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Therapeutic Communication


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Define communication
The exchange of common symbols - written, spoken, or other kinds such as signing and body language
Define empathy
Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives
Define encoding
Creating a message
Define decoding
Interpreting a message
Define feedback
A response to a message
What are some reasons for failing to communicate?
Lack of privacy
External distractions
Internal distractions
What are the hallmarks of a good communicator?
Patience and flexibility
Effective communication begins and ends with ______________ and ______________.
trust, rapport
Define patient interview
Interaction with a patient for the purpose of obtaining in-depth information about the emergency and the patient's pertinent medical history.
What are 3 ways to build trust and rapport with your patient?
Use the pts name
Address the pt properly
Modulate you voice
Use a professional but compassionate tone
Explain what you are doing and why you are doing it
Keep a kind, calm expression
Use and appropriate style of communication
What are 5 ways to make good first impression?
Having a clean, neat uniform
Good personal hygiene
Physical fitness
Overall professional demeanor
Open, interested and caring facial expressions
Confidence (not arrogance)
Appropriate gait
Consideration for the pt
What are 3 ways to remember a name?
Say the name out loud 3 times
"See" the name in bold capital letters
"Feel" yourself write the name
What are the different responses your patient may have to questioning?
May pour out information easily
May reveal some things, but conceal others
May resist responding
True or false: The patient who resists responding to questioning may be trying to maintain a certain image or may be fearful about how others will respond.
Define nonverbal communication
Gestures, mannerisms, and posture by which a person communicates with others; also called body language
What are the 3 elements of nonverbal communication?
Relative level (relative eye level)
Define open stance
A posture or body position that is relaxed and suggests confidence, ease, warmth, and attentiveness.
Define closed stance
A posture or body position that is tense and suggests negativity, discomfort, fear, disgust, or anger
0 to 1.5 feet is considered the _______________ zone.
_________________ distance is 1.5 to 4 feet.
Personal (also called presonal space)
The social distance is ____ to ____ feet.
4, 12
The public distance is ____ feet or more.
A powerful source of communication comes with ________ ________________.
eye contact
Nothing builds trust and rapport, or calms patients, faster than the power of ____________.
Define leading questions
Questions framed to guide the direction of a pts answers
Define open-ended questions
Questions that permit unguided, spontaneous answers
Define closed questions (also called direct questions)
Questions that ask for specific information and require only very short or yes-or-no answers.
What are 3 good questioning techniques?
Ask open-ended questions
Ask direct questions when needed
Do not ask leading questions
Ask one question at a time, and allow for a complete response
Listen to pts complete answer before asking the next question
Use language the pt can understand
Do not allow interruptions, if possible
True or false: External signs such as overall appearance (clothing, jewelry, other physical signs) can give you some indication of the pts condition.
What are 5 feedback techniques?
Silence Reflection
Falilitation Empathy
What are 3 common errors made during the interview of a patient?
Providing false addurances
Giving advice
Innapropriate attitude of authority
Using avoidance language
Distanging yourself from the pt
Using professional jargon
Talking too much
Using "why" questions
Why should "why" questions be avoided during the patient interview?
These questions often cause the pt to feel they are being blamed and is counterproductive
Do kids respond more to verbal or nonverbal communication?
Nonverbal - beware of body language
When dealing with children you should:
A. stand above them
B. get at their eye level
C. crouch below them
When possible, allow/do not allow parents to remain with the pediatric patient.
Define ethnocentrism
Viewing one's own life as the most desirable, acceptable, or best, and acting in a superior manner to another culture's way of life.
Define cultural imposition
The imposition of one's beliefs, values, and patterns of behavior on people of another culture.
When dealing with uncooperative or hostile patients, you should always have a clear path to the _____________ __________ and position yourself to observe others entering or exiting the area
nearest exit
In situations where a patient becomes sexually agressive, what is the best solution?
Have a same-sex attendant with the patient, set limits, and establish boundaries.

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