Bible Facts
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- What is the only book of the Bible to mention God laughing?
- Psalms
- What book says, "There is a time to weep and a time to laugh"?
- Ecclesiastes
- What is the first color mentioned in the Bible?
- Green
- According to Isaiah, what color are sins?
- Scarlet
- Who said, "I am that I am"?
- God
- Into what river did Pharaoh cast Israelite baby boys?
- Nile River
- Name the last book of the Old Testament.
- Malachi
- In Jesus' parable, the shepherd left ninety-nine sheep to try to find how many?
- One
- Whose rod sprouted with blossoms and almonds?
- Aaron
- What did the Garden of Eden have four of?
- Rivers
- How many days did Jonah spend in the belly of the big fish?
- Three
- What Israelite leader asked God to make the sun stand still?
- Joshua
- What musical instrument did David play?
- Harp
- Who wept over the death of his rebellious son Absalom?
- David
- Who wept because her husband's other wife taunted her for being childless?
- Hannah
- Who said, "Ho that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears"?
- Jeremiah
- What rich man sat in a pile of ashes?
- Job
- What king was confronted by a prophet who had disguised himself with ashes?
- Ahab
- What momentous finding caused King Josiah to tear his clothes?
- The finding of the book of the law in the temple.
- Whose death caused David to order the people to tear their clothes?
- Abner's
- Who tore his clothes when Elijah was taken to heaven?
- Elisha
- What beheaded prophet was buried by his disciples?
- John the Baptist
- Who is the only person in the Old Testament mentioned as being buried in a coffin?
- Joseph
- What did Jesus say to the man who wanted time to bury his father?
- Let the dead bury their dead
- What nation saw 185,000 of its soldiers slaughtered by an angel of the Lord?
- Assyria
- Two Bible books are named after women. One is Ruth, name the other.
- Esther
- Whose name means the mother of all living?
- Eve
- Whose wife had a dream about Jesus?
- Pilate
- How many times did Peter deny he knew Jesus?
- Three
- Who found honey inside a dead lion?
- Samson
- What was the last meat God gave the Israelites before he gave them manna?
- Quail
- According to Psalms, what color is the sinner after being washed by God?
- White (whiter than snow)
- Who was the youngest king mentioned in the Bible?
- Joash
- What is the shortest prayer in the Bible?
- "Lord, save me!"
- What word, the name of Isaiah's son, is the longest word in the Bible?
- Maher-shalal-hash-baz
- The kind of Sodom escaped his attackers by hiding where?
- In slime pits
- Where did Joseph take Mary to escape the wrath of King Herod?
- Egypt
- Who poured oil on Saul's head and kissed him?
- Samuel
- Who kissed the prodigal son?
- His father
- What nation did God toss his shoes upon?
- Edom
- Who was told by an angel to put on his clothes and shoes?
- Peter
- Who suggested that stones could be turned to bread?
- Satan
- What friend of Jesus had a stone rolled over the front of his tomb?
- Lazarus
- What city has gates made of pearl?
- The New Jerusalem
- Who used a ship as a pulpit?
- Jesus
- Whose bones were buried under a tree at Jabesh?
- King Saul and his sons
- What apostle owed his life to a basket?
- Paul
- How many baskets of food were collected after the feeding of the five thousand?
- twelve
- What was the manna (which was placed in the Ark of the Covenant) a reminder of?
- God's supernatural provision in the desert
- Who had a vision of Jesus walking among several gold candlesticks?
- John
- What Psalm says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path""
- Psalm 119:105
- According to Jesus, where do we never put our light?
- Under a bushel
- What hyperactive person broke all the chains that had been used to bind him?
- The Gadarene demoniac
- What apostle had his chains removed by an angel?
- Peter
- Who sent back the Ark of the Covenant on a cart pulled by a cow?
- The Philistines
- Who had a vision of four chariots driven by angels?
- Zechariah
- Who was the first individual killed by God for being wicked?
- Er
- What was the first sinful meal?
- the forbidden fruit
- Who ate a book that tasted like honey?
- Ezekiel
- What prophet made some poison stew edible by pouring meal into it?
- Elisha
- Who had a baker that made pastries for him?
- The pharaoh of Joseph's time
- Who had a huge bed made of iron?
- Og the King of Bashan
- Who raised a dead boy by laying him on a bed and lying on top of him?
- Elisha
- What older brother of David chewed him out for coming to watch the Israelites fighting the Philistines?
- Eliab
- Where was the first wedding that Jesus attended?
- Cana
- According to Jeremiah, whom did God divorce?
- Israel
- What judge had a Philistine wife?
- Samson
- Who probably left more widows than anyone else?
- Solomon
- What aged prophetess in Jerusalem was a widow?
- Anna
- What king of Judah had fourteen wives?
- Abijah
- What judge had seventy sons?
- Gideon
- Who is the first child mentioned in the Bible?
- Cain
- Who was older, Moses or Aaron?
- Aaron
- What king of Judah had twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters?
- Rehoboam
- Which epistle advises, "Children obey your parents in the Lord"?
- Ephesians
- What woman laughed when told that God would give her a baby?
- Sarah
- How many years did Jacob work for Laban?
- Twenty
- Whom did Joseph of Arimathea ask for the body of Jesus?
- Pilate
- How many books of the Bible did Abraham write?
- What was the occupation of both Zaccaeus and Matthew?
- tax collectors
- Who is the father of Benjamin?
- Jacob
- Who had a new name after a night of wrestling?
- Jacob (became Israel)
- What did God make out of Adam's rib?
- Eve or woman
- To whom did Samson tell his secret?
- Delilah
- What was the third plague upon Egypt?
- Lice
- How did Judas Iscariot die?
- He hanged himself.
- What name of an Old Testament book means "going out"?
- Exodus
- What Bible term means to gamble?
- to cast lots
- The scene where Jesus talked to Moses and Elijah is called the what?
- Transfiguration
- What did Judas do for thirty pieces of silver?
- betray Jesus
- Who spit into a man's eye?
- Jesus
- What did Jacob send his sons to get in Egypt?
- grain
- Who did God speak to about the "gates of death"?
- Job
- Who stored Goliath's armor in his tent?
- David
- Who shut up the door of Noah's Ark?
- God
- What king dug wells in the desert?
- Uzziah
- Who met his future wife at a well in Midian?
- Moses
- Whose wife helped him escape from Saul by letting him down through a window?
- David
- Who died after falling out a window during Paul's sermon?
- Eutychus
- What prophet ordered a king to shoot arrows out of a window?
- Elisha
- What prophet was trapped against a wall by an angel with a drawn sword?
- Balaam
- What building, mentioned by Jesus, killed eighteen people when it collapsed?
- The Tower of Siloam
- When Samson pulled the building down, how many people had been sitting on the rooftop?
- About three thousand
- Where was Cornelius converted?
- Caesarea
- Where did Jesus stay when John the Baptist was in prison?
- Capernaum
- What city was home to Philemon?
- Colossae
- What mountain did Balaam plan to curse Israel from?
- Pisgah
- Who lived by Kerith Brook?
- Elijah
- Who had a vision of a river of fire?
- Daniel
- Where did Abram go after leaving Ur?
- Haran
- In Revelation, what is the fiery lake composed of?
- Burning sulfur
- What name is the Sea of Galilee called in the Gospel of John?
- Sea of Tiberius
- What portable object did the cloud of God's glory appear over?
- The Ark of the Covenant
- At what event did a cloud hide Jesus from the Apostles' sight?
- The Ascension
- What Old Testament books speaks of life as a "chasing after the wind"?
- Ecclesiastes
- How long did the wind that parted the Red Sea blow?
- All night
- According to James, what sort of person is like a wave tossed by the wind?
- A doubter
- Whom did God address from a whirlwind?
- Job
- According to the book of Job, what directional wind will inevitably strike down the wicked?
- The East wind
- What famous mountain smoked like a furnace and quaked greatly?
- Mt. Sinai
- Which gospel mentions an earthquake in connection with the Resurrection of Jesus?
- Matthew
- What kind of tree did the weary Elijah sit under?
- Juniper
- In the book of Proverbs, God says he hates how many things?
- seven
- The Bible suggests that the average life span is how many years?
- seventy
- How many barrels of water did Elijah ask the men to pour over the sacrifice of the altar?
- twelve
- Because of offering strange fire on the altar of God, how many men died?
- two
- David disobeyed God and numbered the people. As a result, God gave David the choice of how many different kinds of punishments?
- Three
- What leader chose his followers by watching how they drank water?
- Gideon
- How many stones were placed in the Jordan River after the children of Israel had crossed over on dry land?
- twelve
- When Elijah was on Mt. Carmel, how many times did he send his servant to look for a cloud?
- seven
- As Joshua and the children of Israel marched around the wall of Jericho, the priests carried tyrumpets before the Ark of the Lord. How many priests carried trumpets?
- seven
- The two spies that Rahab hid fled into the mountains and hid for how many days?
- Three
- How many men from the tribe of Judah were sent out to capture Samson?
- Three thousand
- What type of bird was sold for "two for a farthing"?
- sparrow
- What was Absalom riding when his hair was caught in a tree?
- Mule
- What did Achan steal from Jericho?
- gold, silver, and a garment
- What Old Testament character wore a "coat of mail"?
- Goliath
- What was the name of the witch who Saul visited?
- The witch of Endor
- What was Matthew's other name?
- Levi
- What is the first beatitude?
- Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
- Is Bethelehem located in Galilee or in Judea?
- Judea
- Jesus said that there are two masters you could not serve at the same time; what are they?
- God and Mammon
- What was Sarah's original name?
- Sarai
- Who said, "Am I my brother's keeper"?
- Cain
- Who siad, "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord"?
- Job
- Who owned a coat that was dipped in blood?
- Joseph
- Who was bitten by a snake and shook it off into a fire and felt no harm?
- Paul
- Peter was told by Jesus to forgive his brother how many times?
- Seventy times seven (490)
- How many of Jesus' brothers wrote books of the Bible?
- Two (James and Jude)
- What was the name of Hosea's wife?
- Gomer
- What was the name of the king who made a speech and as a result was eaten by worms?
- Herod (Agrippa the First)
- Miriam and Aaron were upset with Moses because ha married a woman who was an _________.
- Ethiopian
- How many pair of unclean animals did Noah take into the Ark?
- One
- Who is the good shepherd?
- Jeus
- In which gospel does Jesus speak of separating the sheep from the goats?
- Matthew
- According to I Peter, what person is like a ravenous lion?
- Satan
- According to Proverbs, what substance affects man like the bite of a snake?
- wine
- Whom did Jesus refer to as a brood of vipers?
- The Scribes and Pharisess
- What is the only thing Christians are to owe to one another?
- Love
- In the Christian's spiritual armor, what is the sword of the spirit?
- A needle
- Did Paul tell Titus to instruct the older men or younger men to "be sound in faith, in love, in patience"?
- older men
- How many admonitions was Titus to give a divisive man fefore rejecting him?
- Two
- Are we told in I Peter 1 that trials are given to test the strength or the genuinmeness of our faith?
- The genuineness
- If a woman has husband who does not obey the word of God, should she attempt to win him over to God primarily by what she says or by what she does?
- By what she does
- According to I John 5, what is "the vitory that has overcome the world"?
- Our faith
- Is it the spirit, soul, or body of the believer that will be redeemed at the coming Christ?
- Body
- What was the main activity of those who gathered together to wiat for the gift of the promised Holy Spirit?
- Prayer
- What did the church in Jerusalem do about Peter's being imprisoned by Herod?
- They made prayer to God without ceasing.
- What resulted when Paul and Barnabas argued ovder whether or not John Mark would remain with the work on a second missionary journey?
- They parted from one another.
- Who holds the keys of hell and death?
- Jesus Christ
- dWhat does Paul say anyone who is going to boast should boast about?
- The Lord
- What unusual food was said to have resembled coriander seed?
- Manna
- What kind of tree does Psalms compare a wicked man to?
- A green bay tree
- What plant food, given to pigs, was wanted by the prodigal son?
- Pods
- What is the only gospel to mention Jesus riding on a donkey?
- Matthew
- In Revelation, what horse represented death?
- The pale horse
- On what day did God create the birds?
- Fifth day
- Who had a vision of two women with storks' wings?
- Zechariah
- In Revelation, what bird went about crying, "Woe! Woe!"?
- An eagle
- Where was Judas Iscariot buried?
- In potter's field
- Jesus told Nathanel that he had seen him before; where did He see him?
- Under a fig tree
- How many seals were on the scroll mentioned in Revelation?
- Seven
- To whom did Jesus direct this statement, "a divided kingdom ends in ruins"?
- The Pharisees
- Who is the anscestor of all Jewish priests?
- Levi
- Did Zaccheaus offer to repay anyone he had overcharged twice as much, threetimes as much, or four times as much?
- four times as much
- In what city were the believers first called Christians?
- Antioch
- What is the last word in the Bible?
- Amen
- What region was Agabus from?
- Judea
- Who is the truth hidden from?
- Those who think themselves wise
- Men can tame every type of animal, but no man can tame what?
- Tongue
- Who said, "Sir, if you had been here, my brother would not have died"?
- Martha
- Name the man who asked Jesus to heal his daughter?
- Jairus
- What occurred at the Pool of Bethesda?
- People went to be healed
- What did Zacchaeus do so he could see Jesus better?
- He climbed a tree
- Who did Paul call "my beloved and trustworthy chilid in the Lord"?
- Timothy
- According to the prophet Joel, what will young men see in the last days?
- visions
- What religious leaders were converted under the apsotles' teaching?
- Jewish priests
- How many other people were crucified at the same time as Jesus?
- two
- How many years were added to Hezekiah's life?
- fifteen
- Joash was told to shoot an arrow from the window. What was the arrow called?
- The arrow of the Lord's deliverance
- What kind of sign did God give Hezekiah that he would live longer?
- The shadow of the sundial went backward ten degrees
- Name the king who had the longest reign in the Bible.
- Manasseh
- Which of the prophets was thrown into a dungeon?
- Jeremiah
- When a certain king tried to take the place of the priest at the altar, he was stuck with leporsy. Who was this king?
- Uzziah
- How was Naaman healed of his leprosy?
- He dipped seven times in the Jordan River.
- While ___________ was hanging in a tree, he was killed by three darts from Joab.
- Absalom
- Nicodemus put how many pounds of myrrh and aloes on the body of Jesus?
- One hundred
- What was the name of the person who became king while he was a little child?
- Joash (or Josiah)
- Job's friends sat in silence with Job and mourned with him for ow many days?
- seven
- King Solomon had another name, what was it?
- Jedidiah
- Who was the first man to build the first city and what was its name?
- Cain was the man and the city was Enoch.
- A certain queen's blood was sprinkled on horses; who was this queen?
- Jezebel
- What Bible person cut his hair only once a year?
- Absalom
- Name the gentle king who made Esther his queen.
- Ahasuerus
- The mother-in-law of Ruth was Naomi; who was her father-in-law?
- Elimilech
- What is the name of the man who was seduced by his daughter-in-law and what was her name?
- Judah was seduced by Tamar
- How many times did Balaam hit his donkey before the donkey spoke to him?
- Three
- What are the wages of sin?
- Death
- Peter tells the people that they have become living building what?
- stones
- How many attended the prayer meeting in the upstairs room on the Day of Pentecost?
- 120
- How long did Paul stay in Corinth?
- One and one-half years
- Who said, "he must increase, but I must decrease"?
- John the Baptist
- What kind of booth was Matthew sitting in when Jesus saw him?
- A tax collection booth
- How did John the Baptist die?
- He was beheaded
- What country did Joseph and Mary take Jesus to escape King Herod?
- Egypt
- What writing did Daniel explain to Belshazzar?
- The writing on his wall
- What had the Egyptian been doing when Moses killed him?
- Beating one of the Hebrew slaves
- How many books in the Bible start with the letter G?
- Two (Genesis and Galations)
- What once happened to the first born of every Egyptian family?
- Killed
- How many books of the Bible did Jesus write?
- None.
- Name the two brothers of Miriam.
- Moses and Aaron
- Why did Moses extdend his arm over the Red Sea the first time?
- To part the waters.
- In Jesus' parable, who was taken to Abraham's bosom?
- Lazarus
- Who had two dreams which made his brothers dislike him even more?
- Joseph
- What was Jesus holding when he asked whose picture was on it?
- A Coin
- What woman in the Bible made a pair of kid gloves for her son?
- Rebekah
- What is the capital of Israel?
- Jerusalem
- Whose head was brought to a girl on a silver platter?
- John the Baptist's head
- Name the mother of Esau.
- Rebekah
- How many books are in the New Testament?
- Twenty-seven
- What did Mos4es get from hitting a rock?
- water
- What relative was Martha to Mary?
- Sister
- Where were the Israelites when they followed a cloud?
- Wilderness or desert
- What did a person have to do to be healed in the pool of Bethesda?
- Be first in the waters
- What did Jesus wear that was made of thorns?
- Crown
- Name the first four books of the New Testament.
- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
- What did Aaron's staff change into when he trew it in front of Pharoah?
- Serpent or snake
- Name the wife of Boaz.
- Ruth
- What king wanted to kill David?
- Saul