European Geography
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- Capital of Ireland.
- Dublin
- Capitol of England.
- London
- Capitol of Norway.
- Oslo
- Capitol of Sweden.
- Stockholm
- Capitol of Denmark.
- Copenhagen
- Capitol of Morocco.
- Rabat
- Capitol of Algeria.
- Algiers
- Capitol of Tunisia.
- Tunis
- Capitol of Libya.
- Tripoli
- Capitol of Portugal.
- Lisbon
- Capitol of Spain.
- Madrid
- What mountain range borders Spain and France?
- The Pyrenees
- Capitol of France.
- Paris
- What is the major river running through Paris?
- The Seine River.
- Capitol of Belgium.
- Brussels
- Capitol of Luxembourg.
- Luxembourg
- Capitol of the Netherlands.
- Amsterdam
- Capitol of Germany.
- Berlin
- Capitol of Liechtenstein.
- Vaduz
- Capitol of Switzerland.
- Bern
- Capitol of Czech Republic.
- Prague
- Capitol of Austria.
- Vienna
- Capitol of Slovenia.
- Ljubljana
- Capitol of Croatia.
- Zagreb
- Capitol of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Sarajevo
- Capitol of Italy.
- Rome
- What major mountain range is located in Italy?
- Apennines
- Name the three major rivers of Germany?
- Elbe, Rhine, and the Danube
- The Swiss Alps occupy area in many European countries. What are they?
- Switzerland, Italy, France and Austria
- Capitol of Poland.
- Warsaw
- Capitol of Slovakia.
- Bratislava
- Capitol of Hungary.
- Budapest
- Capitol of Yugoslavia.
- Belgrade
- Capitol of Albania.
- Tirana
- Capitol of Macedonia.
- Skopje
- Capitol of Greece.
- Athens
- Capitol of Bulgaria.
- Sofia
- Capitol of Romania.
- Bucharest
- Capitol of Moldova.
- Chlsinau
- Capitol of Ukraine.
- Kiev
- Capitol of Belarus.
- Minsk
- Capitol of Lithuania.
- Vilnius
- Capitol of Latvia.
- Riga
- Capitol of Estonia.
- Tallinn
- Capitol of Finland.
- Helsinki
- Capitol of Russian Federation.
- Moscow
- The Ural Mtns are found in what country?
- Russian Federation
- Capitol of Georgia.
- Tbilisi
- Capitol of Azerbaijan.
- Baku
- Capitol of Armenia.
- Yerevan
- Capitol of Turkey.
- Ankara
- Capitol of Syria.
- Damascus
- Capitol of Lebanon.
- Beirut
- Capitol of Israel.
- Jerusalem
- Capitol of Jordan.
- Amman
- Capitol of Egypt.
- Cairo
- The Nile River empties into what sea?
- The Mediterranean Sea
- Capitol of Irag.
- Baghdad
- Name two major rivers in Irag?
- Tigris and Euphrates
- The Caucasus Mtns. border what countries?
- Georgia, Azerbaijan, and the Russian Federation.
- The Ebro River is found in what European country?
- Spain
- Capitol of Malta.
- Valletta
- Capitol of San Marino.
- San Marino