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Religion Chapter 4


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holy thursday
the night the Church celebrates the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper of Jesus- the Thursday before Easter
Jesus ransoming or freeing us from the bonds of sin
a form of capital punishment where a criminal was tied or nailed to a cross- the death of Jesus on the cross
the suffering and death of Jesus out of love for humanity
God's raising of Jesus from death to new life
an offense against God that causes rupture in ones relationship with him and one's relationship with others
easter vigil
the Easter celebration at sundown on Holy Saturday during which salvation history is recounted and adults are initiated into the Church
mortal sin
a serious sin that is contrary to God's law. If not repented there is eternal separation from God
suffering servant
the one who would unjustly, but willingly, suffer and die for others according to the Isaiah prophesy
a serious sin, showing a lack of reverence for God and his name
second coming
the return of Christ as King and Judge at the end of time
venial sin
a less serious sin that weakens one's relationship with god
the taking up of the Risen Christ to heaven
good friday
the day Jesus died on the cross for our redemption
paschal mystery
the passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus

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