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History 2233-Test 1-Vocab Terms


undefined, object
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- peasants
- consist aprox. 97% of pop.
- beating stick with leather strings attached with sharp long nails at the end
- used to beat the senses into muzhik or anybody else who balked at authority
- exiled in Switzerland
- travelled throughout Europe trying to get ppl to revolt vs. their governments
- seen as Father of Anarchism
- Peter Lavrov
- active in Paris
- no government rule
"going to the people"
- popular movement to change social landscape from static state of society
proxy war
- war where 2 powers use 3rd parties as a sub. for fighting each other directly
Golden Horde
- medieval Mongolians that controlled Russia back then
- collected taxes
- tribes of Russia didn't like their rule, but they were disunited to do anything
- imperial dynasty of Russia
Ivan III or Ivan the Great
- married niece of last emperior of Byzantium (Eastern Roman Empire) = importance of religion
- proclaimed Moscow to be '3rd Rome'
3rd Rome
- aka Moscow
- Ivan the Great proclaimed this place due to linkage with Eastern Roman Empire
Ivan the IV or Ivan the Terrible
- known as terrible after decapitating son's head during a family gathering
Peter I (the Great)
- 1st to be personally educated (literate)
- travelled abroad
- brought modernization into Russia
- built new capital: St. Petersburg
- codified laws to make it unison
What are the 2 ways to spell tsar?
tsar (Am)
czar (GB)
- type of ships that were built with one blueprint only (from Rotterdam, Holland)
- adapting ideas/customs of western society
St. Petersburg
- new capital that Peter the Great built for himself besides Moscow
Old Believers
- headquarters in Moscow
- from clergy (ultra-conservative)
- peaceful opposition
- objected to westernization b/c fear of secularization
- separation of society from religious institutions
Peter III
- relative that took over after Peter the Great
- wanted to be great too but a 'nerd'/blundering
- when failure occurs, blames other ppl.
- indecisive (says one thing & then another)
Sophia/Catherine II (the Great)
- German princess
- became great, during Age of Enlightenment/Reason
- modernized Russia
- invested large $ in intellectuals (offspring of nobility)
- opened Hermitage (museum)
- French as court language
- corresponds with Voltaire
- created Russia's 1st German literary
- despised son Paul & distanced herself from him
- took hold of 2 grandchildren
- intellectual movement that advocates Reason (obtain objective truth about universe)
Age of Reason
- start of modern philosophy
- museum institution started by Catherine the Great
- French enlightenment writer
- admired by Catherine the Great
- an estate located away from St. Petersburg in which Paul & his newlywed is to stay, courtesy of catherine the Great
- represented Russia during Congress of Vienna
Paul the I
- succeeded Catherine the Great to the throne after her death
- replaced ppl linked to his mother with mentally ill ppl in their posts
- went along with Napoleon's continental system, but then Russia suffered in trade with England
- killed in the end by unhappy nobility
pauper's corner
- corner of cemetery where ppl. of no fixed address and unknowns are buried
French Revolution
- tumultuous time during France where there is an uprising against the nobility
- notions of equality & freedom
- initially conducted warfare for French Rev. gov't
- bestowed himself, Counsel of France
- then called himself emperor
- wanted all of Europe
- placed relatives in control of conquered areas
Counsel of France
- used like Roman Empire system
- used 3 instead of 2 magistrates, in times of crisis, one can rise to become a dictator
continental system
- conquered & controlled areas are barred from trade with Britain
continental blockade
- Br. navy cuts off any shipping destined to Europe & any from getting out
- killing of ruler
- killing of father
Borku (Sweden)
- place where Alexander met Napoleon regarding foreign policy
- result: cut off trade with Eng.
Le Grand Armee
- consisted mainly of Frenchmen & places under Fr. control
- process: every region was ordered to furnish certain % of male pop. and if not, ppl in control are to shoot important figures
Orsha (Russia)
- meeting point of Le Grand Armee
- gathering of Le Grand Armee to attack Moscow
- August 24, 1812
scorch-earth policy
- tactic used by Russian soldiers vs. Le Grand Armee by burning anything on land of value/sustainment to them
Diary of a Napoleonic Soldier
- diary written by a soldier part of Le Grand Armee that details the retreat & conditions they endured
Battle of Nations
- most decisive defeat suffered by Napoleon
- largest conflict in Europe before WWI
- city in Germany
- where Battle of Nations were fought
King of Elba
- an island of Italy
- became king here, largely requested by Alexander
St. Helena
- distant island in S. Pacific where Napoleon was sent into exile after escaping from Elba, Italy
Congress of Vienna
- dedicated to stamping out dangerous ideas put into circulation by Fr. Rev.
- & political re-orientation of Europe
- consisted of: GB (Castlereagh), Austria (Emp. Joseph), Prussia (K. William), Russia (Alexander), & Fr. (Talleyrand)
- representative of GB that took part of Congress of Vienna
King William
- representative of Prussia that took part in Congress of Vienna
- represented France during Congress of Vienna
- politician that survived Fr Rev. & Napoleonic Wars
Count Metternich
- Austria foreign minister
- firm believer in God, Emperor & Conservatism
- phobia of Congress & 'deviating ideas'
- employed spies to spy on Austria high society & house cleaners for reps. during COngress of Vienna
- employed Mozart aggressively, but unknowingly spread the ideas that he very much feared through his music
"God, emperor & conservatism"
Concert of Europe
- anti-Napoleonic alliance
- prevent outbursts ex. Fr. Rev.
- from Vienna
- did the Magic Flue
- part of Freemasons
- popular musician
The Magic Flute
- by Mozart
- contained ideas that were played over and over by Count Metternich unwittingly
- Europe's secret society
- pledge to enlightenment of ppl. regardless of social status
- pledge for academic freedom
Grand Duchy of Europe/Warsaw
- Polish state established by Napoleon
- Polish parliament
- governor of high rank that's royally appointed
- youngest brother that spurned czar position
- positioned over in Poland
- czar's advisor
- started military colonies
military colonies
- forceful resettlement of families & peasants to border areas whre they build model villages of farming & also guard duty
- located in border areas deemed unsecure esp. Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
Dekabristy (Decembrists movement)
- started in 1815
- under a diff. heading of earlier birth: Union of Salvation
- consisted of military officers
Union of Salvation
- secret political society consisting of military officers
- split into Northern Society (Petersburg) & Southern Society (Baku)
Northern society
- has a dream-like of 'happily ever after'
- located at St. Petersburg (so being more cautious)
- committed to change in Russian systems
Southern society
- away from places of power & more colourful
- Pestel comes from here
- place where Southern society of Union of Salvation headquarters is located
- came from Southern society of Union of Salvation
- bright but hyperactive
- military strategist that worked for Napoleon then switched sides to Russia
- Pole
- wants republicanism instead of monarchy
- Pestel's idea of wanting vote to occur, but restricted to those who own properties or paid min. amount of taxes
- opposition of monarchy; liberty & rule of ppl
- ruled by one at head: ruler
- head leader of church
- linked to keeping written document of Constantine's resignation as czar that is placed there
Kiev (Ukraine)
- place in Ukraine where there is a 3rd Patriach located; others are Moscow & St. Petersburg
- referral to uprising of Russian military soliders vs. czar rule in the month of December
Peter & Paul
- name of St. Petersburg's infamous prison complex where many Decembrists were plunked in
Little Father
- another term for czar
running the gauntlet
- those who had strikes vs. them in military colonies, have to strip down to their undergarments & run through lined up villagers on either side (armed with whips & sticks) to beat on them
- if villagers didn't go hard enough, they'd be added too
state council
- consequence of Decembrist revolt, Alexander created this that is like Canada's cabinet: portfolios assigned & head by chosen individuals, whom report to him & only him
- within, 3rd Department is created
3rd Department
- internal security organization
- led by Count Benkendorf
Count Benkendorf
- led 3rd Department (KGB)
Nihil Obsta
- line written in inside of title pages that indicates it was approved by Catholic Church, otherwise if not, it would be on the index of banned books
- spawned from 3rd Department
- production of 'private copying' where forbidden texts are copied by hand & passed on to 'safe' individuals for reading
- access for those who wanted forbidden literature
- Nichola's decree for educational institutions to have taught curriculums to have the approval of Church leaders
- village community
- oldest male of household in village
- in charge of payment & collecting taxes
- knew where agricultural allocations are located from previous parents
- knows requirements of village ex. food
- takes part in village meetings of land allocations
- agricultural district outside of Moscow
- depiction of a holy person of worship (located in corner of house)
village priest
- sent out to live among villagers
- rely on them to take care of his fields
What was the objective of the Concert of Vienna in 1814?
Who where the 4 big powers that took part in the Concert of Vienna?
What was Alexander's contribution to the Concert of Vienna?
What was the major event/movement that took place in 1825?
What was the objective of the Decembrist Movement?
Which group controlled Russia in the medieval times?
What occurred in the 1400's in Russia?
In 1462, how was Ivan III considered Ivan the Great?
What was the significance in Ivan III marrying the niece of the last emperor of Byzantium?
What is another term for Moscow?
How did Ivan IV become Ivan the Terrible?
What were the contributions/achievements under Peter I (the Great)?
What is special about Rotterdam's ships?
What is the importance in Peter I being literate?
What resulted after Peter I's return abroad from Europe?
What city was the first planned capital in the world?
What group was in opposition of Peter I's reign?
What did Peter I do with the laws in Russia?
What happened to Peter I in 1762?
What were the 'qualities' of Peter III?
What period was Russia in when Catherine the Great entered the throne?
What were Catherine the Great's achievements and contributions?
Who was the French philosopher that Catherine the Great admired?
Catherine the Great is fluent in what court language?
Which project that Catherine opened up but then shut down later on?
Who were the 2 grandchildren that Catherine had taken away from Paul?
Who succeeded Catherine the Great's throne?
Who succeeded Peter I?
Who succeeded Ivan III?
Who succeeded Ivan IV?
What did Paul I do upon succeeding Catherine's throne?
What major event occurred in another country during Paul's reign?
What positions does Napoleon claim?
What two areas in Europe does Napoleon want but cannot have & why?
What system does Napoleon apply to England that all conquered regions are to follow?
What was Britain's response to Napoleon's continental blockade?
Why was it difficult for Russia to adhere to a main foreign policy with France?
What were the results upon Alexander's ascension to the throne?
What was the nobility's price upon Alexander's reign?
What was France's response to Russia's 'waivering' foreign policy?
Which country contributed the most soldiers to Le Grand Armee & why?
Which region was the assembly point of Le Grand Armee?
What was Russia's response to Le Grand Armee's advance?
Which place did Le Grand Armee gather before the big attack on Moscow?
What happened to Moscow before Napoleon got there?
What were the consequences of Moscow being burnt?
What were the advantages for the Russian army upon Le Grand Armee?
What was the name of the memoir that recorded Le Grand Armee's retreat?
What was the major event of 1813 & where? What were the consequences?
What was Napoleon & France's punishment at the end result?
What were the connotations of the French Revolution?
Who was the 'most active' at the Concert of Vienna & why?
What was Russia's reward for defeating Napoleon & why?
What is wrong with Mozart's The Magic Flute?
What was Warsaw's other alias?
To whom does the Russian peasantry owe allegiance to?
To whom did Alexander addressed when he visited Warsaw?
What were the results of Alexander's visitation to Warsaw?
Who is in charge of Poland post-Napoleonic period?
What were the consequences upon the Russian soldiers' return home after Napoleonic wars?
Who was the advisor to Catherine, Paul, and then to Alexander?
What was the punishment for disobeying in a military colony?

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