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People of the Scientific Revolution


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invented calculus,developed law of universal gravitation; Principia(1686); 3 laws of motion; proved gravity w/ math,"the last of the magicians".
developed heliocentric system-based on Aristotle's epicycles, wrote On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres(1543).
developed telescope used to view the skies, made many planetary observations;disproved geocentric system; The Starry Messenger(1610); condemned by church; Dialogogue on the 2 Chief World Systems: Ptolemaic and Copernican(written in Italian); discovered principle of inertia
participant of science for women; excluded from Royal Society; wrote Observations upon Experimental Philosophy and Grounds of Natural Philosophy; rejected thought that humans could be masters over nature.
assisant at astronomical observatory in Berlin; discovered comet; denied position as assistant astronomer at Berlin Acadamy when husband died.
created record of observations of stars and planets, rejected Ptolemaic-Aristotelian system and heliocentric system.
sought relationship b/ween harmony of soul and numerical relationships b/ween planets; published 3 laws of planetary motion; mathematically proved heliocentric system.
entomologist;wrote Metamorphis of the Insects of Surinam based on observations of insects and nature.
Roman doctor; used animal dissection for human anatomy; 2 seperate blood systems; emphasized 4 bodily humors for treatment of disease; used patients urine to diagnose patient.
rejected work of Aristotle and Galen; new chem. philosophy connectd w/ macrocosm-microcosm analogy; disease caused by chem. imbalances that were in specific organs and could be treated w/ chem. remedies; "like cures like"; "homocide physician".

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