CS Final
undefined, object
copy deck
- calculator + word processor=
- spreadsheet
- advancement of computers
1. big, expensive and inefficent. vacuum tubes, only do 1 process
2. Second generation made with transistors
3. processes occur on large integrated circuits - three common computer programs used today and their processes
1. word processor: create text documents that you can manipulate
2. spreadsheet: combine processes of a word processor and a calculator
3. photoshop/graphic programs: view, manipulate graphic images - luddites
- people who destroyed computers becuase they were losing their jobs
- lurking
- searching around a newsgroup forum to get a taste of current topics discussed.
- spider
- used by search engines to index websites for a given host
- 3 guidelines for good system design
visually oriented
forgiving - 3 major html tags
body - ip=
- internet protocol
- to change the progra in early comuters which contained vacuum tubes, what had to be done
- re wire the computer
- first spreadsheet, who designed it
- visicalc- birklin and frankston
- what powered 2nd generation computers
- transistors
- time sharing=
- time slice per user
- tcp ip
- transistion control protocol / internet protocol
- two forms of etiquette when posting in a forum
dont shout
dont post off topic - algorithim
- a procedure for accomplishing a certain task
who designed it - pretty good privacy- paul zimmerman
- function of a browser
- displays html language/ information of a webpage
- series of user groups of discussion groups, each based on some common interest is called a :
- newsgroup
- flaming=
- posting negative or synical comments on a forum
- correct sequence of computer development
- mechanical, vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuit, large scaled integrated circuits.
- developer of analytical engine
- charles babbage
- jon von neumann's contributions
- storing program on a computer along with its data
- control center for th internet is located
- nowhere
- if traveling email occures a computer malfunction along the way, what happens
- it is re routed
- spam
posting large number of unsolicited comments in a forum
unsolicited email - before the www became popular, computer enthusiasts dowloaded information from...
- bulletin boards
- which type of field would be used for a yes/no option
- radio
- which type of field would one use for allowing a choice between small, medium, or large pizza
- radio, select
- javascript statements end with...
- ;
- which type of field would be used to fill in a name
- text
- most important heading is logically designated by paired __ tags
- <h1>
- break tag
- <br>
- purpose of the input tag
- have the ability to input data
- html code that plays a song when clicked
- <a href="song.wav">song</a>
- purpose of the alt tag
- to display a description of a picture if it does not show up
- select vs radio buttons
- radio buttons display all choices at one time
- onchange
- change in an input field
- onselect
- perform an action when something is selected
<input type="text" size =11>
significance of the 11 - the box will accept 11 characters
- for each command
- loops through all nodes of a certain type
- XSL vs XML
- XSL interprets XML file
- if match command
- goes through all nodes of a certain type and erforms a task until the </if match>
- display alert window saying "gotta luv it"
- alert('gotta luv it');
- code that makes a checkbox checked by default
- "checked"
- writing select code
- see p 173
- three types of input field and what they would be used for
radio- pizza size
checkbox- pizza topping
select- state - common mistake will writing code
- capital letters
- 5 characteristics of a good user interface
privacy statement
copyright information
contact informatio
edit code
KISS - 5 hmtl tags that manipulate text
code - display video from youtube
- href=url of video
- link that is a picture
- <a href="nextpage.html"><img src="image.jpg"</a>
- advantage of using a table
- neatness, data entry, simple
- year myspace was created
- 2003
- what mailto command does
- opens default email program, can include address, subject, etc
- frames
- allows you to have a page, and a header or border that stays the same, only the main part of the page changes
- stop an image from repeating itself
- no-repeat command in a css statemetn
- how myspace makes money
- banners
- how fedex uses technology
- using technology- satellites, hubs, GPS, other sorts of communicatio
- why you dont put an email address directly on a website
- scrapper program
- matts webite to load only the main page
- target=main
- javascript code tag
- <SCRIPT language="javascript">
- write a snippet of code that will all a javascript function called "joke" when a webpage is first loaded
- purpose of onclick
- to do a action after an object is clicked