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MGST 495


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(On conflict)
Effective managers must...
DIAGNOSE conflict types
IDENTIFY conflict sources and select appropriate strategy
SETTLE interpersonal disputes

People-focused conflicts
threatens relationships and stems from something happened between parties
issue-focused conflict
conflict over ideas/proposals/interests/resources; doesn\'t often threaten relationships
interpersonal conflict
- personal differences
- informational deficiencies
- role incompatibility
- environmentally induced stress

personal differences
values/needs/expectations different
culture can create problems
good when managed properly b/c of cost savings (lower turnover), improved creativity, better equity, more flexibility

informational deficiencies
misinformation/misunderstanding causing conflicts; easiest to reconcile
role incompatibility
may overlap w/ personal differences/informational deficiencies
remains dormant until triggered by things like interdependent responsibilities
environmentally induced stress
acts as catalyst for other three sources. includes:
scarcity (of resources) and uncertainty (of situations)
conflict management styles
forcing, accommodating, avoiding, compromising and collaborating

factors are cooperativeness and assertiveness


uses threats, authority, manipulation or lies!


neglects yourself, results in long-term mutual losing and encourages taking advantage of you


sidesteps conflict/postpones solution

can create greater animosity


indiscriminately used is counterproductive

mistake is trying to please everyone


good for all

encourages trust/assertiveness/issue-focus/great things

negotiation strategy
overarching value/attitude restricting acceptable approaches

distributive bargaining vs. integrative

distributive bargaining perspective
focus on dividing up fixed pie

A vs. B

integrative perspective
focus on expanding pie


only collaborating is integrative

selection factors for conflict management
personal preferences

situational considerations

personal preferences
factors include ethnic culture, gender and personality type
personality type

(causing personal preferences in conflict management)

altruistic/nurturing (harmony)
assertive/directing (self-assertion)
analytic/autonomizing (self-sufficiency)

promotes harmony

trustful, optimistic, idealistic and loyal

self-assertion and forcing/leading

self-confident, enterprising, persuasive

self-sufficiency and self-reliance

cautious, practical, methodical and principled

situational considerations
factors are:
- issue importance
- relationships importance
- relative levels of power
- expediency requirement

forcing (situation)
good for values/policies conflict, high relative power, non-critical relationship, high urgency
accommodating (situation)
relationship important, low issue importance and high time constraint
compromising (situation)
complex/moderately important issues, adequate negotiation time and long-term relationship
collaborating (situation)
critical issue, ongoing peer relationship, no time constraints
avoiding (situation)
low issue, high time constraint
general guidelines for collaborating
- establish superordinate goals
- separate people from problem
- focus on interests
- find options for mutual gains
- use objective criteria
- define success with real gains

problem-solving process
problem identification
solution generation
action plan formulation/agreement

first two are most difficult

initiator\'s problem identification
maintain personal ownership of problem
succinctly/specifically describe problem
avoid judging others
persist until understood
encourage two-way discussion
approach complexity w/ step-by-step

initiator\'s solution generation
use commonalities to request change

responder problem identification
show genuine interest/concern to create problem-solving climate
seek clarification
agree with some aspect of complaint

responder solution generation
ask for suggestions of acceptable alternatives

mediator problem identification
acknowledge conflict and propose problem-solving approach
- understand positions
- understand relationship
- understand problem
maintain neutrality
serve as facilitator not judge
ensure fair discussion

mediator solution generation
explore options through underlying needs/goals vs. demands
ensure all-around understanding, support solution
establish follow-up procedures

power sources
human capital
social capital
human capital
person\'s abilities and competencies

made up of expertise, personal attraction, effort and legitimacy

work-related knowledge; greatest equalizer

limited positions can still have substantial expert-power

personal attraction
charisma - inspires people and can be learned
agreeable - friendly person
physical appearance - includes looks, dress, grooming and self-confidence

indicates dependable reliable human resource

can fuel expertise, lead to increased responsibility, opportunity and improved overall performance


also trustoworthiness is a necessary factor

social capital
power from one\'s position and task assignments

made up of centrality, flexibility, visibility and relevance

quality of occupying central position in broad network of relationships

establish horizontal and vertical relationships to create centrality

freedom to exercise judgment

flexible tasks are high in variety/novelty and difficult to routinize

flexible jobs are good for the power-hungry

obviousness of job performance in workplace, esp. to higher-ups

best gained thru face/face communication and direct contact

being associated w/ activities directly related to organization\'s central objectives/issues

horizontal relationship

influence strategies

based on personal threat usually from formal authority

coercion - explicit threat imposing sanctions
intimidation - implied threat
peer pressure - using group dynamics

most likely to create subordinate resistance

operates on mutual satisfaction


bad if subord thinks all tasks are for reward

helping others see why you make sense
relies on facts and needs
is explicit and direct

manipulative is implicit and deceptive; manipulators are illusory democrats

issue selling
drawing attention to issues/problems concerning superior\'s issues

aka trickle-up leadership

demonstrate issue\'s congruence, credibility, communication, solubility, payoff, bundle, sponsor and visibility.

... retribution
shift to interdependence
directly confront
actively resist

... reciprocity
examine gift giving
confront manipulators
refuse to bargain

... reason
examine adverse effects
defend personal rights
firmly refuse to comply

supportive communication (8 attributes)
congruent vs incongruent
descriptive vs evaluative
problem-oriented vs person-oriented
validating vs invalidating
specific vs global
conjunctive vs disjunctive
owned vs disowned
supportive vs one-way

validating vs invalidating (specific happenings)
rigidity in communication

coaching vs counseling
i can help you do better
i can help you recognize an existing problem

advising responses
provide direction, opinion or instructions
good for expert talking to inexpert
can produce misunderstanding, shift focus and imply incompetence
avoid as first response and only advise when both sides have a mutual standard

probing response
asks question about issue/topoic
good to create mutual frame of reference, changing hostile conversations and creating neutral tones
bad if questions create pressure, escape from topic or lose control

what is better than why
i.e. elaboration, clarification, repetition and reflection

reflecting response
paraphrase, clarify and explore feelings
bad if people are frustrated or feel you\'re just mimicking them
good if you communicate with real empathy, no judgment and varying words

personal management interview (PMI)
frequently adopted tool improving relationships between managers and subordinates

first have role-negotiation sessions
meetings must then be regular and private

PMIs can improve accountability, meeting efficiency and communication flows.

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