undefined, object
copy deck
- paired abdominal organs that filter blood and produce urine.
- Kidneys (nephro or reno)
- located outside the peritoneal cavity.
- Retroperitoneal
- (fibrous tissue) connecting to other structures to hold kidneys in place
- Renal Fasciae
- concave depression on medial margin of kidney through which ureters, blood vessels, and nerves enter.
- Hilus
- the space in which hilus opens. Kidney cavity containing renal pelvis, blood vessels, nerves, and fat.
- Renal sinus
- outer part of kidney, extending between renal pyramids to form renal columns.
- Renal cortex
- inner part of kidney composed of conical structures, called renal pyramids.
- Renal medulla
- reservoir that collects urine, made up of major and minor calices.
- Renal pelvis
- urine colleting, irregular, sac-like structures of renal pelvis.
- Calix or Calyx
- tube that carries urine from kidney to bladder.
- Ureter
- cone-shaped structures which make up the medulla, stud the walls of the renal sinus.
- Medullary pyramids
- narrow, conical ends of renal pyramids
- Papillae
- functional and structural unit of kidney, including renal corpuscle and renal tubule.
- Nephron
- glomrulus and bowman’s capsule
- Renal Corpuscle
- minute tubule of kidney that secretes, collects, and transports urine and forms part of functional unit, the nephron.
- Renal Tubule
- glomerular capsule of kidney containing clusters of capillary channels (glumerulus)
- Glomerular or Bowman’s capsule
- coils of capillaries within bowman’s capsule
- Glomerulus
- plural form of glomerulus
- Glomeruli
- the renal corpuscles drain into lie in the cortical portion of the kidney.
- Proximal convoluted tubule
- U-shaped turn in convoluted tubule of kidney, located between proximal and distal ends, with both ascending and descending limbs.
- Henles loop
- portion of convoluted tubules between Henle’s loop and collecting tubules
- Distal convoluted tubules
- terminal collection passages that carry urine to renal pelvis.
- Collecting tubules
- Collecting tubules
- Ureters
elastic musculomembranous sac for storing urine.
Lies in the pelvis and is formed of 3 layers of smooth muscle tissue lined with mucous membrane, contains 2 openings to receive urine from 2 ureters and another opening into urethra. - The Urinary bladder
- the voiding of urine from the bladder
- Micturition
- tube that carries urine from bladder to surface of body.
- The Urethra
- the exterior opening of the urethra its located between the virgina and clitoris directly crainial to the vulva.
- Urinary meatus
- formation of calculi (stones) in the urinary tract
- Urolithiasis
- Urolithiasis
1. Prostatic
2. Membranous
3. Cavernous - the exterior opening of the urethra in the male
- Urinary meatus
- normal passage of normal urine.
- Uresis
Pathologic conditions of the Urinary Tract
bladder inflammation - Cystitis
Pathologic conditions of the Urinary Tract
inflammation of kidneys - Nephritis
Pathologic conditions of the Urinary Tract
inflammation of ureter - Ureteritis
Pathologic conditions of the Urinary Tract
inflammation of urethra - Urethritis
Pathologic conditions of the Urinary Tract
inflammation of urethra and bladder - Urethrocystitis
- lack of urine being excreted
- Anuria
- painful or difficult urination
- Dysurian
- presence of blood in urine
- Hematuria
- distension of kidney caused by obstruction of ureter.
- Hydronephrosis
- inability to control urination
- Incontinence
- kidney stone
- Nephrolith
- condition characterized by presence of kidney stones
- Nephrolithiasis
- any disease of kidney
- Nephrosis
- abnormally frequent urination of urine
- Pollakiuria
- pus in urine
- Pyuria
- pain resulting from passage of calculus in kidney or ureter.
- Renal colic
- keeping within body a substance that is usually excreted such as urine.
- Retention
- disturbed kidney function in which products of protein metabolism are found in blood and produce toxic conditions.
- Uremia
- total or partial resection of bladder
- Cystectomy
- removal of stone by incising the urinary bladder
- Cystolethectomy
- creation of opening into bladder
- Cystostomy
- incision into urinary bladder
- Cystotomy
- use of shock waves to crush kidney stones as substitute for surgical removal
- Lithotripsy
- excision of kidney
- Nephrectomy
- incision into kidney
- Nephrotomy
- creation of permanent passage through which ureter can discharge its contents.
- Urethrostomy
- incision of ureter
- Ureterotomy
- Cutting of the urethra to relieve a stricture
- Urethrotomy
- obtaining urine specimen under sterile conditions to check for microorganisms in urinary system
- Catheterized urine specimen
- determines kidneys ability to concentrate and dilute urine
- Concentration test
- x-ray study of bladder
- Cystogram
- fiberoptic endoscope to examine interior of bladder
- Cystoscope
- x-ray record of kidney’s and urinary tract after I.V. injection of dye substance
- Intravenous pyelogram
- measurement of urine excreted in 24 hour period to evaluate kidney function.
- Total volume
- egg-shaped male gland (also called testicles) that produces spermatozoa and secretes hormones
- Testes (gonads) orchis
- sac-like skin covered structure, hanging from perineal area containing testes, epididymides, and part of spermatic cords.
- Scrotum
- a fibrous white capsule that encloses each testicle.
- Tunica albuginea
- coiled tubules within testes that produce sperm.
- Siminiferous tubules
- specialized interstitial cells that secrete male sex hormone testosterone
- Interstitial cells (cells of leydig)
- pair of tightly coiled tube-like structures that secrete part of semen, serve as storage areas for sperm before ejaculation, and provide passageways for sperm from testes to the body surface.
- Epididymis
- where sperm cells are produced
- Seminiferous tubules
- the chief hormone of testicles
- Testosterone
- removal of testicles
- Castration
- excretory duct of testis that joins epididymis with ejaculatory duct.
- Vas Deferens
- white fibrous tissue encasing the Vas Deferens, blood and lymph vessels, and nerves.
- Spermatic Cord
- two short tubes formed by joining of Vas Deferens and ducts of seminal vesicles, which pass through prostate and extend to the urethra.
- Ejaculatory ducts
- surrounding urethra, secreting thick, alkaline substance that makes up part of the seminal fluid.
- Prostate gland
- located on either side of urethra whose alkaline secretion has protective function for sperm.
- Bulbourethral (cowper’s) gland
- male sex organ, containing urethra, which carries both reproductive tract secretions and urine to body
- Penis
- slight bulge at distal end of penis
- Gland penis
- secretion discharged by male reproductive organs containing spermatozoa.
- Semen
- two twisted pouches lying along dorsal surface of bladder, ventral to rectum, which secrete liquid part of semen and prostaglandins.
- Seminal vesicles
- two female glands that produce ova or eggs.
- Ovaries
- contains the ova
- Follicles
- female reproductive cell (plural of ova).
- Ovum
- ovarian hormones
- Estrogen and Progesterone
- yellow body formed by graafian follicles that has discharged its ovum.
- Corpus luteum
- pair of tubes extending from the uterus to the ovary on each side which pick up and convey expelled ova to the uterus.
- Oviducts (uterine tubes or fallopian tubes)
- funnel at end of uterine tube (oviduct) that catches ovaum.
- Infundibulum
- fringe-like process at ends of uterine tubes over ovaries.
- Fimbria
- ovum and sperm cell union.
- Fertilization
- thick-walled, hollow organ in pelvic cavity of female that houses and nourishes embryo and fetus.
- Uterus (hytero)
- body of uterus
- Corpus
- neck of uterus
- Cervix
- two horns of uterus.
- Cornus
- mucus membrane lining uterus
- Endometruim
- middle, muscular coat of uterus
- Myometrium
- external layer of uterus
- Perimetrium
- supports internal genitalia.
- Broad ligament
- located caudal to the cervix and cranial to vulva
- Vagina
- fold of mucous membrane partially blocking vaginal orifice.
- Hymen
- external genitalia.
- Vulva
- small mound of erectile tissue similar to male penis.
- Clitoris
- milk producing organs of mammals.
- Mammary glands
- the recurring set of physiological and behavioral changes that take place from one period of estrus to another
- Estrous Cycle
- the period immediately before estrus, characterized by development of the endometrium an ovarian follicles.
- Proestrus
- the periodic state of sexual excitement that immediately precedes ovulation, during which the female is most receptive to mating. (also called heat, period, being in heat)
- Estrus
- the period of sexual inactivity that follows estrus, during which the corpus luteum forms.
- Metestrus
- a short period of sexual quiescence between two estrus periods during which the uterus is prepared for a fertilized ovum.
- Diestrus
- a normal interval of ovarian quiescence and sexual inactivity in species such as the dog that do not cycle continuously. Anestrus is abnormal in polyestrous species such as the cow.
- Anestrus
- Release of ova occurs.
- Ovulation
- the white scar tissue resulting from the regression of a corpus luteum
- Corpus Albicans
- is the period of time between conception and parturition.
- Pregnancy
- when the placenta attaches to the endometrial lining of the uterus.
- Implantation
- membrane containing fetus floating in amniotic fluid
- Aminion
- outermost layer of placenta.
- Chorion
- early developing stage of organism
- Embryo
- developing offspring.
- Fetus
- outer of three germ layers of embryo
- Ectoderm
- innermost of three germ layers of the embryo.
- Endoderm
- pregnant
- Gravid
- ducts that carry the milk secretions of udder to and through teats.
- Lactiferous ducts
- middle of three germ layers of embryo, lying between ectoderm and endoderm.
- Mesoderm
- newborn
- Neonate
- process of giving birth
- Parturition
- vascular fetal organ within uterus that connects fetus to mother by way of umbilical cord for exchange of nutrients, oxygen, antibodies, and waste products.
- Placenta
- false pregnancy
- Pseudocyesis
- fertilized ovum
- Zygote
- inflammation of endometrium
- Endometritis
- inflammation of epididymis
- Epididmitits
- inflammation of mammary gland
- Mastitis
- inflammation of uterus
- Metritis
- ovarian inflammation
- Oophoritis
- inflammation of testicles
- Orchitis
- inflammation of prostate gland
- Prostatitis
- collection of pus in the uterine cavity
- Pyometra
- seminal vesicle inflammation
- Seminal vesculitis
- inflammation of vagina
- Vaginitis
- inflammation of vulva
- Vulvitis
- testes do not descend into scrotum
- Cryptorchism
- having both ovarian and testicular tissue.
- Hermaphroditism
- presence of more than two testes
- Polyorchism
- secretion of milk
- Lactation
- protrusion of uterus through vaginal orifice
- Prolapse of uterus
- enlargement of prostate
- Prostatic hypertrophy
- inability to reproduce
- Sterility
- surgical incision through abdominal and uterine walls for delivery of neonate.
- Cesarean section
- cutting up of dead fetus for removal from uterus
- Embryotomy
- removal of uterus
- Hysterectomy
- excision of one or both testes
- Orchiectomy
- excision of one or both ovaries
- Ovariectomy
- removal of uterus and ovaries
- Ovariohysterectomy