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an investigator of corruption in state and municipal governments
published Shame of the Cities - Lincoln Steffens
- exposed the abuses of the railroad industry in California in The Octopus
- Frank Norris
- Published an expose of child labor in Children in Bondage
- Edwin Markham
- a Brit reformer, who moved to the US in 1901 and addressed the controversial subj. of child labor in his book The Bitter Cry of the Children
- John Spargo
- depicted misery in How the Other Half Lives, and early advocate of urban renewal
- Jacob Riis
- wrote a series of magazine articles detailing the business practices of Standard Oil, which appeared in McClure's and later were published in book form as The History of the Standard Oil Company (1904).
- Ida Minerva Tarbell
- Cosmopolitan article, "The Treason of the Senate," a bitter indictment of political corruption, provoked President Roosevelt's wrath, but created momentum that would culminate in the adoption of the 17th Amendment.
- David Graham Phillips
- , in Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise (1917), explored the links between slum life, political corruption, and prostitution.
- David Graham Phillips
- Wealth against Commonwealth (1894) chronicled the rise of John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil.
- Henry Demarest Lloyd
- examined the sad state of race relations in America in Following the Color Line (1908).
- Ray Stannard Baker
- expressed his opposition to capital punishment in the novel The Turn of the Balance (1907). while serving as the reform mayor of Toledo, Ohio.
- Brand Whitlock
- won fame from his muckraking exposes of the patent medicine industry.
- Samuel Hopkins Adams
- a pseudonym for Elizabeth Cochran Seaman, detailed the treatment of the mentally ill in Ten Days in a Mad House (1888), in which she recounted her experiences when she posed as a patient in an asylum; she also reported on labor strife and women's suffrag
- Nellie Bly
- The Jungle (1906) was largely responsible for federal legislation regulating food and drug practices; he was later a failed Socialist political candidate, a founder of the American Civil Liberties Association, a prolific fiction writer and Pulitzer Prize
- Upton Sinclair
- principal muckraking publications were
- McClure's, Collier's and Everybody's.