had western backing but faced many opponents at home, pushed for modernization, used oil wealth to build roads and industries, supported by the army, and the westernized elite but opposition came from everywhere else
forbidden to speak, publish or broadcast in their own language, nationalists continued to press for autonomy
Julius Neyerere
Tanzania, embraced socialism
a Jewish student who opposed Rabin's peace policy assassinated the prime minister who had signed the Oslo accords
Economic Policies
turned to socialism, depended on the industrial world, took foreign loans, built large projects in industry and agriculture
Indian women
gained vote, education
Nehru Dynasty
congress party dominated, BJP
Nasser dies
sect derived from Islam
Joshua Nkomo
leader of an African nationalist group, fought with Mugabe over Zimbabwe, lost
Arab League
promoted Arab solidarity in times of crisis and worked for common economic goals
in Himalayas, Hindu monarch decided to join India, and its Muslim majority wanted to be part of Pakistan
December 12, 1963
Kenya regained freedom
Palestine Liberation Organization, whose goal was the destruction of Israel
PLO's in Lebanon
developed into an important force in the Palestinian refugee camps, they crossed intro Israel to attack civilian and military targets
an international terrorist group led by Saudi named Osama bin Laden
F.W. de Klerk is appointed president
Beirut was poised for return to its status as a leading economic center of the middle east
Bill Clinton
extended Palestinian self-rule and arranged timetables for Israeli withdrawal from disputed lands
South African won self-rule from Britain, limited to whites (20%)
Kwame Nkrumah
Ghana, skilled political organizers, impatient with Britain's policy of gradual movement, inspired by Marcus Gravey, studied nonviolent methods of India's Gandhi, organized a radical political party, tried to win concessions from Britain, imprisoned then became prime minister
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
civilian president, overthrown and executed by military
Bangladesh Population
50 million people live below the poverty level
Sadat was assassinated by Muslim extremists
African independent nations
Egypt, Ethiopia, Liberia and South Africa
Nehru in Cold war
welcomed economic aid from superpowers, embraced nonaligned movement
Muslim Pakistan
two widely separated areas in north
India first tested nuclear bomb
David Ben-Gurion
Israel's first prime minister
Western control
owned industries and banks, provided capital and technology needed, principal market for exports
Mandela's South Africa
whites (3/4) of land, black unemployment, and crime rate made unsafe
Mohandas Gandhi
turned to satyagraha
British/French mandates
won complete independence as Lebanon, Syria and Jordan
ANC was set up to oppose white domination
S.A first multiracial elections, Nelson Mandela won as new democratic S.A
separation of the races, all south Africans were registered by race, claimed that this would allow each race to develop its own culture, instead gave whites control over South Africa
based on ethnic groups, located in arid, unproductive parts of the country
Nehru industry
built dams to produce hydroelectric power and poured resources into industries (steel)
Ruhollah Khomeini
Iranian religious leader who denounced the government
1973 OPEC oil embargo
showed that oil could be a powerful diplomatic and economic weapon
African Focus
health care, literacy, economic development, end to racism and imperialism, pressed nations of the global North to deal with the unequal distribution of wealth
August 15, 1947
Indian independence
1967 War
Israeli forces won the Golan heights from Syria, east Jerusalem and the west bank from Jordan and the gaze strop and Sinai peninsula from Egypt
Organization of African Unity
Mau Mau
guerrilla warfare burned farms and destroyed livestock, hoping to scare whites, attacked settlers and Africans who worked with the colonial rulers
Middle eastern women
won voting rights and equality before the law
1973 War
Arabs attacked Israel but failed to regain territories, Israel refused to give up the territories until Arab nations recognized Israel's right to exist
rebels in Mozambique starved or killed tens of thousands of civilians, destroyed schools and health clinics
powerful earthquakes shook western turkey, killing or injuring 10,000
National Liberation Front
Turkey and Egypt, lacked capital needed for development
Bangladesh Struggles
to rise out of poverty, geography stands in the way, large population is crowded on a low lying coastal plain
Protest forced the gov. to impose a state of emergency
African inherited
borders drawn by colonial powers, often cause immense problems, new nations were made of hostile groups forced to live together in a same country, borders also split people of the same ethnic group into two separate nations, worked to build a sense of unity
Un Efforts
helped save millions from starvation in Biafra during Nigeria's civil war, responded to famine and other c rises that struck African nations
Iraqi argued that historically the region was part of Iraq, that would give Iraq one of the world's largest oil-producing areas but also access to the Persian gulf, this was seen as a threat to Saudi Arabia
Arab-Israeli Conflict
1948, 1956, 1967, 1973
Ataturk Dam
goal was to irrigate southeastern turkey with water from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers turning the region into a breadbasket
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
(exiled) condemned western influences and accused the shah of violating Islamic law, Muslim fundamentalist
Yitzhak Rabin
Israeli prime Minster
Mandela's Promises
better life for the blacks, rich country with a strong industrial base, introduced new programs from public housings to school lunches
Iraq invades Iran
children of god
Anwar Sadat
took steps to open Egypt to foreign investment, moved away from the soviet camp
Egyptian Problems
economy could not keep pace with population, living in slums, miseries of urbanization
Ariel Sharon
conservative Israeli announced that there would be no further talks until all anti-Israeli terrorism ceased
OAU achievements
provided African nations with discussion and settlement, set up African Development Bank to control investment capital from foreign sources into development programs
1950's & 1960's
western cultural influences increased
Balfour Declaration
pledged support for a Jewish national home in Palestine, deepened tensions, both claimed a historical right to the land
Attacks on Mau Mau
forced into concentrations camps, combers pounded armed mau mau, totaled about 75 dead among whites and 13,000 Kenyans
Charles de Gaulle
president of France (1958)
Bangladesh independence
Hindu India + Muslim Pakistan
African education
emphasized elementary education; colonial rulers built more hospitals and schools. Established few secondary schools and a handful of universities, limited access to education
African heath care
western doctors developed vaccines for yellow fever and smallpox, helped reduce deaths from malaria more likely provided by missionaries rather than government
formally agreed to treat it as a legitimate government
Middle eastern languages
over 30 different
Pakistani ruler to crush rebels (millions fled to India) India attacked and defeated Palestine
collective farms produced crops for export
Osama bin Laden
planned and carried out 9-11
African economy
expensive manufactured goods and technology from the west, many large farms and mine were owned by westerners
Anwar made peace with Israel
policed gunned down 69 men and women taking part in a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville, government outlawed ANC and cracked down on apartheid opposition groups
Antonio Salazar
Portuguese dictator, rejected African demands for freedom
government ruled by religious leaders
Blacks during Apartheid
permission to travel and had to carry passbooks or face arrest, assigned to homelands based on ethnic groups, paid less to work, low wages and inferior schooling
Namibia became independent
India divided
hundred of states, wide languages
Rajiv Gandhi
grandson of Jawaharlal,
Jawaharlal Nehru
Indian's first prime minister, 1947-1964, worked to build modern state
OAU problems
impact was limited, because it had no power to enforce, also strongly opposed interfering in the internal affair of member states
January 30, 1948
Gandhi killed by Hindu extremists
European introduction
new crops, technologies, cash economies, built roads railroads harbors and cities, exporting raw materials and cash crops helped pay for European rule
Indian families
children (economic growth)
Oslo accord
based on secret discussions held earlier in Oslo, Norway. Signed by Arafat and Israeli prime minister, gave Palestinians in gaze and the west bank limited self-rule under an independent Palestinian authority headed by Arafat
F.W. de Klerk
abandoned apartheid, repealed the hated pass laws and lifted the ban on the ANC, freed Mandela, negotiated with Mandela over the terms by which S.A would move to majority rule
Thabo Mbeki became president
Africa was controlled by four European powers
Saddam Hussein
brutally suppressed all critics and persecuted Kurds and Shiites
Pros of Green Revolution
new seeds, chemical fertilizers and irrigation methods boosted output
Egypt and Iraq
leaders toppled monarchs who were tied to western powers
1979 to 1989
soviet troops supported a harsh communist government
Pakistan financial crisis
borrowed heavily from leaders such as the World Band and IMF
Southern Rhodesia became the nation of Zimbabwe
War on terrorism
U.S. launched an attack on Afghanistan that drove the Taliban from power
Caste system
higher Hindus (better schools and jobs) 1990's tried to open jobs, Hindus protested
fierce circular windstorms
African National Congress set up to oppose white domination, organized marches,
Robert Mugabe
leader of an African nationalist group, fought with Nkomo over Zimbabwe, won and became the elected president, called for a one-party system to promote national unity and tolerated little opposition
Kwame's Actions
organized a radical political party, tried to win concessions from Britain
UN Economic Sanctions
kept Iraq from selling oil on the world market and from importing most goods, goal was to stop Saddam Hussein from building chemical and nuclear weapons, but the sanctions hurt the Iraqi people
Pakistan industries
encouraged private or mixed government and private ownership of businesses
destruction of forest land, caused terrible floods
Ian Smith
led independence for Southern Rhodesian, accepted a negotiated settlement
end of the Iran-Iraq War and Khomeini's death
No-fly zones
areas over which Iraqi aircraft where not permitted to fly
Sri Lankans
Buddhists who speak Singhalese, , Tamil-speaking Hindu minority faced discrimination,
Jordan and Saudi Arabia
hereditary monarchs
capital city of Lebanon
Sikh separatists vs. troops of indir Gandhi (Amritsar)
Great liberation
50 new African nations
Liberation War in Algeria
1954 to 1962, France vs. Algeria, half-million French troops went to Algeria, thousands were killed, and hundreds of thousands of Algerians
"Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika"
God Bless Africa
nationalized Suez Canal
Turkey economy
expanded agriculture through increased irrigation and promoting industry, exported crops and manufactured good to Europe
India's population issues
population tripled, growth hurt improvements
Southwest African People's Organization
Kemal Ataturk
began campaign to transform turkey into a modern state
Kenya becomes a republic and Kenyatta a president
Debt service
paying interest on loads, takes 40 percent of the nation's budget leaving little for development
Colonial expectations
African leaders would almost immediately transform authoritarian colonies into democratic nations
Muhammad Mosaddiq
nationalists in Iran's parliament voted to nationalize the oil industry
May 10, 1994
Nelson Mandela became South Africa's first president, marked a new beginning for South Africa
India's education system
literacy rate climbed, boys were more likely to go to school
given to learned Shiite legal experts
new afghan government set out on the difficult task of restoring peace
Saddam seized a disputed border region from Iran, Iraqi forces then pushed deeper into Iran, Iraq used superior weapons (poison gas), attacked international tankers and offshore oil fields, dragged on for 8 years, ending in stalemate
Lebanon finally had some order, PLO forced out of southern Lebanon, private armies disarm and the capital rebuilt
Yasir Arafat
headed the PLO
Gold coast won independence
uprisings against Israeli occupation
Cons of Green Revolution
only farmers with enough land and money could afford to grown new crops, most used old, depending on methods, little surplus
Israeli development
built towns for settlers and provided many services, invested in industry and agriculture, skilled and educated work force, built factories and developed advanced farm methods
Key Waterways
Bosporus, Suez Canal and the Persian Gulf
Us helped oust Mosaddiq
India in 1950
poor, uneducated, divided by change, region language and religious ethnic
Marcus Gravey
pan-africanist, set people thinking about the importance of African unity and culture
international sanctions further damaged the economy and droughts hurt, recovery was slowed by a power struggle between Mugabe and Nkomo, Mugabe won
Sonia Gandhi
widow of Rajiv Gandhi
Israel became independent
India independence
Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait
European political system
undermined Africa's traditional political systems, they told Africans how to govern, and denied educated African top jobs in colonial governments
cover given up by urban women
Ghana symbolism
gold coast (European interests in Africa) Ghana (linked the new nation with the region's African past)
Indira Gandhi
daughter of Jawaharlal, killed by bodyguards
PLO Destruction
massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics, bombings, hijackings
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, built roads, hospitals and schools
India's development
lacked oil and natural gas (essential to economic growth) relies on imported oil
Punjab region
Sikaha wanted independence
Located across the Mediterranean from France
Pakistan and India both tested nuclear weapons
destruction of a mosque in Ajodhya, BJP, Hindu came because it was on sacred group
Mandela's slogan and policy, "let us build together"
Iraq and Syria
single party won power
Middle east
region between Europe and china, Japan and southeast Asia
Calcutta & Bombay
not enough jobs, no water or sewage
Early 1960's
UN peacekeepers helped stop the fighting in Zaire
Mother Teresa
roman nun, founded order in Calcutta (missionaries of charity)
Organization of African Unity, promoted cooperation among members, supported independence and sough peaceful settlements of disputes
India's 1950 constitution
banned discrimination of untouchables (lowest caste)
Lebanon civil war
South Africa receive Southwest Africa as a mandate from the League of Nations
Army coup in Portugal topped Salazar's dictatorship
island in the eastern Mediterranean, conflict back to ottoman times, island is partitioned
Afrikaner National party won majority in a "white-only" parliament
Indian Federal system
powers divided between central government and small local, 15 official languages and 35 regional
Christian sect held the most power
Gold Coast
first African nation south of the Sahara to win freedom, British colony
November 1979
students take the American embassy for 444 days
Desmond Tutu wins Nobel peace prize
India's largely Muslim providence
Un drew up plans to partition Palestine in to a Arab and Jewish state, Jews accepted it, but Arabs rejected it
self-employed women's association, formed production, opened banks, provided education
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
leader of Muslim league, wanted Muslims to have own state (Pakistan)
democracy, freedom of speech
Israel and Turkey
multi party democratic systems (Kurds & Arabs faced restrictions)
Turkey government
multiparty democracy
Islamic fundamentalists
wanted to separate religion and government
united states helped Israel while the soviet union gave aid to the Arabs
plants that convert salty sea water into fresh water
bands of citizen soldiers, who battled for control of billages and of Beirut

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