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Sci. Rev. & Enlightenment


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believed in a strong central government that provided for individual rights to speech, press & religion
to take back; foreswear
Catherine the Great
Enlightened despot of Russia, contemplated freeing the serfs
Jacques Rousseau
believed government was a social contract between people & ruler; ruler should make decisions according to the general will
Scientific Revolution
17th & 18th century movement that transitioned Europe from a medieval worldview to a rational, secular, materialistic worldview
Geocentric Theory
the idea that the earth is the center of the universe, popularized by Ptolemy
Galileo Galilei
made many astronomical observations with his improved telescope; embraced heliocentric theory; forced to recant by the Church
Enlightened Despot
an absolute ruler who embraced some enlightenment/liberal ideas
Francis Bacon
British scientist who helped develop the scientific method
Adam Smith
Scottish economist, wrote Wealth of Nations, advocated laissez-faire capitalism
French philosophe who created a 28 volume encyclopedia
John Locke
believed men were born with the natural rights to life, liberty & property
Heliocentric Theory
the idea that the sun is the center of the universe
Nicholas Copernicus
embraced the heliocentric theory of the universe with circular planetary orbits
Separation of Powers
idea that governing power should be separated between branches of government
Baron de Montesquieu
French noble who proposed separation and balance of powers in government
Rene Descartes
French mathematician, father of modern rationalism, demanded proof of all things
Joseph II
Enlightened despot of Austria, abolished serfdom & the death penalty, provided religious toleration
to let alone, capitalist economic theory that suggests that the economy is best served when the government does not interfere in business
intellectuals of the Enlightenment who embraced reason above all things
Scientific Method
use of experiments & observations to develop general conclusions
General will
the will of the people, the majority
Mary Wollstonecraft
advocated for female equality; first feminist
Frederick the Great
Enlightened despot of Prussia, granted some freedom of speech & press
Balance of Powers
idea that the power of government is balanced between branches, checks & balances
social gathering of intellectuals & artists; held in homes of wealthy women during the Enlightenment
18th century intellectual movement that stressed the application of reason
Johann Kepler
embraced heliocentric theory of the universe; elliptical orbits of planets; Three laws of planetary motion
Social Contract
idea that government is an agreement between ruler and ruled
belief in a distant God who does not interfere in human life
Isaac Newton
developed calculus and three laws of motion
Thomas Hobbes
believed human nature was inherently bad & necessitated strong laws and government

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