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Sold down the River
Homeowners sell house slaves to planations in South, Miss River, felt betrayed bc house slave was better

Betrayed or mislead by someone trusted
Goddess of vengeance, punished people for excessive pride

That which causes a persons downfall
Pyrrhic Victory
Pyrrus = general in Greece, defeated Romans but lost many "Such another great vicotry and we are ruined"

Winner's vicotry comes at such a great expense that it is scarcely better than losing
Flash in the Pan
Rifels had ingition pan with gunpoder, if powder lit but not propelling charge, flash in plan but gun didn't fire

Initially shows promise but fails to meet expectations
Leviticus, Day of Atonement, priest places sins of Isrealites on goat and sends it out to wild

Person who is blamed or punished for some else's misdeeds
Don Quixote/Tilting at Windmills
Cervantes, Don and Sancho attack windmills thinking they're giants

Naive attempt to be heroic
Benedict Arnold
Military leader during American Revolution, aggreed to surrender fort to Brithish in exchange for $, plan revealed, Arnold ran away and lived life in Britian

Delphic Oracle
Greece, Deplhi - Temple of Apollo, people came with questions, Appollo's priestess would go into trance and eliver riddle like answers

Prediction that is hard to interpret
Over a Barrel
Rescued from drowning, held over barrel so whater could drain from lungs, dependent of rescuers

Unable to act independently and must do bidding of others
Hebrew for ear of corn, Old Test, Isrealites used as password to prevent enemies from entering their camp, pronounced it wrong

Slogan associated with a particular group
Double speak
Orwell refered to propaganda practiced by state where language was used ambiguously

Deliberate use of evasive language
Murphy's Law
1940s, "If anything can go wrong, it will"

Always a sense of inevitability if something goes wrong
Gorgons = 3 sisters with snakes for hair, turned anyone who looked at them to stone

Repulsive or terrifying woman, wild hair
Hoist with one's own Petard
Weapon used in medieval, if exploded too early than person using it would blow up

Being caught in one's own trap, beaten at one's own game
Old Test, enemies of Isrealites, David fought Phil Goliath

No appreciation for culture, tastes are commonplace
Christopher Marlowe, Geothe, Faust strikes bargain with Mephistopheles (devil), F does something in exchange for desire4s fufilled, F spends much of life in despair
Coals to Newcaste
Coal mining in N. England, carrying coal = superfluous

Making a contribution that is gratious and unnecessary
Freudian Slip
Sigmund Freud, physician, worked with subconcious mind in human behavior

Unintentional/accidental error in speech or action that reveals one's subconscious desires
King who offended Zeus, punishment = eternity in Hades, neverending rolling bolder up hill

Seemingly endless task
Oldest patriarch in Bible, 969 years old

Extremely old person
Scylla and Charybdis
S = many headed sea monster, C = whirpool, sailors had to reach cave on side of narrow strait by steering ships carefully

Caught between 2 dongers, avoiding one = getting glose to another
Holy Grail
HG = cup from Jesus drank at Last Supper, King Aruthur and Kinghts at the Round Table, perfection, object of quest

Object that is extremely desirable/valuable, attaniable only after long and difficult quest
British laborers, opposed industralization bc threaten job, leader = Ned Ludd, smashed textile machinery

Someone who opposed change
Pass the Buck
Buck = marker passed to person whose turn to deal in poker, Harry Truman desk = "The busk stops here"

Shift responsibly and blame another person
Capital of Bablonian empire, luxury and corruption, Jews exiled

Place of decadence and corruption
Phoenix/Rising from Ashes
Bird that lives for 500 years and burns itself to death and rises from ashes to live again

Rebirth/ressurection, surmounting great obstacles
City in Mongolia, Kublai Kahn lived, poem "Kubla Khan" - Sam Coleridge

Magnificant, beautiful magical place
Roosevelt, critized reform-minded journalists - focused on muck and raked it up, journalists meant it as badge of honor

Authours/journalists who expose corruption
Sine Qua Non
Latin, "Without which, nothing"

Essential ingredient without which a situation would be impossible

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