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Gental quiz week 1


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armamentarium-elastic O-rings
Seperating pliers, O-rings,Vaseline
Prevent or correct during development. corrective
The RDA can polish the patients teeth
After the dentist or hygienist scales and removes all calculus and plaque
acid etch remains on the tooth for approximately
1 minute
armamentarium and procedure for a class 2 amalgam
basic setup, burnisher, carver, articulating paper
small particles highly polishable. used on class 4 restorastions
1St visit
Preperation visit
Types of crowns
Full crown (gold alloy) Porcelain fused to metal. 3/4 crown. onlay, inlay
Serial extractions
a type of interceptive orthodontics to remove primary or permanent teeth to correct over crowding and allow space. 1st bicuspids
Disadvantages of composite
acid etch is a hazardous material,Restoration can discolor overt time. Weaker structure in the posterior area
congenitally missing teeth
Born with
post -op instructions
do not chew on the side of the restoration for at least 4-6 hours (24 hours to completely set-up) Patient needsto return in 48 hours to polish the restoration
the entire restoration is polished with
tin oxide using the right angle attachment
Surround the tooth as a form of stationary anchorage
Signs of healthy gingiva
color- pink to coral, Texture- stippled, tight-pointed papilla
used to dispense alloy and mercury
Class 1 occlusion
oral habit effecting malocclusion
Tongue thrust, thumb sucking ,grinding, Bruxism. mouth breathing
Sickle scaler
(straight and curved) used for removing supragingival calculus
the operator uses dental floss to remove cement from interproximal areas called
floss Knot
chemical retraction
string impregnated with hemostatic to help with oozing
Tension away from the direction in which the tooth is being moved, Bone formation by osteoblasts
Phases of treatment
Diagnosis, consultation,appliance appointments, appliance adjustments,appliance removal, retainers recall
used for subgingival calculus and root planing for removal of necrotic tissue, one side plat- the other side rounded
mixing of amalgam- armamentarium
Amalgamator,pestle, mortar
Class 3
ball to break up pellet of alloy to mix with mercury
Length of time for mixing amalgam
according to manufactuers directions
Advantages of amalgam
easy to insert into a cavity prep,adapts readily to cavity walls. Limited dimensional change.Remains plastic long enough to allow for placement,condensation and carving.Good compressive marginal leakage. withstands corrosion
Inside arch of face bow inserted in headgear tubes on bands of maxillary molars.
Jaquette scaler
(PAirs)removal of subgingival calculus
band pusher
Adapt the band around the tooth
Class 3 occlusion
Light Cure
use of a blue light or ultraviolet light to set up the material. Material is placed into the cavity prep then the light is used
contridictions to ortho
lack of bone support for dentition. Ramped caries- to many cavity.poor general and mental health. the patients lack of interest and coroporation. lack of finiacial support
Self Cure 2 paste system
Catalyst and base. mixed in 30 seconds to a homogenous mix
Composite material mainly used on Class
3,4,5 restorations
an instrument used to remove calculus and debris from the tooth surface
The final impression is taken of the prepped tooth by only
devices used to wedge teeth slightly apart to cement bands around the teeth
Elastic o-rings. Dumbbells
Advantages of composite
matches tooth color,aless tooth structure removed, can be placed on any tooth structure, Less marginal leakage
Large particles, class 5 restorations semi polishable
Cavity varnish cannot be used because
composite material will not set-up
class 2 occlusion
distocclusion. Division 1. Division 2
ligation of tie wire- RDA DUTY
Da can remove but can't place it
Hybrid composite
macro and micro particles used posterior and anterior teeth
the resistance to displacement oe movement by the teeth and their supporting structures
Class 1
another term for mixing amalgam
Gingival retraction cord is placed by the operator or
below the gingival msrgin, sulcus area
Hoe scaler
used with a pull motion on the posterior tooth for gross removal of supra and subgingival calculus
less chance of decalcification
White spots on teeth
do all amalgam restorations need a tofflemire an matrix
Compressive of periodontal ligament/bone. loss of bone by osteoclasts
capsule to mix amalgam
Class 2
Amalgam with retention pins
because of amalgam's inadequate edge strength retention pins can be placed into the cavity prep to reinforce the amalgam
The wax bite is taken by the
operator or assistant
2nd visit
cementation visit
above the gingival margin of the tooth
It is the assistants responsibility to check
the return of the crown before the appointment
Horizontal measurment distance maxillary arch protrudes beyond the mandible
Mechanical retraction
temporary crown placed for a couple of days to displace gingiva
Supernumerary teeth
extra teeth
archwire construction
Archwires are placed in the bracket and are responsible for moving the teeth
Armamentarium for polishing the amalgam restorations
Dappen Dish Tin oxide
Chemical retention
Phosphoric soulution used to roughen the tooth surface to allow material to adhere to the tooth
composites are mainly used for anterior teeth but
can be used on posterior teeth
To remove plaque and stains you need to
coronal polish
handling of amalgam
At anytime during mixing or placement of amalgam is should not be touched with your hands
Supervision of primary to permanent dentition, correction of bad oral habits, maintenance

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