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Extra Credit Flashcards- SR

2nd semester


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Invented the microscope.
Natural law
Absolute Law for everything, even God must obey. Gravity is an example. When gravity is discovered, the public starts searching for the natural in everything.
Mechanical Universe
The idea that everything is caused by God but runs by itself.
Rene Descartes
Developed teh Scientific method with the Deductive Method (general to specific). Said "I think Therefore I am". Math was his strong subject (everything in the world can be reduced to a mathematical equation)
Tycho Brahe
Found a new star. Observed a comet. Watches the planets' courses for 20 years.
Nicholas Copernicus
Polish Astronomer. Developed the Heliocentric Theory. Published On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres. Could not understand gravitation pull.
Johannes Kepler
Geometric Universe. Three laws of planetary motion (only know: Planets move in eliptical courses; the further from the sun, the slower it travels.)
Sir Francis Bacon
Developed the Scientific Method through the Inductive method (specific to general), wrote Novum Organum.
First correct anatomical view of the human body.
Dialogue on Two Chief Systems of the World
Written by Galileo. Salviati argues for heliocentric. Simplicio argues for geocentric (pope?). Sagredo is the inquiring student (average man). Allowed average man to understand new astronomy.
Baruch Spinoza
Developed Pantheism- God is a force in and among the things around you. Nothing is inherently good or evil.
Aristotle-Ptolemaic Universe
Accepted from 400 BC to 1550 AD . Focused on a geocentric universe, everything is circular, there are exactly 1,023 stars, everything on earth is in straight motion and there are only 4 elements (earth, water, air, and fire)
Best known skeptic. "What do I know? Nothing"
Improves the telescope. Notices imperfections in the moon and sun. Jupiter has 4 moons. There are new stars and bright stars are closer than others. The earth is relatively insignificant (Milky Way). Wrote Starry Messenger and Dialogue on Two Chief Systems of the World). Recanted after the Inquisition. Wrote Law of Inertia while under house arrest.
Sir Issac Newton
Wrote Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. Discovered gravity. Also invented calculus and the composition of white light

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