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English Test #2


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Oedipus Complex
Freud - Feature of Freud's sexual theory: the desire to kill you dad and have sex with your mom - no relationship is as strong as one's relationship with mother, - ones libido is repressed leads to rivalry with father - have to get rid of dad to have sex with mom,
part of theory of the collective unconcious - jung- recurrent patterns foound in stories, myths, and dream (i.e. religion) Gods in diffrent cultures that had not contact (we all share underlying concious)
Sexual desire
Freud - always present and comes in different stages - oral and genital
Poet Quote
Everywhere I go, I find the poet has been there before me. - FREUD section
Writing an essay is ______. "Form follows function" - Louis Henry Sullivand
always end your conclusion with a zinger - could be a variety of things
Marx: what drives human behavior?
class tension drives human behavior
Hammer and Sickle
Represents Communism and the Working Class
Person who gives message to the hero in the archetype of the quest
Topic Sentences
Supporting arguments become these in body paraphs; should appear at the beginning of the paragraph usually
Stalin on government
Government shoud be arbitrary: people will be terrorized into following the rules - ppl were afraid to be the first to stop clapping at one of his speeches
Marxist: Harp symbolizes:
the arts, which are very poweful in shaping people's attitudes
Freud - drives human behavior - lust is the steam that drives human behavior; libido doesn't become genital until adolescence
Marxist - Working class - workers - industrial revolution Marxist; bourgeoisise vs. proletarait
Supporting Arguments
These back up the thesis and become topic sentences in body paragraphs.
Karl Marx
Father of Communism: GERMAN Historian: mid 19th century - history is made up by CLASS CONFLICT - thought it was necessary for brougeoisie to give up power to have armed revolution; wrote two books
Freudian School of Literary Criticism
Feminist: what drives human behavior?
Gender roles drive human behavior
FRENCH PHILOSOPHER: violence leads to power --> "Property is theft" - part of Marxist literary interpretation - there is some sort of original injustice in the fact that some people have advantages over others
Archetype of the Quest
jung - part of the collective unconcious - the most important of the archetypes - Background:- Spiritual quest is not necessarily religious - has to do with the sense that somehow life is missing a piece - unfulfilled; -"The kingdom of God is within you" - Bible - Gospel of Luke; - Gospel of Thomas - "The kingdom of God is spread upon the earth"; -Jung was influenced by these sacred texts of Buddhists, Hindus; Freud thought these things were nonsense à everything is about sex - he those mediation for substitute for sex
Generally the shortest phase, brngs back the boon, which heals or fixes the problem
La Belle Epoque date
Dream Interpretaion
Freud - another tool of psychotherapy, dreams are messages from the unconcious mind to the concious mind
Marxist - middle class during feudal times - part of Marxist School of Literary Criticism; with the industrial revolution bourgeoisie becomes the upper class
Free Associaiton
(a.k.a. the Talking Cure) - Freud - tool of psychotherapy - patient is lying down and psychologists sits behind them - free association, mind association, lets the mind water - discover origins of emotions and problems
Freud: what drives human behavior?
Our libido drives human behavior
Delayed Gratification
Freud - Delaying the expression of our libido (civilization says to wait and try to ignore the hormones until a "proper time": put off pleasure and sexual desire until you achieve other goals), therefore sublimating the libido and our expression comes out in other forms - through football and other sports, even religion, etc. ; libido doesn't become gential until adolescence
Empowerment of women: after WWI 1921 - women get the right to vote --> suffragist movement; WWII: women went to work when their husbands went to war (Rosie the Riveter); late sixties/early seventies Rise of Women's Liberation movement - "biology is destiny"
Jung's theory
he rejected the Sexual theory and expaned the theory of the Unoncious
Carl Gustav Jung
born in switzerland; became owner of large sanitarian; heard about Freud; became his protege; Freud saw Jung as his way of carrying on his teachings into the next generation; everything was hunkydory until something happened (Freud should have seen this coming) Freud was on a train when he got a letter that Jung was breaking away (killing the father figure in a sense) and developing his own theory
Topic --> Thesis
Topic is the ____.
Freud - Therapy of the mind
Freud - when we do not get to express our libido - is repressed into the unconcious
Marxist - some people control large amounts of money - resulted form industrial revolution when Bourgeoisie had the opporunity to make money so there was an accumulation of wealth - but the Proletariat was still oppressed becuase upper class did not want to give up their wealth
Socialist Realism
Stalin (Marxist) - arts were glorified in Communism - APPROVED STYLE OF ART - people depicted working together and cooperating
Hero gains this after defeating the enemy in the crucial encounter
Three Phases of the Archetype of the Quest
Departure, Encounter, Return
First word of waiting of Godot
stage of the archetype of the quest in which the hero is introduced ,
Das Kapital
Book by Karl Marx - analyzes class conflict: SURPLUS VALUE THEORY;
Freud - object shaped like a penis; image of an erected penis
Wrote Communist Manifesto with Marx
Phallic Symbol
Freud - symbol of an errection i.e. beanstalk
Marxist: Hen represents:
the means of production
Louis Henry Sullivan
Who said, "Form follows function"
Transition sentence
If the supporting argument/topic sentence doesn't "work" you should use a _______.
Surplus Value Theory
Karl Marx's theory - What given asn object its value? surplus value is inflated value (kind of like a tax) - Proletariat gave objecft its value - raw materials and the labor = ten cents, but then the Capitalists sell it for 20 cents - (workers get ripped off and the Capitalists continue oppressing with the money they gain)
the longest stage; passes through a land of dangers and delights and is protected by some kind of amulet --> lucky charm; guides; misdireted - crucial encounter -
Straw Man technique
crticize, then use pivot word to change the course
Thesis restatement; foregone conclusion
Conclusion shoud contain:
Tom Lehrer
wrote a song about oedipus
(pertaining to Jack and the Beanstalk and feminism) - describes society as it is (17th century when women couldn't work)
George Bernard SHAW
"Communism, like Christianity, is a good idea that should be tried sometime."
Marxist - when the first communist revolution took place in RUSSIA he realized he needed to seize control of the arts as they influence people's attitudes about things: SOCIALIST REALISM
Castration Fantasy
Freud - if dad is in the way to getting mom "put him out of commission" - snip snip
Sigmund Freud
From VIENNA, AUSTRIA, "Father of Psychoanalysis"
Crucial Encounter
when the hero encounters the enemy
Pivot Word
Used in the introduction of an essay - yet, however, but
So what?
Conclusion shoudl answer the question: ____.
reference to something else that depends on the reader's knowledge
Communist Manifesto
Book by Karl Marx (with Engels) - calling for proletariat revolution - "Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains."
Schools of Literary Criticism
Schools = trends (like school of fish); used to interpret: what does the story mean? What does the story convey?; evaluate: How does the story convey these things?; and analyze: How well does it do what it sets out to do?
Jungian Literary School of Criticism
School of Criticism based on the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung
Place where Stalin sent people when they did not cooperate with working - freezing cold wasteland
Theory of the Unconcious
Freud's theory - said the mind is like an iceburg (1/7 is concious and 6/7 is unconcious) - trauma comes from childhood experiences and by being aware (using fre association and talking) the unconcious mind can heal the concious
(pertaining to feminist analysis of Jack and the Beanstalk) - But if you keep telling the children this, it's what they come to believe - says how society should be
Industrial Revolution
Marxist - Bourgeoisie had an opportunity to make money; rise of CAPITALISM; accumulation of capital (wealth); PROLETARIAT (workers) are still oppressed: upper class does not want to give up wealth
Sexual Theory
Freud's theory - libido drives human behavior (lust is the steam that drives human behavior)
details, facts, figures, and anecdotes
Topic sentences are supported by sentences containing information such as....
Theory of the Collective Unconcious
Jung - theory that everyone has concious and unconcious mind, but on a deeper level we are all "one" and ashre the same mind, therefore, we are not just contained within one person, wthin the collecitve unconcious there are archetypes - i.e. american dream
founded by Karl Marx - government in which people have no representation
Class Conflict
Marxist - history is made up by this (Karl Marx believed this)
The Troublesome Jews
Freud, Marx, Einstein
Freud - Study of the mind (psych = mind; ology = study of)
Topic --> thesis, supporting arguments, body paragraphs, introduction paragraph, conclusion
How to write an essay order:
Marxism begins to enter literary criticism
Middle of the 20th century
La Belle Epoque
"the Beautiful time": 1889
School of Literary Criticism named for Karl Marx: elements of this school: history is made up by class conflict (upper vs. lower class); Feudal system (barons own the land and peasants work the land); lower class should be oppressed PROLETARIAT, CAPITALISM, BOURGEOISIE, COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, DAS KAPITAL, SURPLUS VALUE THEORY; wanted a classless society; hammer and sickle - represents communism and working class

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