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Anthropology 417


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what is the primary use of coal in the US?
the primary use of coal is for energy production
largest energy expense in the us food production system occur in?
commercial and home expense
in comparing the energy input and output of tribal and commercial systems⬦
tribal output is efficient and commercial systems are inefficient
approximately what proportion of crop production and animal feed is ultimately consumed by Americans?
about 15%
according to stienhart and steinhard since 1910 the amount of calories of energy needed to produce one calorie of food has⬦
has increased nearly 10 fold...
according to data assembled by steinhard and steinhard between 1920 and 1970 american farm production in relation to energy input
seemed to be reaching diminishing returns by 1970
in order to produce one kilo calorie of food about how many kilocalories must Australian aborigines expend
.02 kilocalories
which primary food source generates most energy.
feedlot beef
from 1920-1950 the U.S agricultural workforce declined by?...
ecological footprint
the proportion of biological nature that we take
laws of thermodynamics
energy doesn’t get created it gets transformed, you cannot make more of it you simply change it, another law is that everything is falling apart and getting more spread about
leslie whites energy theory
maintained that cultural evolutionary progress is measured by the amount of energy consumed per capita (as energy increases so does progress)
limits to growth study (what did he conclude)?
He focused on the potential for collapse and how to prevent it. He went from 1900-2100 and we can roughly project trends. He projected that if these trends continue the system will not last until 2100. Stabilize population and economy growth
ashanika household wealth
nature provides services and we can value these services by saying it’s a return on capital. Ashanika are drawing their resources directly from nature
subsistence intensification
you put in more effort to get more food out of a constant area of land. Moving from hunting to farming is a subsistence intensification.
elite directed growth
Super Elite have more benefits than the lower classes. Question has to do with benefits and costs. If growth is elite directed then the elite are getting a bigger return. Every body pays and a few wealthy people get the benefits
Size of small nations
less than 10 million homies
Primary production/NPP (net primary production)
the amount of organic matter that the plants produce, measured in per unit of space and per unit of time, ex per acre per year
uppsala protocol
limiting the depletion of oil and figure out how to distribute it evenly
shells look towards 2025 clearly favors
free markets and voluntary regulation
US energy subsidies, 2005
most of the energy is fossil fuel (petroleum, natural gas, coal) – Primary objective of small nations is to limit importation of these unstable fossil fuels
how big is the US economy (actual number) –
13/14 trillion
trophic level
where are you in the food chain
The genuine progress indicator shows that between 1950 and 2002 US GDP grew but actual human well being...
a) increased in line with GDP
b) increased, only slightly quicker than GDP
c) dropped precipitously
d) grew faster than GDP

a) increased in line with GDP booyah
ecological footprint
a) a measurement of human consumption
b)food chain
c)genuine progress indicator
d)invisible hand blah blah

a) a measurement of human consumption of biological goods
according to the laws of thermodynamics
a)growth is inevitable
b)the earths supply of energy is infinite
c)w the right technology blah blah
d) energy can be changed but never created or destroyed

d) energy can be changed but never created or destroyed
Leslie white proposed...
a) the amount of energy harnassed per capita is his use of measuring evolutionary progress
in 1972 club of rome limits to growth study concluded that the only way to do something was to...
a)make global market free of gov. control
b)distribute wealth equitably
c)limit population growth
d)stabalize population growth and economic grow
d)stabalize population growth and economic growth
ashanika household wealth is predominanty in...
nature and people
what makes up a small nation?
under 10 million, autonomous jurisdictions, bounded territory, socio cultural system
Annual flows of energy and material, including food, claims over people, measured in energy units, weight, or dollars.
Capital, or standing stock of valued energy, material, information, or people.

natural captial
Nature, the biosphere, landscape, ecosystems, plants, and animals.

tangible cultural capital
Property in land, domestic animals, structures, and manufactured goods.

intangible cultural capital
Intellectual property, titles, information, knowledge, money, financial instruments.
human capital
People, and the human effort invested in producing, socializing, and maintaining them.

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