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sacrifice v
To make an offering of to deity, especially by presenting on an altar
sacrificial adj
Offering or offered as an atonement for sin
sacrilege n
The act of violating or profaning anything sacred
sacrilegious adj
safeguard v
To protect.
sagacious adj
Able to discern and distinguish with wise perception
salacious adj
Having strong sexual desires
salience n
The condition of standing out distinctly
salient adj
Standing out prominently
saline adj
Constituting or consisting of salt
salutary adj
salutation n
Any form of greeting, hailing, or welcome, whether by word or act
salutatory n
The opening oration at the commencement in American colleges
salvage n
Any act of saving property
salvo n
A salute given by firing all the guns, as at the funeral of an officer
sanctimonious adj
Making an ostentatious display or hypocritical pretense of holiness or piety
sanction v
To approve authoritatively
sanctity n
sanguinary adj
sanguine adj
Having the color of blood
sanguineous adj
Consisting of blood
sapid adj
Affecting the sense of taste
sapience n
Deep wisdom or knowledge
sapient adj
Possessing wisdom
sapiential adj
Possessing wisdom
saponaceous adj
Having the nature or quality of soap
sarcasm n
Cutting and reproachful language
sarcophagus n
A stone coffin or a chest-like tomb
sardonic adj
Scornfully or bitterly sarcastic
satiate v
To satisfy fully the appetite or desire of
satire n
The employment of sarcasm, irony, or keenness of wit in ridiculing vices
satiric adj
Resembling poetry, in which vice, incapacity ,or corruption is held up to ridicule
satirize v
To treat with sarcasm or derisive wit
satyr n
A very lascivious person
savage n
A wild and uncivilized human being
savor v
To perceive by taste or smell
scabbard n
The sheath of a sword or similar bladed weapon
scarcity n
Insufficiency of supply for needs or ordinary demands
scholarly adj
Characteristic of an erudite person
scholastic adj
Pertaining to education or schools
scintilla n
The faintest ray
scintillate v
To emit or send forth sparks or little flashes of light
scope n
A range of action or view
scoundrel n
A man without principle
scribble n
Hasty, careless writing
scribe n
One who writes or is skilled in writing
script n
Writing or handwriting of the ordinary cursive form
Scriptural adj
Pertaining to, contained in, or warranted by the Holy Scriptures
scruple n
Doubt or uncertainty regarding a question of moral right or duty
scrupulous adj
Cautious in action for fear of doing wrong
scurrilous adj
Grossly indecent or vulgar
scuttle v
To sink (a ship) by making holes in the bottom
scythe n
A long curved blade for mowing, reaping, etc
seance n
A meeting of spirituals for consulting spirits
sear v
To burn on the surface
sebaceous adj
Pertaining to or appearing like fat
secant adj
Cutting, especially into two parts
secede v
To withdraw from union or association, especially from a political or religious body
secession n
Voluntary withdrawal from fellowship, especially from political or religious bodies
seclude v
To place, keep, or withdraw from the companionship of others
seclusion n
secondary adj
Less important or effective than that which is primary
secondly adv
In the second place in order or succession
second-rate adj
Second in quality, size, rank, importance, etc
secrecy n
secretary n
One who attends to correspondence, keeps records or does other writing for others
secretive adj
Having a tendency to conceal
sedate adj
sedentary adj
Involving or requiring much sitting
sediment n
Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid
sedition n
Conduct directed against public order and the tranquillity of the state
seditious adj
Promotive of conduct directed against public order and the tranquillity of the state
seduce v
To entice to surrender chastity
sedulous adj
Persevering in effort or endeavor
seer n
A prophet
seethe v
To be violently excited or agitated
seignior n
A title of honor or respectful address, equivalent to sir
seismograph n
An instrument for recording the phenomena of earthquakes
seize v
To catch or take hold of suddenly and forcibly
selective adj
Having the power of choice
self-respect n
Rational self-esteem
semblance n
Outward appearance
semicivilized adj
semiconscious adj
Partially conscious
semiannual adj
Recurring at intervals of six months
semicircle n
A half-circle
seminar n
Any assemblage of pupils for real research in some specific study under a teacher
seminary n
A special school, as of theology or pedagogics
senile adj
Peculiar to or proceeding from the weakness or infirmity of old age
sensation n
A condition of mind resulting from spiritual or inherent feeling
sense n
The signification conveyed by some word, phrase, or action
sensibility n
Power to perceive or feel
sensitive adj
Easily affected by outside operations or influences
sensorium n
The sensory apparatus
sensual adj
Pertaining to the body or the physical senses
sensuous adj
Having a warm appreciation of the beautiful or of the refinements of luxury
sentence n
A related group of words containing a subject and a predicate and expressing a complete thought
sentience n
Capacity for sensation or sense-perception
sentient adj
Possessing the power of sense or sense-perception
sentinel n
Any guard or watch stationed for protection
separable adj
Capable of being disjoined or divided
separate v
To take apart
separatist n
A seceder
septennial adj
Recurring every seven years
sepulcher n
A burial-place
sequacious adj
Ready to be led
sequel n
That which follows in consequence of what has previously happened
sequence n
The order in which a number or persons, things, or events follow one another in space or time
sequent adj
Following in the order of time
sequester v
To cause to withdraw or retire, as from society or public life
sequestrate v
To confiscate
sergeant n
A non-commissioned military officer ranking next above a corporal
sergeant-at-arms n
An executive officer in legislative bodies who enforces the orders of the presiding officer
sergeant-major n
The highest non-commissioned officer in a regiment
service n
Any work done for the benefit of another
serviceable adj
servitude n
severance n
severely adv
sextet n
A band of six singers or players
sextuple adj
Multiplied by six
sheer adj
shiftless adj
Wanting in resource, energy, or executive ability
shrewd adj
Characterized by skill at understanding and profiting by circumstances
shriek n
A sharp, shrill outcry or scream, caused by agony or terror
shrinkage n
A contraction of any material into less bulk or dimension
shrivel v
To draw or be drawn into wrinkles
shuffle n
A mixing or changing the order of things
sibilance n
A hissing sound
sibilant adj
Made with a hissing sound
sibilate v
To give a hissing sound to, as in pronouncing the letter s
sidelong adj
Inclining or tending to one side
sidereal adj
Pertaining to stars or constellations
siege n
A beleaguerment
significance n
significant adj
Important, especially as pointing something out
signification n
The meaning conveyed by language, actions, or signs
similar adj
Bearing resemblance to one another or to something else
simile n
A comparison which directs the mind to the representative object itself
similitude n
simplify v
To make less complex or difficult
simulate v
simultaneous adj
Occurring, done, or existing at the same time
sinecure n
Any position having emoluments with few or no duties
singe v
To burn slightly or superficially
sinister adj
sinuosity n
The quality of curving in and out
sinuous adj
Curving in and out
sinus n
An opening or cavity
siren n
A sea-nymph, described by Homer as dwelling between the island of Circe and Scylla
sirocco n
hot winds from Africa
sisterhood n
A body of sisters united by some bond of sympathy or by a religious vow
skeptic n
One who doubts any statements
skepticism n
The entertainment of doubt concerning something
skiff n
Usually, a small light boat propelled by oars
skirmish n
Desultory fighting between advanced detachments of two armies
sleight n
A trick or feat so deftly done that the manner of performance escapes observation
slight adj
Of a small importance or significance
slothful adj
sluggard n
A person habitually lazy or idle
sociable adj
Inclined to seek company
socialism n
A theory of civil polity that aims to secure the reconstruction of society
socialist adj
One who advocates reconstruction of society by collective ownership of land and capital
sociology n
The philosophical study of society
Sol n
The sun
solace n
Comfort in grief, trouble, or calamity
solar adj
Pertaining to the sun
solder n
A fusible alloy used for joining metallic surfaces or margins
soldier n
A person engaged in military service
solecism n
Any violation of established rules or customs
solicitor n
One who represents a client in court of justice; an attorney
solicitude n
Uneasiness of mind occasioned by desire, anxiety, or fear
soliloquy n
A monologue
solstice n
The time of year when the sun is at its greatest declination
soluble adj
Capable of being dissolved, as in a fluid
solvent adj
Having sufficient funds to pay all debts
somber adj
somniferous adj
Tending to produce sleep
somnolence n
Oppressive drowsiness
somnolent adj
sonata n
An instrumental composition
sonnet n
A poem of fourteen decasyllabic or octosyllabiclines expressing two successive phrases
sonorous adj
soothsayer n
One who claims to have supernatural insight or foresight
sophism n
A false argument understood to be such by the reasoner himself and intentionally used to deceive
sophistical adj
sophisticate v
To deprive of simplicity of mind or manner
sophistry n
Reasoning sound in appearance only, especially when designedly deceptive
soprano n
A woman's or boy's voice of high range
sorcery n
sordid adj
Of degraded character or nature
souvenir n
A token of remembrance
sparse adj
Thinly diffused
Spartan adj
Exceptionally brave; rigorously severe
spasmodic adj
specialize v
To assume an individual or specific character, or adopt a singular or special course
specialty n
An employment limited to one particular line of work
specie n
A coin or coins of gold, silver, copper, or other metal
species n
A classificatory group of animals or plants subordinate to a genus
specimen n
One of a class of persons or things regarded as representative of the class
specious adj
spectator n
One who beholds or looks on
specter n
spectrum n
An image formed by rays of light or other radiant energy
speculate v
To pursue inquiries and form conjectures
speculator n
One who makes an investment that involves a risk of loss, but also a chance of profit
sphericity n
The state or condition of being a sphere
spheroid n
A body having nearly the form of a sphere
spherometer n
An instrument for measuring curvature or radii of spherical surfaces
spinous adj
Having spines
spinster n
A woman who has never been married
spontaneous adj
Arising from inherent qualities or tendencies without external efficient cause
sprightly adj
spurious adj
Not genuine
squabble v
To quarrel
squalid adj
Having a dirty, mean, poverty-stricken appearance
squatter n
One who settles on land without permission or right
stagnant adj
Not flowing: said of water, as in a pool
stagnate v
To become dull or inert
stagnation n
The condition of not flowing or not changing
stagy adj
Having a theatrical manner
staid adj
Of a steady and sober character
stallion n
An uncastrated male horse, commonly one kept for breeding
stanchion n
A vertical bar, or a pair of bars, used to confine cattle in a stall
stanza n
A group of rimed lines, usually forming one of a series of similar divisions in a poem
statecraft n
The art of conducting state affairs
static adj
Pertaining to or designating bodies at rest or forces in equilibrium
statics n
The branch of mechanics that treats of the relations that subsist among forces in order
stationary adj
Not moving
statistician n
One who is skilled in collecting and tabulating numerical facts
statuesque adj
Having the grace, pose, or quietude of a statue
statuette n
A figurine
stature n
The natural height of an animal body
statute n
Any authoritatively declared rule, ordinance, decree, or law
stealth n
A concealed manner of acting
stellar adj
Pertaining to the stars
steppe n
One of the extensive plains in Russia and Siberia
sterling adj
stifle v
To smother
stigma n
A mark of infamy or token of disgrace attaching to a person as the result of evil-doing
stiletto n
A small dagger
stimulant n
Anything that rouses to activity or to quickened action
stimulate v
To rouse to activity or to quickened action
stimulus n
stingy adj
Cheap, unwilling to spend money
stipend n
A definite amount paid at stated periods in compensation for services or as an allowance
Stoicism n
The principles or the practice of the Stoics-being very even tempered in success and failure
stolid adj
Expressing no power of feeling or perceiving
strait n
A narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water
stratagem n
Any clever trick or device for obtaining an advantage

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