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Europe Test WH1

Use I instead of 1 (ie Leo III instead of Leo 3 or Leo 111).


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Ivan I
Russian prince who collected taxes in Moscow for the Mongols.
Bubonic Plague
Disease that destroyed one-third of the population in Europe during the 1300s.
Joan of Arc
Young French girl who led the French to victory at the siege of Orleans, burned at stake by English.
Many serfs ran away from their manors to ____ during the 1000s.
These religious images began a controversy which resulted in patriarch and the pope excommunicating each other.
Ivan III
Russian prince who took name czar and fought off Mongols.
The style of Church building prominent between 800 and 1100.
Battle of Hastings
Battle between William the Conqueror and Harold Godwinson over England's throne in 1066.
Justinian's very effective "hitman"/general
Plague of Justinian
A disease that contributed to the fall of the Byzantine Empire.
Charles Martel
He expanded the Frankish Empire and defeated Muslims in Spain.
Legislative group formed by Edward I in England.
Major invention in 700s that kept a warrior firmly seated on a moving horse.
Byzantine Empire
Once part of Rome, it carried on Roman culture. Its capital is Constantinople.
Native Russians before the Vikings came.
Weapon that ended the effectiveness of knights and won the Battle of Crecy.
Urban II
Pope who issued call for first Crusade.
The ______ Crusade ended in the sacking of Constantinople rather than Jerusalem.
Person who received land from lords under feudalism.
Merchant-class town dwellers during the 1000s.
Frankish ruler, son of Pepin the Short, who expanded Frankish rule and was crowned emperor by Leo III.
Capetian Dynasty
Line of rulers who held control of Paris and the surrounding region.
Group of people who invaded Franks from north and contributed to Frankish collapse.
Lord's estate under feudalism.
Battle of Tours
The battle in which the Frankish Empire defeated the Muslims in Spain in 732.
Philip II
Capetian King who seized Normandy from King John and overall tripled the land owned by the Capetian Dynasty.
Henry IV
Emperor who was humiliated by the pope.
Philip IV
King of France who established the Estates-General and captured Pope Boniface VII.
Lombard League
Group of Italians who united against Frederick I to defeat him against all odds.
Batu Khan
Mongol leader who conquered the Russians.
Canon law
Church law in marriage and religious practices.
Middle Ages
500-1500 in Europe
The style of Church building prominent after 1100.
He created a code for ruling the people of Constantinople, and built the Hagia Sophia.
The Spanish Crusade to kick all the Muslims off Spain.
Lay investiture
The process of kings and nobles appointing bishops and priests.
Treaty of Verdun
Document that officially divided Frankish Empire into three kingdoms.
Jan Hus
After Great Schism, he taught Bible had higher authority than pope, excommunicated and burned at stake.
Common law
Rulings of England's royal judges became unified into this body of law.
Otto I
Ruler of medieval Germany who formed a close alliance with the Church and invaded Italy on the Pope's behalf.
The Estates-General and Parliament were the beginning of ____ in Europe.
William the Conqueror
Duke of Normandy who conquered England over Harold Godwinson.
Russian state that grew under the Slavs and Vikings.
John Wycliffe
Preached that Jesus Christ not pope was head of Church after the Great Schism.
Peasants bound to their lord's lands for life under feudalism.
Meeting involving the First Estate (Church leaders), Second Estate (great lords), and Third Estate (commoners) in France.
Gregory I
Pope who broadened power of pope to include political power.
Complex set of ideals that knights were expected to have.
The practice in which bishops sold positions in the Church.
10% income tax paid to Church for marriage.
The language that Spanish, French, and other Roman-based languages came from.
"land of the Angles"
Germanic tribe who held control of Gaul (France and Switzerland).
Traveling musicians who composed short verses and songs.
Schoolmen who debated issues of their time.
The Russian city which allowed the Russians to break free of the Mongols.
Yaroslav the Wise
Russian leader who skillfully married off his daughters and sisters but unintelligently broke the empire between his sons.
Justinian's wife.
Places where monks lived and gave their lives to God.
Alexander Nevsky
Russian leader who advised his fellow princes to cooperate with Mongols.
Richard the Lion-Hearted
Leader of the Christians in the Third Crusade and King of England.
The ______ Crusade failed to conquer Edessa.
The ______ Crusade ended in a truce between the Muslim leader and English leader.
Russian leader who converted to Orthodox Christianity.
Land granted by lords under feudalism.
Carolingian Dynasty
Frankish Dynasty begun by Pepin the Short.
He lead the Muslims to conquer Jerusalem between the Second and Third Crusades and defended it during the Third Crusade.
System of land ownership in which peasants worked for lords who gave them protection.
The ______ Crusade resulted in the conquering of the holy land.
The title of the leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Great Schism
Problem in the Church where they had three popes. This left the papacy greatly weakened.
Thomas Aquinas
He came up with logical arguments for basic religious truths.
Holy Roman Empire
German-Italian Empire formed after a German ruler invaded Italy under the Pope's orders.
Clement V
Pope who Philip IV brought in to power who moved from Rome to Avignon in France.
Farmers increased productivity by using _____ rather than oxen to plow fields.
Gregory VII
Pope who humiliated and excommunicated an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Bad English king who lost Normandy and was confronted by his nobles.
Aged 14-21 in training to be a knight, servant to knight.
Term that means worldly. (The Church expanded its role to ____ power involved in politics)
In feudal society, they theoretically could own land and defend castles but in reality it never happened.
Henry II
This English leader got a piece of land known as Aquitaine for England.
Combination of recreation and combat training for knights to fight each other.
Magna Carta
Document that guaranteed nobles in England basic rights.
A style of writing using the everyday language of their homeland instead of Latin.
Concordat of Worms
Agreement made by the Pope and Emperor over lay investiture, where Church could only appoint clergy but kings could veto.
Peasant Women
Performed endless labor and took care of families in feudal society.
Three-field system
System of leaving two fields planted and one fallow, greatly increased food productivity in Europe.
Frederick I
Ruler who caused the Italians to unite against him and beat him, after he died the Holy Roman Empire crumbled.
Christian scholars obtained knowledge from _____ libraries in Spain.
The court of the Church used in Spain to suppress heretics.
Hundred Years' War
War launched by England's Edward III to claim the French throne, ended in French driving out English.
Nika Rebellion
Two fan groups in the Byzantine empire believed that the government had been to harsh in putting down a previous fight to start this rebellion.
Aged 7-14 in training to be a knight, practiced fighting skills.
Commercial Revolution
Expansion of trade and commerce during the 1000s.
Organization of individuals in the same business or occupation working to improve the economic and social conditions of its members.

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