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Japans 94


undefined, object
copy deck
gaitō (外套)
an overcoat, a greatcoat, a cloak
gaisuru (害する)
to injure, to hurt, to harm
gainen (概念)
a general idea, a notion, [Philos.] a concept
gairaibunka (外来文化)
foreign culture
gaitōbokin (街頭募金)
a street collection of subscriptions
gaimudaijin (外務大臣)
the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Secretary
gaitō (街灯)
a streetlamp, a streetlight
gaimushō (外務省)
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Office
gaiya (外野)
the outfield
gaiyū (外遊)
a trip abroad, a foreign travel
gaikotsu (骸骨)
a skeleton, bones
gairinzan (外輪山)
the somma [of Mt. Aso]
gaikyō (概況)
a general condition
gaisetsu (概説)
an outline, an introduction [-> 概論]
gaikokukawasesōba (外国為替相場)
a foreign exchange rate [-> 外国為替レート]
gaikōsei (外向性)
gairai no (外来の)
foreign, imported
gairaishu (外来種)
an introduced species
gaisū (概数)
round numbers/figures
gaikokukawaseshijō (外国為替市場)
the foreign exchange market [-> 外為市場]
gaitameshijō (外為市場)
the foreign exchange market [-> 外国為替市場]
gaizensei (蓋然性)
gaikōseisaku (外交政策)
a foreign policy
gaisenshiki (凱旋式)
a triumphal celebration
gainenjō no (概念上の)
gaiyōyaku (外用薬)
a medicine for external application
gaisetsuen (外接円)
a circumscribed circle
gaishite (概して)
in general, generally (speaking), on the whole
gaikōjirei (外交辞令)
diplomatic language
gakekuzure (崖崩れ)
a landslide
gaisan suru (概算する)
to estimate roughly, to make a rough estimate of
gaisan (概算)
a rough estimate
gaisen suru (凱旋する)
to return in triumph
gaishinbu (外信部)
the foreign news desk/department
gaishin (外信)
news from abroad, foreign news
gairoju (街路樹)
street trees, roadside trees
gaikokujintōrokuhō (外国人登録法)
the Alien Registration Law
gaikokuseihin (外国製品)
foreign goods
gaishō (外相)
the Foreign Minister
gaitōenzetsu (街頭演説)
street oratory
gaiyaseki (外野席)
outfield bleachers
gairaikanja (外来患者)
an outpatient
gakai suru (瓦解する)
to fall, to collapse
gaimen wa (外面は)
gake (崖)
a cliff, a precipice
gaisai (外債)
a foreign loan, a foreign bond
gaimen (外面)
the outside, the exterior
gaikōin (外交員)
a sales-person, a sales-man, a canvasser
gajō (賀状)
a New Year's card
gairaigo (外来語)
a loan word, a borrowed word
gaisha (外車)
a foreign-made car, an imported car
gairo (街路)
a street, an avenue, a road
gaishutsukinshirei (外出禁止令)
a curfew
gaikōrūto (外交ルート)
diplomatic channels
gaishikeikigyō (外資系企業)
a foreign-affiliated firm
gaitō suru (該当する)
to come under, to fall under, to apply to, to correspond to
gaitō (街頭)
the street
gaitamekanrihō (外為管理法)
[abbr.] the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control [-> 外国為替及び外国貿易管理法]
gaikokukawase (外国為替)
foreign exchange [-> 外為]
gaikōkankei (外交関係)
diplomatic relations
gaishoku suru (外食する)
to dine out, to eat out
gaikokugo (外国語)
a foreign language
gaikōshisetsudan (外交使節団)
a diplomatic mission
gaiteki (外敵)
a foreign enemy/invader
gaka (画家)
a painter, an artist
gaimen no (外面の)
outward, outside, exterior
gaishō (街娼)
a streetwalker, a prostitute
gaka (画架)
an easel
gaiteki (外的)
external, exterior, outward
gaishutsu suru (外出する)
to go out
gaimai (外米)
imported rice
gaishoku (外食)
gairyaku o ieba (概略を言えば)
roughly speaking
gaikokujinrōdōsha (外国人労働者)
a foreign worker
gaishokusangyō (外食産業)
the food service industry
gaisū de (概数で)
gaisenmon (凱旋門)
a triumphal arch
gaikōkan (外交官)
a diplomat, a diplomatic official
gaisen (外線)
[Elec.] an outside wire/cable
gairon (概論)
an outline, an introduction [-> 概説]
gaishutsu shiteiru (外出している)
to be out
gaishi (外資)
foreign capital
gaikokukawaserēto (外国為替レート)
a foreign exchange rate [-> 外国為替相場]
gakai (瓦解)
collapse, a fall, a downfall
gaikokujin (外国人)
a foreigner
gaishō (外傷)
an external wound/injury
gaikokukawase oyobi gaikokubōeki kanrihō (外国為替及び外国貿易管理法)
the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control [-> 外為管理法]
gaikō no (外交の)
gaikokuyūbin (外国郵便)
foreign mail
gaikō (外交)
diplomacy; foreign policy, [保険の] canvassing
gaishin (外心)
gaitame (外為)
foreign exchange [-> 外国為替]
gairyaku (概略)
an outline, a summary, a résumé
gaisanyōkyūkijun (概算要求基準)
guidelines for the estimated budget requests
gaiyashu (外野手)
an outfielder

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