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A little Quizlet on marketing from the Scottish Intermediate 2 Business Management Course


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Competitive pricing
When rival companies charge similar prices for similar products
The Marketing Mix
For marketing to be succuesful, an organisation must combine the right product, right price, place and suitable promotion.
Methods of Market research
Desk or Field research
Price Skimming
When consumers are prepared to pay a high price in order to have the product first
Development, Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline
The 5 stages of the Product Life Cycle
Above the Line promotion
Promotion that makes use of independent media such as tv, radio and newspapers to allow businesses to reach a large audience
Using a logo or trademark to identify a product from others
Destroyer Pricing
Charging a deliberately low price to try to undermine competitors and put them out of business
Desk Research
Research that involves using secondary data
Must meet the needs of the consumer and benefit the customer
A place for buyers, sellers and consumers to meet involving the sale of goods to custoemrs by any means
Market Led Organisation
An organisation that consumer and what they want and changes in response to change in the market
Below the Line promotion
Promotion directly controlled by the business in order to target the consumer
Field Research
Research that involves using primary information
Penetration Pricing
When a firm wishes to bring tin a new product it will often introduce a low price to penetrate the maket
Product Led Organisation
An organisation that assumes its products are the best and that there is no competition for it

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